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Everything posted by evandixon

  1. I'll see what I can do. It might be a while, what with IRL work to do and Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild. (Although MD editing is far more interesting than IRL work, so there's really no telling when I'll find time for it.)
  2. IIRC, Sky Editor sorts strings by the string ID, rather than preserving the order in the file. When editing a message.bin file alongside a script, I usually just press the "Script Sort" button, which looks at all the string references in the script and sorts the strings by order of reference (meaning dialogue is displayed in the order it's presented in the story). A string ID is a 32 bit integer, which Sky Editor displays as signed because unluac, the best Lua decompiler I've seen, displays them as signed numbers, so it's easier to look them up. I personally would prefer it to use unsigned, but I guess it doesn't really matter. I'm not sure what you mean by some entries not having a number column, I mean, I don't remember seeing anything like that. Are you sure you're using the latest version? And here's the repo in case you're looking at the old one.
  3. Sorry, looks like I was wrong. Safehax was updated for 11.3, so I guess I just didn't see it.
  4. Emunand is no longer a requirement for hacks, and with A9LH it's easier to not have it. Unless you specifically tell it to make a CIA, you need to tell it to save with a .cia file extension. Using auto-detect and a .3ds extension will generate an unencrypted CCI. AFAIK the thing that was released for 11.3 was an ARM11 kernal exploit. An ARM9 kernal exploit is needed for booting CFW, and I don't remember seeing anything about one for 11.3.
  5. I ban xorhash because zero-tolerance policies can get out of hand pretty quickly. Examples: http://www.csmonitor.com/USA/Education/2014/0304/Ohio-boy-suspended-for-pointing-finger-like-a-gun.-Zero-tolerance-run-amok http://www.abajournal.com/magazine/article/schools_start_to_rethink_zero_tolerance_policies/ https://reason.com/blog/2013/03/01/pop-tart-pistol-7-year-old-gets-suspende Since the spam is not from a bot, surely at least some degree of tolerance is warranted, at least enough to say it's not a zero-tolerance policy. (Hides to avoid xorhash's inevitable wrath.)
  6. I ban coltonsmogon for worrying about the current ability of a Pokémon and not the potential of the Pokémon. Recognizing potential is why the events of Half-Life turned out the way they did.
  7. I just finished rewatching Gurren Lagann and noticed there's quite a few similarities between the final bosses of Pokémon Super Mystery Dungeon and Gurren Lagann. It should go without saying there's major spoilers for both in this post. The Boss Hive mind of many different entities (bad thoughts and emotions in PSMD, the people of the Anti-Spiral home-world in Gurren Lagann) Speaks in an all-present voice to lower the hero's morale (when I first played PSMD, I imagined Dark Matter's voice as the Anti-Spiral's for some reason) Seeks to annihilate all life on Earth Earth lost to the boss many generations before to the story (in PSMD they kinda defeated Dark Matter, but failed since it would be a problem again) Until just a few days before the final battle, is unknown to the majority of characters in the story Has the power to "permanently" immobilize people in another dimension that's actually possible to escape from (the Voidlands in PSMD, "extra-dimensional space, trapped in a series of universes that are created instant to instant as they are perceived" in Gurren Lagann) The Battle Reached after an almost non-stop series of smaller battles (starting when going to Revelation Mountain the second time in PSMD, started when departing Earth in Gurren Lagann) Sacrifices are made to get the heroes to the final battle (they're less permanent in PSMD though) Takes place in another, space-themed dimension (whatever it is in PSMD and "a super-spiral universe where thought is given form" in Gurren Lagann) At least one hero was present in the first battle generations ago (Mew and possibly you in PSMD, Lord Genome in Gurren Lagann) A former enemy is present to help (Nuzleaf, Yveltal, and the Beheeyem in PSMD, Viral in Gurren Lagann) The heroes fight with a bigger, more powerful form (evolved forms and Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann) The finishing blow was dealt with the form available from the start (unevolved forms and Lagann) Different themes play during the first and last parts of the battle, the first of which gives the impression of how serious it is and how impossible it should be, the second of which gives the impression of hope and how certain the heroes' success is Everyone on Earth is able to watch and cheer the heroes on (despite most if not all Pokémon having been turned to stone in PSMD) Upon being defeated, the boss talks about keeping the world safe in the future, which is agreed to (the potential for Dark Matter to return averted by Mew in PSMD, Simone agreeing to keep the universe safe from the spiral nemesis in Gurren Lagann) The End Getting a wireless call from a friend almost immediately after the battle, reporting about how everyone's OK (from Dedenne and Rossiu) Returning home The partner/Neia disappear after hanging on a little longer than originally intended Emotions are experienced The hero returns to his passion (expeditions in PSMD, digging tunnels in Gurren Lagann) Credits, then an epilogue
  8. (Uses Dig to avoid Bounce and to deliver another ban.)
  9. Go to ShunyWeb.Info, upload the save, and convert to RAW Format (force 64KB).
  10. (Channels his spiral energy into a giant Giga Drill that deflects the Ban Pulse.) (Bans coltonsmogon by flying towards him in Gurren Lagann shouting "GIGAAAAAAA!!! DRILLLLLL!!!! BREEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAKE!!!!!!!")
  11. Because you didn't retaliate with a ban of your own, I seize the opportunity to properly aim and ensure that my next ban (for not issuing a ban) is a headshot, dealing critical damage (and adding extra time to the ban or something I guess).
  12. Daruk's protection saved me this time. It's a shame, I can only use it two more times before it has to recharge. I ban coltonsmogon for being one of those people who spam Protect.
  13. If your ban deflected off of me, heading back towards you, then deflected off of you, where did it end up? (Looks around) I don't see it. I hope nobody accidentally steps on it or anything. Only spam bots deserve a double-perma-ban. For making this be a potential problem, I issue an new (regular) ban for coltonsmogon.
  14. I use Full Counter, deflecting the permaban, instead inflicting it on coltonsmogon with twice the power. So... two permabans!
  15. I doubt they'd go for it.
  16. "Savage", as defined by Oxford Dictionaries, means "(of an animal or force of nature) fierce, violent, and uncontrolled". Given that my post was almost as formal as I could make it, and my reasons are largely facts (maybe with a little opinion mixed in there somewhere), I do not believe that "savage" is the correct choice of words. This error is why I now ban coltonsmogon.
  17. I ban Eirikr for the following reasons: Whether or not to use emoji depends on the target audience. In formal settings they are out of place, but in informal settings such as internet fora, they are perfectly acceptable. There is one comma too many in the sentence in the below quote after "their" (underlined). "Their" is the third-person plural possessive pronoun, which is used to indicate more than one person or thing possesses something. It is grammatically incorrect to use it to describe a single person. That is, unless you are suggesting coltonsmogon is in fact more than one person, in which case this reason is invalid, leaving the other two to stand alone.
  18. > Mint Toothpaste Dragon Spearmint or wintergreen? (Not peppermint, that would be red.)
  19. I ban coltonsmogon because he's correcting someone's spelling without himself having perfect grammar: This sentence doesn't end with a period . (Waits for coltonsmogon to find one or more of my grammar or spelling errors.)
  20. I ban coltonsmogon because Revali wasn't being sarcastic. He was being passive agressive (not that it's any better). Light spoiler:
  21. Quatre
  22. I suppose you have a point. After all, Revali is far more talented according to the not-at-all biased Revali himself. However, I'll still have to ban you for not recognizing what talents Link does possess.
  23. Deux
  24. I ban coltonsmogon for not accepting criticism. After all, constructive criticism can help lead to the best ideas and practices.
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