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Everything posted by Mango

  1. That's nice. I suppose it will bring few people closer to completing the Pokedex, which is a good thing.
  2. Just to be a rebel, I will now refer to this character as "Heart".
  3. That's not true. In Pokemon Emerald, Juan's Kingdra held a Chesto Berry, to heal the sleep status that was self-inflicted from "Rest".
  4. Is there an option to NOT have a Pokemon follow you?
  5. I think that Gym Leaders should make their Pokemon hold useful items. For example, Whitney's Clefairy could hold a Chople Berry, to reduce the power of fighting moves, and Whitney's Miltank could hold the Leftovers, to improve it's staying power. The possibilities are endless!
  6. I want Heart Gold because of Kyogre, but I want Soul Silver because of the better mascot and box art. Ah, who am I kidding? I already have a modest Kyogre in Pokemon Platinum. Soul Silver it is!
  7. This character's hat is the best hat ever and clearly the most amazing hat ever made or designed. Kris was the one with the dyed hair; people aren't born with blue hair. Anyways, the hat is awesome and all pokemon characters should wear a hat like that. Even Giovanni. I voted for "I don't care" as I never played Crystal and the female character from that game looked silly anyways.
  8. First, the Bicycle. Second, HM Fly. Third, the Running Shoes. We never get them quick enough in any game. Three Pokeballs: Luxury Ball, Premier Ball, Master Ball. The first two look nice and the Luxury Ball is very useful, and the Master Ball makes it so that I do not have to train a Pokemon with Mean Look in order to catch roaming legends. In Emerald, I can duplicate them in order to get the Hoenn Legendaries with good natures. I like the Exp. Share and the Soothe Bell! Too useful. (Oh and the Amulet Coin as well.) Oh, MooMoo Milk is useful, so are Full Restores. Full Restores are only good post-elite four though. They're too expensive!
  9. I really like many of the Pokémon critters, so it's hard to say which ones I dislike. I dislike Delibird and Tyrogue, as well as all of the baby pokemon excluding Munchlax. Shiftry, Nuzleaf and Seedot are pretty ugly as well, so I'm not a fan. Loudred and Exploud and many forth generation Pokémon have been continuing the trend of ugly Pokémon that I don't care for.
  10. I post them in a modified National Dex order, where complete evolution families are placed together. For example, instead of Arbok - Pikachu - Raichu, I have Arbok - Pichu - Pikachu - Raichu. (Or instead of Oddish - Gloom - Vileplume, I have Oddish - Gloom - Vileplume - Bellossom.) I have special boxes for the Unown and special Pokémon. The special Pokémon usually the ones I have trained, not legendaries. Legendaries go with all the other riffraff. The PCs are simulated habitats where all of the Pokemon's needs are met and they spend time with other Pokémon in the same box. The "wallpaper" represents the habitat that they are in. There is really no excuse for feeling guilty about it.
  11. "Confuses the user and raises Attack. Consumed after use."
  12. Can't be evolved? That's seriously disappointing. Also, the girl player character's hat is awesomely awesome. >:@ I just wish the overall-shorts were overall-trousers.
  13. The trainer did reach them, judging from that picture. He just isn't standing right next to them (the legendaries aren't going to allow him to get that close). Or maybe they replaced that "grey statue" thing with actual sleeping sprites, like in Pokemon Mystery Dungeon.
  14. "The new art of Silver's hairstyle looks a bit like Mars" There is only one explanation. Silver's father is actually Byron, who is Giovanni in a witness protection program. Byron had babies with Mars, giving birth to Roark and Silver.
  15. Pfft. That's ridiculous! Lugia already has godly defenses, it doesn't need more. And Ho-Oh shines by being pretty much the hardest hitting fire type out there. They do not need boosting just to be "stronger" than Arceus. What would be the point of that? Not every featured pokemon in a movie has to be the "Ultimate Pokemon Ever Created". /me jumps off a cliff.
  16. Yes I did. They were the second Pokemon games that I have played, and it was much different than Emerald, which was the first. I found that the music was a bit lackluster however.
  17. I think that it is something entirely new and exciting. Like the Sevii Islands in FR/LG. NPCs for the Pokewalker? Nah, just stuff those in any old Pokemon Center.
  18. I received a visit from Roark in the Resort Area (Platinum Villa) today. He said this: "Roark: The Underground extends even underneath the Resort Area. I wonder... If I really tried, would I be able to extend it to even places like Kanto and Johto?" Therefore, I speculate that Roark "really tries" and Nintendo stuffs an underground under Kanto and Johto. Maybe related to the Goldenrod Underground?!
  19. If it works in the metagame, it will work in-game.
  20. I can completely imagine both Notched/Jagged Ear Pikachu and Notched/Jagged Ear Raichu. Look at this fanart! Wouldn't a Raichu like this be hilarious? But I have serious doubts that the special Pichu can evolve, just like the Pikachu in Pokémon Yellow.
  21. I agree. The legendary gerbils were once Rattata. After all, Rattata is the most common Pokemon in the Burned/Brass Tower. Thus, all of the Pokémon except for three Rattata fled when the tower began to burn, because of a bunch of fallen rocks or something. When they died, Ho-Oh took pity on them. Ho-Oh resurrected the wettest Rattata into Suicune, the most charred Rattata into Entei, and the only Rattata who had been struck by lightning into Raikou.
  22. How am I going to get all three? It's a new feature in Heart Gold and Soul Silver! I hear that it is called "trading". I can easily restart the game three times and send each starter to one game, or maybe, just maybe, cooperate with my friends and hatch some eggs.
  23. Hm. I'd say... 50% Johto Pokémon, 37.5% Kanto Pokémon and 12.5% Hoenn Pokemon, for variety. Yes, I really liked Platinum because of this.
  24. Smeargle. That's all that I need. It was hilarious the first time I flew on my Smeargle, and their cries are funny as well since they say it every time they use an HM move.
  25. I'm going to choose the Johto Starters. As in, all three of them at once.
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