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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. It looks like this narc is entirely scripts. By changing these scripts you change what Pokemon appears.

    The game calls a script, say when encountering Terrakion. It loads up 7_458, and the Pokemon that is scripted to appear is Terrakion. Changing the hex Terrakion is present at (78 01 7F 02 2A) allows you to change what appears.

    I have no experience scripting, but all I can say is that there is absolutely no relation structure wise compared to Encounter Slots and trpoke/trdata. Those are a set size with easily interpretable meaning, scripts are not a rigid size/structure!

  2. Looks like this is a general script bundle for the game, as the files for the events with Pokemon are hardly a fair portion of the data.

    Important script files related to this thread:

    7_306.y has our data for Musharna. 288 bytes
    0000008D 78 01 06 02 32
    in the narc it is at 2E8F9
    7_312 has our data for Virizion. 168 bytes
    0000001F    78 01 80 02 2A
    in the narc it is at 2FB07
    7_364 has our data for Volcarona. 180 bytes
    0000001D    78 01 7D 02 46
    in the narc it is at 31730
    7_770 has our data for Zoroark. 1.91 KB
    00000351    78 01 3B 02 19
    in the narc it is at 4F970
    7_458 has our data for Terrakion. 168 bytes
    0000001F    78 01 7F 02 2A
    in the narc it is at 37D5B
    7_468.c has our data for Kyurem. 256 bytes
    0000005E    78 01 86 02 4B
    in the narc it is at 37F2A
    7_474.d has our data for Victini. 872 bytes
    00000208    78 01 EE 01 0F
    in the narc it is at 389F0
    7_556.d has our data for Zekrom. 6.87 KB
    00000CFA    78 01 84 02 32 
    in the narc it is at 42C17
    7_670 has our data for Cobalion. 1.47 KB
    00000424    78 01 7E 02 2A 
    in the narc it is at 4909C
    7_752 has our data for Landorus. 1.85 KB
    000000xx    78 01 85 02 46
    in the narc it is at 4EF37
    897 has our data for Foongus. 268 bytes
    00000043    78 01 4E 02 20
    in the narc it is at 6D237
    897 has our data for Amoongus. 268 bytes
    000000BF    78 01 4F 02 21
    in the narc it is at 6D2B3

    Adding some ones I forgot are stationary in the wild, they are in the same region of the ROM but have odd level hexes... same region.

    Kyurem ---- 78 01 86 02 4B
    Zoroark ---- 78 01 3B 02 19
    Foongus ---- 78 01 4E 02 20 ---- Not sure why it's 20 hex.
    Amoongus ---- 78 01 4F 02 21 ---- Not sure why it's 21 hex.

    Looking at a/0/5/7, there's a whole 899 files. Breaking down the distribution.

    268 are 4 bytes, 00 00 00 00, probably just pads

    140 are 8 bytes, seemed junky.

    only 1 is 12 bytes, being 7_291

    46 are 16 bytes. Didn't see the 78 01's

    23 are 20 bytes. They didn't vary much between each file.

    13 are 24 bytes. Alternated between XY and 00, could be some other type of data.

    14 are 28 bytes. I didn't see any pattern.

    16 are 36 bytes. Some were identical to eachother.

    3 are 40 bytes. 559 779 858. meh

    2 are 44 bytes. 068 324 meh

    7 are 48 bytes. 135 137 139 141 143 145 147. Exactly the same.

    3 are 52 bytes. 402 588 590. The 2 latter are identical.

    4 are 64 bytes. 482 484 486 488. Almost identical.

    18 are 68 bytes. 464 is an oddball, all the rest are (almost) identical.

    1 is 72 bytes. 840

    1 is 76 bytes. 736

    1 is 80 bytes. 762.i (wtf is with the .i)

    18 are 84 bytes. Kinda patterned, not what we want.

    2 are 92 bytes. meh

    1 is 96 bytes. meh

    12 are 100 bytes. 756 is an oddball, the rest are (almost) identical.

    2 are 104 bytes. 252 898. One difference, 200, 270, 518. Could be an overworld sprite. Patrat and Krokorok?

    2 are 112 bytes. 064 522. Different.

    2 are 116 bytes. 534 738. Different.

