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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. A quick question: when do I get HM03 (Surf)? The suspense is killing me and I REALLY want a new water Pokemon in my team. I am at the city with the 5th gym at the moment.

    I know, I should probably train Panpour, but maybe after the game. I want a Frillish :D

    Answer is here in this thread :)

    It's after the 6th badge.

  2. I am using pokegen and trying to create a legit looking Vicinti without the hassle of the save restart method and wasting time with EV training etc... JUst a quick question, would Vicinti be considered caught inside of a building or would it be something else such as event?

    No Pokemon this generation have a 0x85. You're best off just catching it, and then changing the nature and IVs. The old PIDIV methods are NOT in B/W.

  3. Eh, I am not too concerned with backing up my roms. Mostly I just want something that will back-up my save files in a similar manner to what my AR DSi did with my DPPt, nothing too complicated, really, I would imagine

    It's just an added bonus, all it does is read everything on the cartridge.

    Over my spring break I may crunch out some good Jirachis by RNGing them :) [aka learning how to get the right checksum]

  4. I know this is a little off topic, but the people in this thread seem to be the most helpful, and knowledgable I have found in this entire site, so, maybe you guys can help me. I am trying to find a device to back-up my save files for HG/SS as well as B/W. What I am hoping to find is a single device that will let me back up my saves from all of these games. I have heard the names NDS Adaptor+, as well as SMS4 thrown around, would one of these devices work? As well, (and I am not sure if this is allowed) maybe someone could pass me a link to a reliable location for purchasing their device of choice?

    Thank-you all in advance!

    As usual, Bond, thank-you very much for all the hard work you do for us in running this server, and this thread, and I am greatly looking forward to the next batch of Pokemon you have for us!

    Bond and I both own SMS4's :)

  5. Just to be clear, this is for 4th gen TID\SIDs only, right? Or are 3rd gen TID\SIDs also generated by a Mersenne Twister (I haven't checked to see if there's Mersenne Twister table stored in memory).

    4th generation TID/SID legality.

    Bond and I plan to take a look at gen3 TID/SID generation this weekend.

  6. Start a Japanese Emerald game... AR in a old sea map. Save the game, restart the game. Catch mew with a master ball and check the PID.

    Change the TID/SID to match the PID. Start the game again, catch mew with a master ball. See if it comes out shiny.

    It works with RNG anyways (Hitting a specific frame). It's not hard when there's statistically a shiny every 136.533333 seconds!

  7. So I can upload a Japanese Ruby save to my English Ruby? O_O I have Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald, though my brother just informed me the Sapphire's battery died, so I don't think it will save any longer. I guess I have to figure out how to put the GBA files from my cart to my PC.

    It checks the rom to see if it is the correct version/language, so it won't work :S

  8. If it's the GBA itself, you don't need a Japanese GBA - all GBAs are regionfree and will play GBA carts from anywhere in the world.

    It's the save file exclusively that uses the value for the seed, for WISHMKR at least (probably 10 ANIV too). I'm almost certain the Celebi uses the GCRNG as it also must place the Celebi on the GC.

    Save files aren't region restricted either, Nigoli only has JP Emerald.

  9. Here's a 3gpkm of the celebi. It didn't save as a 3gpkm, but a .pkm, so correct it yourself. (I can't upload these odd file extensions)

    According to Nigoli's first few tests, the Celebi you receive is different each time, meaning it does not exclusively use the save file of the GBA. This hints that it is 100% reliant on the GC's RNG.



  10. I'm totally noob to this, I've some questions:

    1) Isn't supposed to be 8 valids Jirachi? I don't know how, but 8x8192= your 65536

    2) If you don't know Ivs/Pid, is it possible to see what nature are legit for shiny jirachi? I got only careful/docile for example.

    3) What is the slot encounter for an egg, and for this jirachi?

    Thanks. ^^

    1) There's 9, it's lucky enough to have em. Jolly is the 9th.

    2) Docile is legit, the rest are generated unless you know who you got them from. The Careful/Lonely/Serious ones are not from me. The bashful one was the one tested in this thread.

    3) wat, no encounter slots for event pokemon..


    If the saves from this thread work on the Japanese cart, you should get two different Pokemon. Only the one location it is generated from is modified. If it is the same location for the Japanese Bonus disc, you should receive different ones. If not, you should receive the same one. If you do the same exact save file twice and you get the same one, that is expected. If they are different for the same file, something else is at play.

  11. Okay. I just need to check a few sketchy ones that I have received in a trade.

    Question: With the any Common GBA event, what Method should I use to find the seed?

    With 0000ZZZZ, how do I find if the seed fits the 0000-FFFF criteria?

    It's Method 1.

    0000ZZZZ = ZZZZ, which is always between 0-FFFF.

    If legal.exe says it's restricted, it is a correct seed.

  12. I've been wondering for a while now... but how to you find out the seeds for a certain PID?

    Take the PID. XXXXYYYY.

    Flip It. YYYYXXXX

    To Decimal. 1234567890

    Use IVPID, get list of possible IV spreads.

    Use Shaym.in to reverse the PIDIV to the SEED. If you have the right IVs for the PID, it will reverse into a 0000ZZZZ seed.

  13. Ok, so just to make sure I understand:

    All natures/characteristics/IV combos are possible with the WISHMKR being shiny?

    Only the ones originating from 0000-FFFF seeds (65536 different IV/N/C). There aren't any flawless ones, the highest IVtotal has an average IV of 30.3. Worst one has an average IV of 2.5!

    Common GBA Restricted [bACD]

  14. It appears there is no restriction on the seeds possible, as it is some sort of checksum.

    Resaving the game changes the checksum as the variables it checksums are changed.

    Colo pokes, we're pretty sure aren't able to be shiny. However, I might be able to test it with OmegaDonut to see if this same checksum determines what you get from the Japanese disc as well, and then we might actually crack its method.

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