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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. What clothing items were above the M x H x K Hoodie? I probably am blind, but don't see it. Additionally, C x L hoodie was removed in 1.0.8f female bin for Sword. Can you redownload and check? At the time of your original comment, 1.0.8f wasn't up yet. Also to be absolutely sure, you're using a female.bin on a female save right? edit: If it's still there for you in 1.0.8f, and you're using the female.bin on a female save, mind sending me the save to take a look?
  2. If you're really concerned, you can make it from the wonder card data. It's documented there. edit: @papaj I've attached my Celebi and my Zarude that I received. I slightly changed the time code (just increased or decreased the value). I still don't understand how the time code fully works, so there's that. Celebi.wr8 Zarude.wr8
  3. Some WR8 is included, not all. Also WR8 isn't really necessarily, since one could get the Zarude or Celebi via trade..
  4. If I'm not mistaken, you're attempting to create a shiny Cyndaquil using ALM. That has nothing to do with us. Next, this thread isn't for asking for help. Do be mindful next time.
  5. theSLAYER

    Extra byte

    yes but no. As said, there could be some purpose to legality, it's just unknown.
  6. Erm, the folder can only have main. Cut-paste the original to elsewhere, then restore the folder with only main.
  7. Not even going to look at the saves, cause I got other things to do. But if you really "managed to get it to work for one", then it's rather simple. 1. Get the non-working saves to have the same TID/SID as the working save. 2. Then, clone the Cute Charmer from the working save and use it on the non-working saves.
  8. which fashion bin did you use? for sword or for shield? for male or for female? you gotta be more specific.. I see the C x L at my female bins, but can't see the M H K. Where is it located at? edit: Blocks have been edited. No idea where you saw the M H K Hoodie. Until you can specify where it is, I can't do anything about it.
  9. Without a ROM hack, no. In Gen 3, abilities are hardcoded to either ability 1 or ability 2.
  10. that wasn't what I asked. Okay, just send me the save file.
  11. no I mean the literal folder with the file. Like this. A screenshot on your computer, that shows the save file.
  12. Can you show me a screenshot of the folder that contains the save?
  13. no worries no worries :3
  14. Oh, I take it you meant Gold Bottle Cap. For Hyper Training. This is a English speaking forum, so it might help if you use the English name to describe problem, as opposed to (what I can only assume) is a foreign name that went through the translator Hold down the shift key on your keyboard, then left mouseclick on the stat value. :3 The green highlights are the hyper trained IVs.
  15. Plug? I really have no idea what you're talking about. Maybe link me to the bulbapedia page, so I know what you're talking about
  16. In other words, if you don't know what you're doing, don't create a pokemon from scratch. Download an existing one, then edit it.
  17. Shininess aside, There's no 6IV Adamant PID (by Method 1). It is known that in Gen 3 and 4, for anything generated by the existing Methods (typically non-eggs), if you want flawless IVs, your choice of nature is real limited. If you want Adamant, it cannot be Flawless. So there's your initial problem right there: you wanted something impossible (to be legal) [and IIRC, it has to be Method 1. Rayquaza in Gen 3 is Method 1] No, those programs work fine. Once again, the problem is with what you wanted. (and maybe by extension, the problem was with you not knowing that not every non-egg's nature can be flawless ) It would be a nice QOL change, but ultimately unnecessary. The other programs work just fine. If users can screw that up, then even if PKHeX were to import that functionality, users would screw it up on PKHeX too. While potentially being true, coupled with my previous point, I would also imagine that it would be too much effort to bring such a change to life, when there are so many other things the devs can spend their time and effort on. edit: anyhow, if your goal was to use it in Gen 7 or Gen 8, specific nature and perfect IVs isn't necessary. Gen 7: Can Hyper Train Gen 8: Nature Mint and Hyper Train :3
  18. No idea what the status of the STAMP Pichu, Could be received in-game by someone, could be made manually, it's not like they shared the QR. Whatever the case, said person simply export the Pichu from PKHeX, using the QR code as a medium.
  19. PKHeX can import and create QR codes of mons. Not that it is any important, since one can just upload and import PKXs. But that's just my view. To each its own.
  20. Well to begin with, rolling it as I said is the "correct way". It's just that apparently PKHeX seems to only roll 3 characteristic. (which I guess no one else noticed, since characteristic isn't important). So just keep rolling, and if you encounter a limit, roll on some other mon. Maybe one day I'll make a program to roll for characteristics. I don't see it happening any time soon, but one day..
  21. sorry, was in the middle of editing my post. Refresh the page, look at the edited post.
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