    1 is 124 bytes. 754

    1 is 128 bytes. 758

    2 are 132 bytes. 262 266

    2 are 136 bytes. 002 and 850. Identical.

    2 are 144 bytes. 788 and 820, different.

    1 is 148 bytes. 656. Has a pattern of some sorts € € €.

    3 are 152 bytes. 875, tons of €€€€€€. 654 is odd.

    1 is 156 bytes. 044, meh

    2 are 160 bytes. 110 048.h, wtf .H file!?

    4 are 168 bytes. 016.j and 312, 458, 742.

    458 belongs to Terrakion, 312 belongs to Virizion. 742 idk, different.

    5 are 172 bytes. 190 258 398 416 472. 398 might be for Virizion.

    2 are 176 bytes. 244.n and 332.

    4 are 180 bytes. meh

    1 is 184 bytes. meh

    1 is 196 bytes. meh

    2 are 200 bytes. 040 and 292.f

    1 is 204 bytes. meh

    9 are 208 bytes. 130.n 134-146(evens) are identical, and 889.

    1 is 212 bytes. 414

    1 is 216 bytes. 548

    1 is 232 bytes. 184

    And they just keep getting bigger.

    File# -> ~~Narc memory

    84	14A30
    234	27140
    260	2A350
    290	2C4B0
    296.s	2C800
    306.y	2E8C0
    312	2FB20
    322	308C0
    362	31050
    404	35980
    410.d	35D80
    420	36650
    456	37750
    468.c	37EE0
    470	38030
    474.d	38810
    653	474B0
    660	48430
    672	49260
    696	4B570
    726.g	4D250
    740	4D680
    748	4E4E0
    762.i	4F3C0
    780	50F70
    828	55F20
    855.r	59560
    882.t	65B80

  3. ROM memory locations in my no$ patched white.

    78 01 EE 01 0F Victini

    at line 079461F0

    78 01 06 02 32 Musharna

    at line 0793C0F0

    78 01 7D 02 46 Volcarona

    at line 0793EF30

    78 01 7E 02 2A Cobalion

    at line 079568A0

    78 01 7F 02 2A Terrakion

    at line 07955540

    78 01 80 02 2A Virizion

    at line 0793D300

    78 01 85 02 46 Landorus

    at line 0795C730

    78 01 83 02 32 Reshiram

    Reshiram is not present in the White ROM.

    78 01 84 02 32 Zekrom

    at line 07944800


    Other things...

    81 02 28 Tornadus

    at line 07917770

    at line 07916D10

    82 02 28 Thundurus

    Not in this 079xxxxx region at all.

  4. If an Eevee has DW.. does its Evo's get their DW abilities? I ask because I like to rename the pokemon into English names :). BOND did i tell you enough that you are the BOSS of pokemon?

    There are no DW eevees or female eevee(lutions).

    Next update will include this.


    [Nature]: Timid

    [Ability]: Overgrow

    [Gender]: Male

    [iVs]: 31/6/31/30/31/30

    [Hidden Power]: t_fir.png 70

    [Available]: UT

    [Captured/Bred/Obtained]: Lv. 5 Nuvema Town

  5. The furthest 3 right columns of the combided HPID^LPID^TID^SID is not used in the shiny calculation.

    HID = 1000 1111 1110 1abc
    LID = 0100 1111 1101 0def
    TID = 1111 0000 0000 0ghk
    SID = 0011 0000 0011 1mnp
    --- = [b][u][i]2222 2222 2222 2[/i][/u][/b]xxx
    Those 3 xxx's can be 000 thru 111, which is 0-7. A total of 8 combinations.
    There's a total of 16 binary digits and 4 XOR pieces (16^4 = 65536), with 8 different xxx combinations.
    8/65536 is 1/8192, which is the shiny rate. 
    The bolded/underlined converted to decimal must be = 0.

    Those furthest right columns don't have to be 0.

  6. Um... The PID may be the problem here. Your Ability, Rock Head, is Ability 1. Aggron's PID may be meant to match Aggron's 2nd Ability which is Sturdy. So when it evolved it fixed everything up for you. You can always change it back to Rock Head using PokeGen or PokeSav and get the corresponding PID.

