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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. eh,

    The current language for HGSS pokesav is only in japanese.

    Using Applocale, you'll be able to see the japanese characters.

    If it really bothers you too much,

    Save the pokemon,

    Load it in any other english pokesav,

    Do what you want, sav the pokemon again,

    That load it back into the HGSS pokesav.

  2. green ball, red ball and blue ball are we know as Green orb, red orb and blue orb,

    required for Ray, Grou and Kyo events in HGSS.

    What im interested in is Rock capsule, crystal puzzle, Date cards,

    Gb player, sea bell, and いかりまんじゅう (according to my weak direct translation, some kind of door pass, i dunno.)

    Photo album --> photos la lol.

    Rock capsule --> what purpose?

    Crystal puzzle --> same question

    Date cards --> What is this for

    GB player --> playing old GB music

    Seaa bell --> IS IT FOR A NEW EVENT!!!

    いかりまんじゅう -->??

    How do we get the above items anyway?

  3. Well maybe not edit maps,

    But at least trainers and some stuff.

    Imagine you make yourself start at pallet,

    But forget to have prof oak stop you from going into the grass,

    And can only have a kanto starter when u get the nat dex?

    You'll be wondering around kanto with no starter!

    Maybe Roland can pick this up xD

    after PPP by him was WAY to fun,

    Except having all 493 pokemon available was abit overkill to me :/

  4. Correct me if I'm wrong,

    During Diamond and Pearl,

    The sav file is compatible with the counterpart

    (Means you can save it in Diamond and play the same save on Pearl and Vice Versa)

    EDIT: I tested out, my Diamond sav was playable by Pearl

    But when I tried to do this (I saved in HeartGold, attempted to open in SoulSilver)

    It didn't work D:

    (The continue screen loaded, and even showed me my play status,

    But when continued, it just hangs at a black screen,

    And it isn't caused by the nintendo anti piracy thing, because no matter how I tried, it failed)

    Does this issue only happens to me,

    And what is the reason that it most likely happens?

    (basically this will conclude whether is it the problem with sav compatibilities or is it my problem alone)


    I suggest using HGSS,

    To make a rom edit,

    Which the main character is RED, and you progress from Kanto to Johto!

    Also, gym rosters and levels has to be adjusted to the playing style of the game

    (From low level regions to high level regions).

    Storyline should also be modded!

    So who is willing to take up the challenge to bring us a fun game!!! :D

  6. I don't know if this is in the correct place,

    But I thought that it would be cool to create a program (to be worked on pc)

    Which promotes trading between two game (and game saves of course)

    This is because using PPSE or Pokesav to shift an event pokemon from one sav to another isn't enough as because if it ain't done by trading, the event flag won't be triggered

    (such as directly moving the Eigakan Arceus won't trigger Hiker event in platinum; Another example is TRU Regigigasu directly implanted won't trigger REGIs trio cave)

    Not everyone has two DS, and without the WiFi protocol behind hacked,

    Trading is hard (especially if it has a Classic ribbon, so can't use GTS)

    If such a program is too tedious and time consuming,

    At the very least some kind of plugin to allow trading between emulators

    (like give the game a false "wireless network" or something)

    So I'm wondering anyone who is good with programming and stuff to be kind enough to pick up this project? :D

  7. hey i know how everyone can get a ??? plate

    if there will be plate in heart gold and soul silver

    that you dont have in D/P or platinum

    maby you can send the plate to the games via mystery gift

    than we can get the orginal ??? arceus.

    Given that HGSS has a new plate,

    It will almost be definitely a Curse plate,

    We can just use it on arceus there right, no point mystery gift back :D


    Our current problem is we don't know what the item no. is the sprite binded to.

  8. I loaded my SAV file from my R4 into the PokeSav. edit app. However, when I clicked save, and dragged it into my R4 folder, replaced my old one, and started the game, it said that Pokemon Platinum couldn't find a SAV file, and needs to create a new one. So I just lost everything. That doesn't really matter, but I just don't want that to happen again....

    Try opening the same save file in platinum,

    There stuff may still be there.

    It may have happened because of sav size formats?

    I don't get that (I'm a R4 user too :D)

  9. I wounder if that is even possible. How do you think your storage will be displayed?

    Well this was my thinking process:

    Since whenever we are in the pokemon center,

    When standing infront of the pc and pressing A,

    It is activating the script to open the pc.

    So I was thinking if you can find the code that activates the "Press A at here = Open PC"

    We can generate a code which is "Press L anywhere and open PC"

    That was my naive thinking :D

  10. If i got a R4 rom that has a rom hacked arceus can you transfer it to a store bought pokemon game in my case platinum.

    That question has a few meanings and I don't know which one you mean,

    But I'll answer to all anyway:

    Reasoning 1

    I have a rom, and I hacked/have a hacked Arceus, can it be traded to a commerical cart?

    Yes you can trade a hacked Arceus between roms and commercial carts, (as long as the rom itself supports trading)

    After all roms are backed up from commercial carts.

    Note that what which is mentioned above applies as long as you aren't trading a hacked Arceus with the classic ribbon across GTS,

    As I was told that trading pokemon with classic ribbon on GTS won't work.

    Reasoning 2

    I have an Arceus from a Rom hack, can I trade it to commercial cart?

    I believe that trading is possible,

    But if the rom hack had abilities/items/skills not existing in the commercial cart,

    It may by glitchy.

    As following up and linking to this thread,

    Even if you have a Cursed Arceus from the rom hack

    (for example, if I'm not wrong, like Fenzo's edition where he obtained a ??? plate and made it ??? in not just sprite, but in type as well)

    It may have been modification of existing data

    (such as changing the Meadow plate to ??? plate, and changing Grass type to ??? type),

    When you trade over to the commerical cart,

    It will be in its original form which was modified to look/seem different in the Rom hack.

    Those are the two reasonings that I can remember right now

    I hoped that I have been of help :D

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