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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Did you select the pokemon before generating and made sure it was set to what you want? Are you using the newest PokeGen (16)?

    I don't know what ya did to screw something up :P

  2. There was someone on the Serebii chat that said he went to Gamestop today and they still had the old distribution cart.

    In fact, they let him download the Raikou.

    Yeah, not believing that :P

    The window was at least a week. I would be surprised if this new distro cart didn't have the beasts in addition to the new Celebi, which explains why that guy got the GameStop to give him the Raikou.

  3. I downloaded the Celebi from Gamestop again and it was of course the WIN2011 Celebi. I asked the Manager working there as well if they still had the old Distro Cart and he said no that they had already shipped it back at the end of January and only had the WIN2011 one. So in order for someone to get a "Semi-Legit" one around here they had to do it during January.

    I just went in and pre-ordered my White version. They said the same exact thing.

  4. Sync refers to the Method J/K skipping that occurs for method 1 PIDs in 4th generation games, not the fact that a synchronizer was used during the encounter process.

    If the Method skips over that PID, it will fail the sync check and will thus be illegal.

  5. All GameStops participating got an email regarding the new distribution cart in mid January, and got the carts by the end of January. They knew about the new cartridge a month before the GAMESTP was set to distribute, and had the WIN2011 carts before the Mall Tour.

    The GameStop Celebi issue is different from the Hall of Origin Arceus issue. It's true that Nintendo didn't intend to make both of them available; but while you can obtain a Hall of Origin Arceus only through game enhancement devices/tools (PokéSav, Action Replay, etc.), it's possible that someone, in good faith, went to GameStop, asked for the Celebi and got it on its cartridge, not knowing that he shouldn't had been able to obtain it.

    The difference is in the 'will' of who has obtained one of those Event Pokémon. To obtain a Hall of Origin Arceus, someone has to intentionally edit his save file, in some way, to make happen something that is not normally possible, thus altering the legitimacy of this whole process. On the other hand, someone who has no knowledge of game enhancement devices, or is against their use, could have gone to GameStop and obtained a GAMESTP Celebi; why shouldn't he believe in the legitimacy of the Pokémon he obtained? It's true that, to make him have that Pokémon, the date on the DS used for the distribution had to be changed, but it's plausible he wasn't aware of it (if he's in good faith, of course).

    I'm talking about a very rare case, but its rarity doesn't make it impossible.

    The thing is, Nintendo never intended for the Distribution DS's date to be changed, so it was never intended to be released after they changed plans. Someone had to force the Distro Cart to distribute the Celebi, by toying with the date. Which means 'cheating the system' was necessary to make it distribute in the first place. They aren't authorized to change the date on the DS in the first place! :D

  6. Just gonna restate my point that Nintendo never intended for it to be released, nor would it have been known about if the cart was not leaked (even for the date info). If Nintendo never intended for it to be obtained (with the new distro cart), it shouldn't be legitimate. At best it should be 'semi-legitimate' like the Azure Flute Arceus.

    This definition has been the standard for liek, ever. According to the great Tsanth:


    'Legal' has been split into two (more refined) sections, with Semi-Legit taking up the 'shortcuts' region and is thus more pure than Legal. Changing the distro DS date is definitely a shortcut. Sure this card can exist, just like an Azure Flute Arceus. If you or someone(thing) else outsteps the bounds to get you something that would never be normally obtainable, it's not 'legit'.

    As a humorous aside, Darksteal co. says the Celebi's were not officially distributed ==> Not legit! (lulz)

    Other (sets of) people chiming in: we are pretty pro-hack here, so our own definitions may be skewed compared to everyone else

    1 2 3 4

    Flame away :P

  7. Which confirms that HADOU Mew(s) cannot be shiny. Go figure.

    Good work guys.

    We've been trying to say that all along, but this finally puts the nail in the coffin. The Shiny Hadou mew I put out was a troll, just like DGee's Jeremy Staryu.

    What we think happened is that the Mews were generated on a Developer Cart (rom) and the save was cloned over to other retail cartridges which were used for distribution.


  8. Even though this got pretty off topic, I'm gonna elaborate for those who don't understand true/false stuff:

    Sabresite --> the PID{0} // PID{1}

    Can not be shiny == 1 (true)

    Can not be shiny == 0 (false)

    For gen 4, it should always be 1.

    In gen 5, it should always be 0.

  9. My vote is No. They can be legal, but not legitimate.

    Nintendo never intended for them to be distributed before the date on the ROM, and mailed out a new ROM to distribute the WIN2011 even before the GAMESTP one was to be distributed.

    "What if a GameStop never received the second cart?"

    Just as unlikely as them never receiving the first.

    People who work at GameStop or had friends who do could have changed the machine date (according to the information on the ROM dates), but this was of course not intended by Nintendo. Not authorized = "Semi-Legit", like hacking in the Azure Flute. Sure it's possible to get one, but you have to do what normally is not possible.

  10. so if the game stop celebi that's out now is the same as the mall tour, what does this mean about the [GAMESTP 02271] celebi?

    never legitimately will exist.

    Nintendo probably got word that the distribution got leaked, so their contingency plan went into effect, just distribute new carts. I'm sure the Mall Tour Celebi would have been of a GAMESTP ID if it didn't happen to leak.

  11. You battled two trainers and started off in the town with Dragon Spiral Tower. Deerling, Starter (random), and Chillarmy(??)

    Yeah, it sucked. Basically the game was hard wired into a modified DSlite, so there were no cartridges in those DSes. It was hardly worth the wait.

    If you beat those two trainers and talked to the professor, your game reset. If you whited out, your game reset. If you went past 15 minutes of playing, your game reset. No buildings were accessible (NPCs blocked them off). Totally sucked.

    Now that the GameStop Celebi is the exact same Wonder Card, it makes the entire event suck even more. The only good thing about the whole event was the free spins (which took an hour to do, even though the prizes were pretty bad) and the things you can buy.

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