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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Secret ID is blank. Yes for Black White, howver I have made some for Diamond, but plan on transfering them in, will that fix any issues or will I have the same?

    Gen 4 you have to have the same TID for the Pokemon to be recognized as yours.

    Gen 5 you have to have the exact same OT/TID/SID/Gender for the Pokemon to be recognized as yours.

  2. Super old bump there Kazo ;)

    The Battle RNG calculations probably carried over from gen 3, which you can see at TASVideos by FractalFusion.

    In battle: Accuracy

    The game determines attack accuracy right before it says "X used attack", if the attack does damage. If the attack does not do damage, the game determines it after it says "X used attack".

    When the game rolls for attack accuracy, the game will cycle the RNG 3 times on that frame.

     aaaaxxxx   Attack hit: aaaa mod 100 < acc%     otherwise miss

    In battle: Critical hits

    The game determines critical hits a few frames after the message "X used attack", provided that the attack does damage, and the attack did not miss, and it is not a tutorial battle where the game forbids critical hits.

    When the game rolls for critical hits, the game will cycle the RNG 3 times on that frame.

     xxxaxxxx   Critical hit: a==0

    This assumes a 1/16 chance of a critical hit. It does not describe situations where the critical hit ratio is raised to be greater than 1/16, or the target has the ability Battle Armor (no critical hits).

    In battle: Damage variation

    For almost all attacks, the amount of damage that an attack does varies between about 85% and 100%. The game determines damage variation three frames after it checks for critical hit.

    When the game rolls for damage variation, the game will cycle the RNG 3 times on that frame.

     xxxaxxxx    Damage variation, max: a==0   min: a==15

    The lower the number, the more damage the attack does.

    It is not known for certain if 0000 is the only value that does max damage (a property in the first two generations where only the "best" value yields max damage).

    Gen 3 used the main LCRNG for the battle determinations, and iirc so did gen 4.

    Gen 5 uses a new seed generated when the battle scene is loaded (after the flash), so it'd be much harder to cheat with.

    %100 and *100 respectively for accuracy, %16 and *16 for everything not a multiple of 5%.

  3. It's for the English Version only, and it reverses the "Complete Pokedex" code by setting that area back to zeroes instead of ones.

    Activator is select, and you have to catch 1 Pokemon as Mewtwo Ex said.

    Mewtwo Ex posted the White Version of it.


    White Version of the Code:

    94000130 FFFB0000

    0223D1D0 00001803

    D5000000 00000000

    C0000000 00000131

    D6000000 0223D1D4

    D2000000 00000000

    Black Version of the Code:

    94000130 FFFB0000

    0223D1B0 00001803

    D5000000 00000000

    C0000000 00000131

    D6000000 0223D1B4

    D2000000 00000000

    All it does is delete your Pokedex and put it back to 0 seen. There's no way to revert back to your original dex, you overwrote it with the original Complete Pokedex code.

  4. Header data for the encounter slots...

    # -- Meaning (Hexes)
    [b][u]0x0 -- Regular Encounter Tile Type[/u][/b]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    03 = 00000011 -- Sand/Cave/Building
    06 = 00000110 -- Cave == Force all shaking spots to be on land only.
    08 = 00001000 -- Short Grass
    0F = 00001111 -- Tall Grass	
    [b][u]0x1 -- Double Battle Tile Type[/u][/b]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    08 = 00001000 -- Short Grass
    0F = 00001111 -- Tall Grass	
    [b][u]0x2 -- Shaking Spot Enabler[/u][/b]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    01 = 00000001 -- Enabled (If 0x0 is 06, force all to be land)	
    [b][u]0x3 -- Surfing Tile Type[/u][/b]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    03 = 00000011 -- Regular Surfing Waters
    05 = 00000101 -- Regular + Deep/Current Surfing Water	
    [u][b]0x4 -- Water Slots Present[/b][/u]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    01 = 00000001 -- Enabled	
    [b][u]0x5 -- Fishing Tile Type(s)[/u][/b]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    32 = 00110010 -- Regular Fishing Waters
    50 = 01010000 -- Regular + Deep/Current Fishing Water	
    [b][u]0x6 -- Fishing Slots Present[/u][/b]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    01 = 00000001 -- Enabled	
    [u][b]0x7 -- Toggle Flag (Items and Pokemon)[/b][/u]
    00 = 00000000 -- Disabled
    01 = 00000001 -- Cave Items and Pokemon (Spots, in Cave Only)
    02 = 00000010 -- Bridge Items and Pokemon (Spots, on Bridge Only)

    Raw header data:

