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Posts posted by theSLAYER

  1. @wraith IT's remoraid to octillery

    i got 1 for ya why must silcoon and cascoon have the same sprite just recolored

    and how come rhyhorn has four legs but rhydon and rhyperior two

    4 legs evolved to 2 hands and 2 hind legs.

    talk abt legs, look at the geodude line:

    2 hands -> 4 hands, 2 legs -> 2 hands, 2 legs.

    like what the...

    And luvdisc is totally ridiculous

  2. I would want Ditto!

    Ironically speaking (and sick) it can transform into any hot babe :/

    Its like EYE CANDY!

    IMAGINE SHINY DITTO, what will the babe look like? LOL

    With latios and latias, who needs jet planes?

    Why swim or take boats when you can dive or surf!

    But I won't want a magnemite or anything magnetic;

    Destroy my important electronics T.T

  3. That's actually a pretty good idea.

    It could be done that way (just with a basic machine) and no mini-game. That would keep it separate from DPP, but... maybe it would just be one more feature they'd copy over. Who knows.

    I like the idea of trading,

    But I'm guessing they may add more freatures,

    Like minigames that existed in RSE or FRLG but you need it in slot 2 to activate,

    And other stuff,

    Cause if its just dongle and pal park,

    It gets old quick,

    and I don't really see the point for them to mention it.

    At least like what you said,

    They may add something to set HGSS apart from DPt.

    Personally, I believe they will add something new while copy the old stuff over.

    So with Underground gone, what will happen to replace that?

    I mean, they are always good at replacing stuff, such as:

    Trading was limited to link cable - WiFi trading around the world

    With DSi, slot 2 migration becomes less common - Almost every pokemon can be found in Gen 4

    Legendary beasts cannot be found in RS (first releases of gen 3) - Then FRLG and now HGSS

    Those without Col/XD cannot get Gen 2 starters - Solution in Emerald and now HGSS

    Deoxys Form exclusive to Cart (troublesome for strategy) - DPt comets

    No loamy berry ground - berry planter

    No non-event then Lugia in RSE/FRLG - Pokemon xD

    Apricorns not compatible with DPt - Apricorn Case

    No headbutting, must have special tree - Honey Tree

    Headbutt Trees not possible in DPt (and not in gen 3) - headbutt returns to ANY TREE

    Dragon Trio orbs not exactly tradable (at least for Griseous orb) - Arceus Event in HGSS

    Like yellow version, with pkmn tailing behind, must stop a pikachu family from evolving - Gizamimi Pichu

    So what happens to Sinnoh underground, honey trees, Rotom formes or Diving and other stuff which I haven't mentioned?

    Will there finally be a new Sandstorm Castform,

    What interesting additions and stuff will they include?

  4. I think for this case,

    Maybe PPSE can read your sav file,

    But something goes wrong after you click the "save" button.

    Perhaps the sav file saved by PPSE isn't compatible with your flashcard,

    (even though in that case you shouldn't be 'corrupted', it should be 'deleted').

    For this, we shall wait for the experts' consulation,

    (i have no idea where they all been)

  5. I can't get PPSE to work. I have Vista and I have tried it in compatibility mode. I have redownloaded it 4 times but still doesn't work.

    I use a sav file off of my flashcard which I just copy and pasted. I tried two Platinum sav files. Both were 512 kb.

    I can load it but when I click Pokemon it freezes and when I try to complete the Pokedex, it says save file is corrupt when I try to play.

    So I was wondering what the problem was.

    What kind of flashcart do you use?

    I have vista (32bit) as well, and I don't have to go into compatibility mode when I use it.

    Since you said it freezes when you try to complete the pokedex,

    I assume you have no problems loading it and everything.

    Plus I'm also assuming that you already acquired the pokedex,

    Cause I have no idea what will happen if you try to complete it before you even receive it.

    I'm guessing your flashcart may have issues with sav structures or something, I dunno.

    Basically I read somewhere saying that you should save your file twice in consecutive,

    Than transfer the file to you com and save it.

    Also, you may want to upload your save file here so that others which is more experienced

    Can help you check it :D

  6. I actually doubt that the Griseous orb will work.

    Each item, even placeholders (with the no symbol or ? symbol)

    Has an ID no.

    If gamefreak wanted to introduce the Curse Type Arceus (lets call it CTA),

    They will have to give an ITEM to it right (or till a lesser extent, activation using a key item).