    Or ya can just leave the PID field blank and PokeGen will do the work for you so that your 5th Gen PKM will always have that ability, even upon evo :)

  7. It has to set the PokeDex. PokeSav is incapable of doing that.

    For 5th gen PKM creation in PokeGen it will properly change the PokeDex to indicate that you received it.

    Looks like this was overlooked for Transferring. Technically this is a psuedo-bug for PokeGen, thus this thread is in the wrong forum. Codr will see it eventually, so no need to repost. I'm sure Codr will correct this when he has time to do so!


  8. I'm talking about my Aggron, although it's happened with toxicroak too

    I made a Rockhead Aron because I wanted a headsmash set. But after he evolved his ability changed to sturdy

    same thing with crogunk and dry skin. His changed to anticipation

    Then you don't have a proper PID-ability for the gen you made it for.

  9. I have a question regarding of IVs... I have found that any wild pokemon with the IV's changed or generated are considered to be hacks (However I used pokesav to change IVs). My question is... Does modifying the IVs of a wild pokemon make it illegal? Is there a way to modify its IVs and still pass the filter in Wi-Fi battles?

    Changing IVs does not change legality, or make it illegitimate.

    Using PokeSav to regenerate PIDs with those IVs is the incorrect way of going about it.

  10. Hi, the names Mario, I'm stuggleing with opening the file, it comes up with a .zip option, and I am using the evaluation version of winzip, I also have 7zip, but it's still telling me to buy it, although, I already downloaded it, it won't open my hypergts at all. help me out anyone?



  11. Ok, so I'm able to access the GTS with the DNS given by the python thingie. I'm also able to send pokemon from my Black game to my PC. What I'm not able to do is send a Pokemon made in Pokegen to my game. When I press 's' for send it asks me to drag the .pkm file and when I do so my python window suddenly closes. I manage to take a quick screenshot of the error and looks something like this.


    I've tried sending a Pokemon made from Pokegen, a Pokemon from sent from my game and modified on Pokegen and a Pokemon sent from my game unmodified. Neither of them worked.

    Help please.

    Could be the directory that you have it in, with the periods messing things up?

    Move your gts folder to C:/Users and try again

  12. After some poking around in RAM I found the party data for AI trainers, it seems the game is generating entire 220 byte pkm files, they have entire PIDs as well. not sure how it is acutely generating them.

    Here is an unmodified Shauntal's Jellicent ripped form a RAM dump, so Difficulty/IVs is 250, and Unknown/PID is 34.

    PID: 00FADF7D

    TID: 57216 which is DF80. Has to be a mishmash of a bunch of values.

    SID: 250 (Difficulty Value) = 00FA

    Trainer # Is 563.

    SID_TID = 00FADF80.

    00FADF80-00FADF7D = is 3. Huh? Is Jellicent the 3rd Pokemon for that trainer? 3 is 34*25>>8 lol.

    Nature is 0x17 (23 Careful), huh. That nature calc I posted can't be right then!

    Experience is the lowest it can be for that level.

    Happiness is max.

    Met locations are unset.

    No OT, no Nickname flag. Straight up Jellicent.


    From what that looks like, if someone made Jellicent's Difficulty 0-7, it'd be shiny O.o

    That is unless the TID changes lololol

  13. More likely than not there is no way to set a shiny, for regular trainer Pokes at least.

    I don't know how the PID would be generated for the trainer's pokemon, but if the game generates it there's always the 1/8192 chance that it would appear shiny with the IDs it has (it'd have to have IDs to begin with).

    Catching another shiny Pokemon from a trainer would mean that you'd have to keep its IDs (nope, it'd revert to unshiny), or it'd be using your IDs all along.

    tl;dr, no shiny trainer pokes with these bitflags.

  14. There's 48 orbs, for 7 eeveelutions, or something like that.

    Amount of Orbs for each generation of eeveelutions, what it felt like.

    Gen1 > Gen2 > Gen4

    8 8 8 > 7 7 > 5 5 maybe? If it is 42 total then there's 6 of each.

    Level 1 you can only get gen1's,

    level 2 you can only get gen2's,

    level 3 you can only get gen4's,

    level 4 you can get any of them.

    Ehh maybe not. Correct me if I'm wrong, I played this dumb game 3 hours ago.

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