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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. It seems that the few changes are:

    -Graphical change (such as awesome tall buildings in city, for added realism)

    and change in Camera Angle

    -Pokemon following behind you (started in Yellow, rebrought-up in HGSS) is dropped again.

    -Possible revamp in battle back sprites (as seen from leaked corocoro scans, it shows the full back now)

  2. The beta sprites are in the game,

    And I know how to hex edit of a .pkm file to get Spiky ear pichu, Curse forme of Arceus, and Other formes of castform outside battle,

    But I can't seem to get the value for Gastrodon/Shellos.


    Is there any other way to do it,

    Or am I missing the values?


    For Pt. The sprite is programmed into pl_pokegra

    For HGSS (jap), it is programmed into folder a,0,0, file number 4

  3. I've watched that before,

    and there are many small problems.


    I can't seem to find the data file for HGSS maps, and the video doesn't show that.

    Next, it doesn't show how to import other map files into another rom,

    And the hex part is confusing,

    As we won't know how to link new maps and such.

    Too bad there isn't a program which edits maps easily. T.T

  4. EDIT:

    What I meant to say is,

    Whether is it possible to do this entire thing part by part,

    And releasing the patchs/updates by stages as beta.

    Let's say

    Stage 1 of this project can be importing maps from Platinum into HGSS.

    It will also include adding a "magical door" at a certain location, as a "special portal",

    Just to test if linking and entering Sinnoh maps, would it be as easy as it seem

    This should require only little editing I suppose, plus the music files and everything from D/P/P is already carried forward into HGSS at the first place,

    So I don't see issues with the bgm loading and such.

    Stage 2 can be proper linking of maps and such,

    than Stage 3 be storyline et cetera.

    If its possible :/

  5. Firstly,

    I need help on how to use pokeDsPic to view Diamond/Pearl sprites (including the fact I don't know which Narc. to extract)

    Next, how to replace sprites in HGSS.

    EDIT: My only issue now, is how to edit alternate sprites for pokemon such as Giratina, Shaymin, Unown and Arceus. Which NARC is it?


  6. When you transfer the gizamimi pichu to another game,

    its sprite remains the same (unless u edited its data, so when saving it will be seen as a normal pichu).

    Basically this pichu is another forme

    (means using hex editor, u can see that the sprite is another value).

    So even if you use pokesav to force evolve SEP (spiked ear pichu) to Pikachu,

    There will be two results:

    1. because you edited it, it will be a normal pikachu,

    2. even if you changed back the sprite value to SEP (when its a pikachu),

    it will probably retain normal sprite, unless another spiked ear pikachu sprite forme was earlier

    programmed into the game back scrapped off at the end.

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