    So giving Griseous orb won't do, as it already "exists"

    Placeholders is literally what it means; Something to take up the empty slot.

    Similar to missingno. and the glitch series in the 1st generation.

    What I'm trying to say is,

    It has to be an unused slot (most likely placeholder slots),

    Incase Gamefreak wants to introduce CTA (and new items).

    They can't have two items with the same ID,

    The game will crash (or to the minimum, can't register data or something).

    Reading how they activate CTA off the script will be more helpful.

    If by using hex editor we can change the offset for the sprite to activate CTA,

    Means it is programmed, just that have to find the item that corresponds to the sprite offset

    or something like that I believe.

    If we can't do that,

    We can go by trial an error:


    Shows us that there is a mathematical relation,

    So the number is possibly the Id numbers,

    So it may be close,

    But the most definite thing is.

    We need a compilation of ID numbers for EXISTING items,

    Than we find the empty slots.

    Than use the number of the empty slots and give it to ARCEUS!


    (Basically any ??? item won't do, what we need is the ??? item with the correct ID)

  7. I tried the one on page 5 by Echoekid again, and this time it worked for me O.o...

    See my YouTube video~


    You do realise that it didn't transform back because its ability is no longer multitype right?

    Its mentioned somewhere in this forums,

    Similarly to Castform in other weather forms outside battle.

    It has the sprite, but doesn't have the type.

    It is still normal type.

    The only real way for it to be truly ??? type is to find an item (i don't know how)

    Which it won't transform with, even with its original ability.

    To me, right now the only way is to play with Arceus' Multitype script,

    Which I believe that it will shed a clue to this unknown unidentified place holder,

    and because we can make it change sprites,

    it may mean that it is programmed, just not explored.

    (but i may be wrong)

    The thing is I'm not too fond of all the stuff in the rom,

    (its like alien)

    So if someone can at least tell us,

    Or even upload just plainly the script for multitype,

    It may make our life difficult.

    So till than we can only play with the sprite D:

  8. I don't think we can work this out,

    however I got a suggestiong (which I have yet to try).

    When you REST, keep that save file (so that you can continue the challenge).

    When you soft reset and continue it saves again right,

    Use that one and try to see if you get the pokemon.

    I'm not to sure if there is a way around this.

    Perhaps a code which allow us to catch pokemon while in the battle factory?

    That might work better :/

  9. Lets say I used a Manaphy Egg downloaded from the main site event downloads

    (which for some weird reason under Summary says obtained from mystery zone)

    Using Pokesav

    am I supposed to set the met location to Link Trade (arrived) or Link trade (met)?

    Next, will the fateful encounter check remained ticked?

    Also, if I using the Shiny code from found in the forum,

    Will its PID look legal?

    Lastly, while it is in its egg, are there supposed to be any trash bytes which needs to be corrected,

    and is there anything else I need to know?


    Would time capsule make a return?

    Since they are trying so hard to replicate GSC while maintaining new factors,

    Will they give time capsule a return?

    -Either wireless compatibility between GBA/SP wireless adapter to DS/DSL/DSi

    (this may be due to the fact that DSi has no Slot 2)

    -Trade with the party pokemon of the GBA cart (uses Slot 2)

    (Though Time Capsule may be pretty unlikely)


    Regardless of the inclusion of Time Capsule,

    I believe that PAL PARK will now take over the empty old SAFARI ZONE

    (though you have to agree with me that it is kind of far into the game)

  11. i dont get ppse can u tell me how it works plz and how to use it

    Currently how it works.

    It is similar to pokesav (as it is trying to replace pokesav)

    And definitely more user friendly.

    You can upload your .sav file

    Than There are two buttons u can press, Pokedex or Pokemon (i think).

    Basically Pokedex is to edit the entries of what you haven't seen or haven't captured.

    So you can complete your pokedex this way, or you can uncomplete it.

    Under Pokemon,

    You can look at your party and the box and rearrange.

    The number one current reason why it is better than pokesav is that

    You can see the icons of the pokemon of you are shifting around,

    Rather than staring at the names.

    You can also drag the pokemon to your desktop; it will be a .pkm file.

    You can also open another sav under another opened PPSE

    and drag across the pokemon to the other sav file (though the one u dragged will also remain in original sav you dragged across)

    At the end of all changes made, save the .sav

    The program is still under major construction and waiting for more updates.

    It is rather simple to use, so just play around with it.

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