    0	[u]00 00 00[/u] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Striaton City
    1	[u]00 00 00[/u] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Driftveil City	
    2	[color="brown"][b]08[/b][/color] 00 00 [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Icirrus City
    3	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Dreamyard Outside
    4	00 08 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Dreamyard Basement
    5	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Pinwheel Forest (Outside)
    6	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Pinwheel Forest (Inside
    7	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Desert Resort (Entrance)
    8	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Desert Resort (Desert)
    9	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    10	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    11	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    12	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    13	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    14	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    15	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    16	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    17	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    18	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    19	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    20	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    21	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    22	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    23	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    24	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    25	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    26	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    27	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    28	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    29	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    30	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    31	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    32	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    33	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    34	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    35	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    36	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    37	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    38	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    39	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Relic Castle 
    40	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Cold Storage (Outside)
    41	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Chargestone Cave (1F)
    42	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Chargestone Cave (B1F)
    43	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Chargestone Cave (B2F)
    44	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]         s Twist Mountain
    45	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]         s Twist Mountain
    46	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]         s Twist Mountain
    47	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]         s Twist Mountain
    48	[color="brown"][b]08[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00         s Dragon Spiral Tower Entrance
    49	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00         s Dragon Spiral Tower Outside
    50	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Dragon Spiral 1F
    51	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Dragon Spiral 2F
    52	[color="brown"][b]08[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road Outside
    53	[color="teal"][b]06 00[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Victory Road 1F
    54	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 2F-a
    55	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 2F-b
    56	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 2F-c
    57	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 2F-d
    58	[color="teal"][b]06 00[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Victory Road 3F		
    59	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 4F-a
    60	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 4F-b
    61	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 4F-c
    62	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 5F-a
    63	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 5F-b
    64	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 5F-c
    65	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 6F
    66	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road 7F
    67	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Victory Road Trial Chamber
    68	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00[/u] 00 00		Giant Chasm Outside
    69	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Giat Chasm Cave
    70	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00[/u] 00 00		Giant Chasm Plains
    71	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Giant Chasm Inner Cave
    72	[color="brown"][b]08[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [color="yellow"]05 [b]01[/b] 50 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		P2 Laboratory
    73	[u]00 00 00[/u] [color="yellow"]05 [b]01[/b] 50 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Undella Bay
    74	00 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="navy"][b]02[/b][/color]		Driftveil Drawbridge
    75	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b][color="blue"] 03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Village Bridge
    76	00 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="navy"][b]02[/b][/color]		Marvelous Bridge 
    77	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b][color="blue"] 03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 1
    78	[color="brown"][b]08[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Route 2
    79	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b][color="blue"] 03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 3
    80	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b][color="blue"] 03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Wellspring Cave 1F
    81	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b][color="blue"] 03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Wellspring Cave B1F
    82	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b][color="blue"] 03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 4
    83	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Route 5
    84	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		s Route 6
    85	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Mistralton Cave 1F
    86	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Mistralton Cave 2F
    87	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Mistralton Cave 3F
    88	[color="purple"][b]0F 0F[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		s Route 7
    89	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Celestial Tower 2F
    90	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Celestial Tower 3F
    91	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Celestial Tower 4F
    92	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 00 [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Celestial Tower 5F
    93	[color="brown"][b]08[/b][/color] 00 00 [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		s Route 8
    94	[color="brown"][b]08[/b][/color] 00 00 [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		s Moor of Iciruss
    95	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00[/u] 00 00		Route 9
    96	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Challenger Cave 1F
    97	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Challenger Cave B1F
    98	[color="green"][b]03[/b][/color] 00 [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] [color="red"][b]01[/b][/color]		Challenger Cave B2F
    99	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Route 10-a
    100	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Route 10-b
    101	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 11
    102	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Route 12
    103	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 13
    104	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 14
    105	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Abundant Shrine
    106	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Route 15
    107	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [u]00 00 00 00[/u] 00		Route 16
    108	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Lostlorn Forest
    109	[color="orange"][b]08 08[/b][/color] [b]01[/b] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 18
    110	[u]00 00 00[/u] [color="blue"]03 [b]01[/b] 32 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Undella City
    111	[u]00 00 00[/u] [color="yellow"]05 [b]01[/b] 50 [b]01[/b][/color] 00		Route 17

    Thanks to xElite for ironing out the final meanings with me on IRC.

  5. Nice stuff Andi!

    Each duplicate file corresponds to a different corridor for the maze, and then there's a few alternate passages as well.

    It also happens for the Victory Road rooms, where only a few rooms actually have Deino. Your post indicates you know this, but I'm just putting it here for anyone else who is lurking.



    Find the locations they appear in, and -1 from the location listed there. That is the file you need to edit. I had a list of all of the Locations -> Ingame Locations, but I misplaced it :(

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