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Posts posted by Kaphotics

  1. Since you modified one of the immutable values, HOME will know and will reject it if you try to move it back in. PKHeX does not know the HOME upload data, it only has the data from the sav/PKM.

    You can try manually transferring it back to Gen7 and then retry transferring to HOME until you get a satisfactory value, but that's something that HOME can potentially detect in the future (importing same values).

  2. string buffers are allocated and reused, meaning that the previous usage of that memory may have had data (not zeroes).

    renaming a pokemon does not clear the buffer, so longer nicknames will remain hidden underneath the new nickname & terminator.

    for generation 4+ encounters, you are fine grabbing from the database without modification; gens 1-3 do have trash bytes that are poorly understood, but don't matter when transferred to recent games (cleared/reset).

  3. So, how to "fix" it?

    To start, I rearranged the 0x1000-sized blocks in sequential order (based on their offset 0x0FF4 value); since blocks 5+ are for box data storage, I can "copy" block 7 and re-label it as block 8; sure the data might be corrupt, but it's better than an entirely missing block. Probably wasn't anything lost, because now that the save file opens in PKHeX (and emulators/cart) it seems you didn't store anything besides boxes 1/2 and 14.




  4. Referencing the structure of Gen3 saves, your save file is missing necessary blocks and has duplicate blocks.


    Missing: Block 08

    Normally, the save file is 14 blocks for a primary/backup, and another set for the other save. This one is a little all over the place, probably because blockwise writing failed once and it never saved the primary/backup sets completely (only one full set, kinda).

  5. 12 minutes ago, kvntrp said:

    how do i export the save data correctly???

    Hack your console by following guides online, and use homebrew to export your save file. Once you obtain your save data you can then load it with PKHeX; otherwise you won't be able to edit your Nintendo Switch save data.

    Stuff like this is unrelated to the operation of PKHeX, hence why it isn't explained in detail by the program. It's not going to know how to interpret any file you drop into it besides "not a supported file".

  6. 9 hours ago, Blunern said:

    Thanks for your prompt response. 


    Are you really sure that feature was removed that long ago? I still had it in a recent version with the Terapagos Terastal icon. I took advantage of it too much, because I'm a completionist, and I like to have every mon out there in all their variants, male and female, normal, shiny, etc. But now with that feature removed, I have to transfer my Gen 1 mons to Gen 2 to see if they're male or female. Do you think that feature is going to be re-added in the near future?


    Thank you again for your help

    Added a flag in Settings you can toggle for the Entity Editor to show Gender in Gen1 contexts.


    Currently only in the development build, but will be available in future releases.

    • Like 2
  7. Export your save data correctly, that doesn't appear to be a save file that you've exported with homebrew.

  8. Gender doesn't exist in Gen1, so it isn't shown. It was changed approximately 2 years ago. 

    Sure the gender value would be the same as it is if it were transferred to Gen2, but again, it isn't shown because it could confuse users as it's not a feature in Gen1, and it doesn't seem like it would be much value added to show.

  9. PKHeX is a Windows application, so I'm assuming the error is with whatever you're using to run Windows applications. 

    Check next to the exe for any error log files, otherwise it's not really possible to troubleshoot based on your description.

  10. 32 minutes ago, drifted said:

    i havent seen anyone else mention this so it may just be a me problem but pk3ds refuses to let me rebuild my exeFS and romFS, in every way possible

    it dosent even TRY to give me hope when i rebuild them as a patch, instead it just gives me this error - regardless of how many or how few options i have ticked on the left

    its extremely annoying and im wondering what im meant to do to fix it? the error message isnt the most clear to say the least

    this is ultra sun btw, and i havent randomised anything, but i have edited text and pokemon stats (and moves)

    pk3ds hates me.png

    The error message tells you why it was unable to continue, you did not give it a full ROM dump to work with. It is looking for a "rom2" path for the exefs, but no file was found, and it cannot patch the exefs for your modified files.

    Current advice is to use layeredfs via custom firmware, instead of rebuilding ROM files.

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