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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. Datamined from their CDN online. The game doesn’t have it for *all species* .
  2. Sorry to burst your bubble, but it is likely illegal. At first glance, the name looks legal: However if you go into the trash bytes of the name (trash bytes -> bytes in data after the name is terminated. After the 0x00, in this case the 0x00 is from $08 to $09): there's extra characters at the end, after the Korean name! If you convert all the hex to UTF16 string: You see te from Omanyte. It is normal for Pokemon to have trash bytes in their nickname. However, IIRC, it isn't normal for Korean unevolved Pokémon to have English trash bytes in their name, especially from the English species name. In this case, I reckon someone hatched/genned a English Omanyte, then changed the language in PKHeX, not realizing the trash bytes would remain. And to preempt the 'why PKHeX doesn't validate trash bytes?', I think it tried but what happens is that there are many many scenarios that trash bytes can exist. And they vary from game to game. And some transfers removed trash bytes. I remember PKHeX used to validate basic trash bytes for a while but no idea what happened to it. In any case I don't think Switch games check them for trades, but HOME clearly does.
  3. Best if you don't. you will likely mess things up. The only instance where a pokemon has no tracking number, is that it enters HOME from it's own origin game. A BDSP mon with no tracking number cannot exist out of BDSP, for example
  4. Different servers may have different commands, but generally it’s a trade command (!trade or ?trade I reckon) + attach the file with that command. then the server’s bot would DM your account and give you a link code when it’s ready.
  5. In PKHeX, hold down Control on your keyboard and mouse click the textbox for OT/Nickname, if I’m not mistaken. It’ll show you the full range of data, which is ‘name, terminator, and bytes that is after the terminator (known as trash bytes)’. While Pokémon can normally have some trash bytes, I reckon you have illegal trash bytes. anyhow, don’t hack Pokémon and use them online against unsuspecting people. That’s against our rules.
  6. Check the trash byes of your OT and Nickname.
  7. For example: Even though PKHeX marks it as legal, Zeraora was introduced in USUM. Thus no way that's legal. Some events would have preset 'origin games' and some events origin games depends on what game receives it, so you're gonna have to double check them all. most likely. But online hack checks are a bit iffy sometimes, so it isn't a guarantee.
  8. yes and no. Past events can be injected into UM, provided their data is legal, including Origin Game being correct. As for Gen 7 events, you need to be sure the Origin Game is correct; not every Gen 7 event could be redeemed on UM, so be sure to keep an eye of that. Yes, if you transfer them using HOME legitimately and they were legal before the transfer, should be fine. Just don't edit them after transfer.
  9. It’s almost as tho you didn’t read the response to this thread. The message right above you it’s a known issue because of.. well, read the reply above yours ><
  10. You didn’t hold down control on the exclamation mark.. you didn’t show the pop-up.. so I wouldn’t fully know what’s the issue.. Anyway you mentioned Gen 3 event Pokémon, so I’m guessing PCNY? Certain old event Pokémon don’t have all the generated algo and other stuff documented, so they’re not coded into PKHeX. Thus *those* would show up illegal. If it’s from the Event Gallery, and you injected them into the correct games without modifications, you don’t have to worry about them being illegal. They just *appear* illegal.
  11. can you hold down control on your keyboard, and mouse click the red exclamation mark? Then take a screenshot of the pop-up?
  12. No, because if we did so it'll exceed the amount of Pokémon that can be stored in a save. pcdata.bin holds as much as a save can hold. It has *some* event Pokemon, not all. If you want event pokemon, you can just freely inject whichever you want, either from event gallery or PKHeX Mystery gift database.
  13. If we go the super conservative route, then yes, that is true. Having clones in any capacity would by risky. Do note that there are situations that natural clones can be generated, and by the same token, those would be risky too, since HOME isn't very well programmed and they don't appear to keep very good documentation to prevent stuff from being flagged (example would be new events wouldn't be allowed for trades until they are whitelisted). Do keep in mind that the appetite for risk varies from person to person, so how comfortable would you be with the knowledge that GF/ILCA doesn't check these things super seriously nor in a super detailed fashion, and where do you draw the line for what kind of clones are acceptable, are up to you. While true, anything with a Tracker that has entered a different person's HOME gets the tracker rerolled, ESPECIALLY if the existing tracker is already in HOME.
  14. Responding in case no one replies you: I have the file in one of my collections uploaded to the site. Could be useful to you if you can perform save editing (to inject it directly to your save), or to receive from sysbot via a trade (provided the bot doesn’t change any of the data, including the HOME tracker).
  15. Any modification to your save would be cheating per se, but it depends on whether the cheat is possible or impossible. Our stance is to not allow the usage of significantly hacked Pokémon against unsuspecting j players. changing only species to something possible, let’s say Onix to Steelix (given that it meets evolution requirements), isn’t something that is significantly hacked, since you edited a value that is possible to acquire in-game. An example of something not possible by the game (as in a change the game is unable to perform) would be changing from a non-shiny to a shiny [the games don’t modify PID of something already owned]
  16. Yes but no. The generation method for their PID is not known, so anything you generate will be legal. Tho I suspect it is using some form of xoroshiro, so if the generation method ever get found, anything you generate would be discovered to be illegal.
  17. You’re not contributing an event, so your post has been moved. I’ll upload one at some point.
  18. then it's illegal. it actually matters. PKHeX doesn't reverse calculate it, cause imagine how slow it'll be for every save, but if someone were to grab the details of your mon, they would be able to identify that it is hacked.
  19. it is an event raid, or a base raid in the game?
  20. @Harvdizzle4300 kindly remove illegal entries from your save, so that we can approve it. I see stuff like Electivire with Dragon Pulse, which I believe to be impossible.

  21. There's no topic regarding this. If you're like too, first change the species of any one raid (Use this to know what the bytes mean (https://projectpokemon.org/home/docs/gen-8_156/wild-area-news-normal_encount-version-r139/) Then drop the file in the reader to see if you edited the species correctly (https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/file/4030-eventpromoted-raids-reader/) Even if the reader reads the file correctly, there's no guarantee that your file is functional, but it is a start.
  22. Copy your save to your Desktop, then load the save into PKHeX from there.
  23. It’s not a regular hack in PKHeX. you have to manually hex edit the raid files (ones you download from the various raid pages), then inject those back into the game. There’s no tool for that.
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