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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. It doesn't look like held items are stored in this narc at all.

    I know the data is for any of the water encounters...

    [color="red"]Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd    -- Surfing
    Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd
    Dex Dex aa bb[/color] [color="teal"]Dex Dex cc dd    -- Surfing on Water Spots
    Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd 
    Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd[/color]
    [color="lime"]Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd    -- Fishing
    Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd
    Dex Dex aa bb[/color][color="orange"] Dex Dex cc dd    -- Fishing out of Water Spots
    Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd
    Dex Dex aa bb Dex Dex cc dd[/color]

    The 2nd hex after the dex is form for the land mons, but what is it otherwise? In addition to this, what do both of them mean?



    Has all of the locations (000 is their Location 1, so 111 will be Location 112.)

    They are translated and here, if you want a general location relation to ingame.



    There's also the first 8 bytes for each file... what do those signify?

    xx xx xx 01 32 01 xx

    This is present in the majority of the fishing routes. Undella Town and Location 74 (seasons) are the only ones that are different in the intro hexes.

    The locations without fishing do not appear to have these 0x3-0x6 bytes, at least as far as the ones I randomly checked showed.

    03 00 01 00 00 00 00 01  -- Cave Wild and Swirling Sand (41)
    08 08 01 00 00 00 00 00 -- Outside Wild, Shaking Grass
    08 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 -- Outside Wild Grass, Seasonal changes (48)
    03 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- Inside Dragon Spiral Tower, no sand
    08 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 -- Victory Road Exterior, just crag.
    06 00 01 03 01 32 01 01 -- Victory Road Interior, fishable cave 
                                   with sand swirls and fishing spots.
    03 00 01 00 00 00 00 00 -- Cave and Swirling Sand (54)
    03 00 01 03 01 32 01 01 -- (71)
    00 00 00 03 01 32 01 00 -- (0) Straitron City, only water.

    Looks like the 3rd hex is swirling sand/shaking grass toggle, while the 5th and 7th hex are for water spots.

  2. So if I were to carry on with this, I'd need to know how to insert an all new NPC into the map. Nobody is capable of doing such a thing, correct?

    However, there's still the somewhat simpler solution that I mentioned earlier in this thread. If anybody knew how to insert inanimate objects that only took up a single block of space, like chairs, signposts or trashcans, into the game's map, then I could rip Drayden's Overworld sprite and place it as an accessory right next to Gym Leader Iris. Dialogue, mugshots, in-battle sprites and double battles are all doable, so it appears to me that the only remaining obstacle is a bit of light map editing.

    I haven't particularly studied or looked into map editing, but I've heard enough to know that Gen 5 uses a radically different graphics system than the previous games. It's certainly possible with the Gen 4 PPRE, but is there any way that some of those techniques could carry over into Gen 5?

    Currently out of the reach of anyone I've heard of, so it'd take the discovery of some new information in scripting or map editing to begin to even attempt such a feat.

  3. I've tried my best to make it look good, but it failed the checker.

    I am pretty new to pokesav, so I probably missed some things.

    The met place is currently "Poke Shifter", which I assume is right.

    Does the secret ID have to be a specific number?

    Thanks in advance!

    TRU Arceus has to have its own PID type, and TID/SID combo.

    There are no PID generators for Dynamic Mystery Gifts.

  4. I think it has to do with scripting, because the only multi trainer battles are scripted in the game. All of the regular trainer double battles are twins, who share the same sprite.

    There is a dual battle with Cheren against Team Plasma right after the first gym in the cave. If you can find that trainer ID for that event, it might help.

  5. An update for the first use of trash bytes in gen 5...

    When evolving an English Pokemon on a Japanese game, un-overwritten hexes of the old name get left as trash. This may only occur in WiFi trades.

    Attached is my Gurdurr evolved into Conkeldurr in a friend's Japanese game via WiFi trade. As you can see...

    Full Hex of Namefield:
    ED 30 FC 30 D6 30 B7 30 F3 30 FF FF 72 00 FF FF 00 00 00 00 FF FF
    Unterminated Japanese Name for Conkeldurr:
    ED 30 FC 30 D6 30 B7 30 F3 30 FF FF
    Unterminated English Name for Gurdurr:
    g     u     r     d     u     r     72 00 FF FF 
                                       r                                  72 00 is 'r'
    And then they are terminated.

    As you can see, the Japanese game only cares about the 5 characters and the terminator, and leaves everything else as "trash".



  6. Nice job Kazo :D

    Andibad, I am pretty sure those lines don't matter at all, that NPC does not walk anywhere so there are technically all 4 sprites there if you flip the leftfacing one right via symmetry.

    That NPC doesn't move, so it doesn't have those sprites :)

    BWOE - a/0/4/9

    BWSE - a/0/7/2

    BWTE - a/0/9/2 and a/0/9/3

    BWME - a/1/8/0

  7. So Encounter slot can be manipulate in this narc?

    I found basculin have 2 HEX value (Blue strip form have different HEX value), deerling have 4 HEX Value (every seasonal deerling have different HEX value),

    normal form XX YY ( Original YY XX)

    BUT In form 2,3,4 just replace YY into 0A, ...(i forgot), 1A

    so shiny pokemon have different HEX value too. yeah i just beginner in HEX editing / script editing.... i little confused because i no have data for that to identified every HEX value o.oa .

    No, I was just comparing the structure of the Encounter / Trainer data to this narc's structure. The Encounter / Trainer files have a constant size across all of the files. These do not.

    Encounter / Trainer data is like filling out a Bio on yourself, it has information in a very readable manner.

    Script data is like an essay, a computer can't really interpret it without advanced programming because the information is scattered.


    What I'm trying to say is that this narc is just a script folder. The "78 01 (dex #) (level)" line signifies the game triggering an encounter with a stationary Pokemon.

    Wild encounters are not in this narc, but stationary ones are (because they use scripts).

  8. kaph is there a way for it to have the right PID and keep the ablitity class that i want?

    Pokegen does it for you if you leave the PID blank for gen 5 originated Pokemon.

    If you want to know how it works, convert the PID to hex, delete the 4 furthest right hex, and convert to binary. The lowest binary will be 0 or 1. Class 1 or Class 2.

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