My word, that was a lot of reported posts - let's say that if an entire thread is report-worthy, just make one report for the thread while mentioning other posts need review as well. As for the warn points, no action will be taken until you reach 100 points, which I really don't think you'll reach in less than a month. (And even I got some minor infractions in the past.)
For some reason, all of the threads that were locked in vBulletin are unlocked during the migration, so it's very likely the thread was locked at one point. I see no reason to hide or delete the threads, since many of the posts weren't that bad in my opinion (until they devolved into flame wars). I didn't look at all of the reports (thanks for taking care of them, @theSLAYER), but the few I looked at simply expressed an opinion. Because of the controversial topic, it's very easy to offend someone without meaning to. Sometimes people will be offended just by hearing an idea they don't agree with. In my personal opinion (and I am not officially speaking for Project Pokémon), I believe that moderator action should only be taken against those who are intentionally trying to offend or are clearly flaming. After all, the U.S. constitution guarantees free speech, and while Project Pokémon is not necessarily bound by U.S. law, I believe we should keep this right to an extent: we should be free to express honest opinions about things without consequence, but we should make a reasonable effort to not be intentionally offensive. There's a bit of give and take on each side. Imagine a debate about the existence of God and the fundamentals of Christianity. If I were to say that Jesus is the only way to heaven (aka what happens after life in this world), there would likely be at least one person to be offended, since this statement in the Bible opposes every other religion out there; however, by saying that I would not have gone out of my way to try to offend anyone; it's an honest belief. In the same way, everyone else would be free to disagree, explaining why they think otherwise. And who knows what interesting ideas could come from that discussion. (Unfortunately people tend to get emotional after a while of being called "wrong" and start intentionally offending. Then the whole thing devolves into a flame war, warranting moderator action. Let's see if we can do better if/when there's another debate out there.)
I'm going to close this thread now, because while pretty much anything is up for discussion in the debate forum, moderator actions are not. If anyone has any questions regarding reporting posts warnings, feel free to PM a moderator like myself.