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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Hmm I am not sure if it is my emulator or Pokestock.

    I managed to put Pokemon into the Entralink Forest successfully but their sprites are invisible so I have to grope around like a blind man until I hit something.., and press A to make the Pokemon come out.

    Only put gen 1-4 in... gen 5 shouldnt be in there.

  2. I don't know if I can be of any help at all, but these AR codes will supposedly give you the wonder cards in your gen 3 game as if you had actually gone to the event. It's also supposed to enable the deliveryman on the second floor of the Pokemon Center. I tried testing these in vba with a mod to enable "wireless adapter" features (Mystery Gift) but the codes are so long, I gave up trying to copy-paste them (and the xpc file is incorrectly formatted). If anyone can test the shiny check theory for Faraway Mew, they can try these.

    We know of codes from loadingNOW that do the same thing, but aren't for VBA (they are for the actual game+AR). Event flags and stuff.

    Thanks, we'll be looking in to this!

  3. I'm not planning on making any DW pokemon. I have some Japanese DW pokemon already. I'm just curious if it autobans them too or just any english ones.

    Most likely not, as you can trade the jap dws to the english games to breed. Not sure about unbreedable ones.

    Go inject them into your Entralink OP via PokeStock's PokeCGear, found on the forums.

  4. 1) Gender and Ability are set by the PID.

    2) It will still be legal. But if you try trading it, it's obvious if you don't know how to legitimately get those IVs :)

    3) You don't need to change the PID if you have flawless IVs. Mind you the old algorithms are not in gen 5.

  5. The base stage is always 1. Then you have focus energy, which is a +1 to a normal stage 1 attack (stage 2). With an increased CH move, it's now 2+1, which is 25% (stage 3).

    Thought you wanted to make a code. Leaving it anyways :P

    Take a look at it in hex.






    33.3*3 =100%

    Your common multiples you need are 16 and 3, which is 48. 48 is 3 halfbytes of hex.

    Find how it is calculated from the RNG, figure out where each bit influences the crit rate, and then trace it back to the original calc. Modify that calculation so that your Critical Hit ratio is as desired.

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