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Everything posted by theSLAYER

  1. Placing this here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/37050-general-event-archived-posts-thread/?do=findComment&comment=195783
  2. Placing this here: https://projectpokemon.org/home/forums/topic/37050-general-event-archived-posts-thread/?do=findComment&comment=195783
  3. To be frank I didn't look at any of your files so I don't know about the tracker scenario. I'm not sure if PKHeX implemented a check for mons with no location without a tracker, so just hasn't implemented a 'lack of location' check. In any case, the location being eaten is something that HOME does, as my screenshots provided mention
  4. Happens naturally with HOME. Not sure if the met location thing is being resolved by PKHeX. Make sure you have a valid tracker on them too. (on Discord, the conversation starts from here: https://discord.com/channels/343093766477053953/406851200928055297/1137164667949678752)
  5. To my understanding PKHeX doesn’t validate any of the PCNY mons. Make sure you’re just adding them to your cartridge and play; you won’t get penalised by the game. Don’t add them to your virtual console copies nor try to transfer them forwarded; PCNY mons aren’t legal outside of the retail cartridges of Gen 1/2
  6. For RNG methods that are too complex (typically usage of super long seeds), PKHeX don’t validate it’s legality. An example of not doing it I can think off, would be validating boxes of mons causing general slowdowns for the user. This isn’t uncommon; SWSH Max Raids/Dens could be validated individually too, but not done via PKHeX. Any simple stat change or gender change would have resulted in a Legend Arceus Mon illegal, you just wouldn’t know it. And you’ve been told about that a few times now, so keep it in mind I feel like there isn’t a need to keep asking about whether a mon is legal or illegal. Just submit purely legal Pokémon, basically ones that you caught normally with no cheats and extracted and made no changes, and don’t claim that changing stats would be “legal”, and you’re good. (also it isn’t an issue; it’s just how PKHeX and RNG validation works.)
  7. Use hex editing to look for the appropriate species number (it should be in hex with the endian flipped) then replace it with the wanted species number.
  8. Just replace the raid files with the ones we attach on our site, then cycle your date forward.
  9. Here’s a guess: - make sure the PID would have yielded a female (based on Combee’s gender ratio) if that still doesn’t work - make the transferred Met Level below Current Level
  10. GO -> HOME transfers use the trainer account of HOME, and HOME SID’s are typically 0000, or some real small number.
  11. Out of curiosity, which were the ones that were okay?
  12. Just a reminder to not ask for piracy related stuff here.
  13. I don’t really know, the discussion was brought up before, either here on the Discord, but I’m not sure if they found what they wanted. Or maybe they did, but didn’t share it high server it was. Until you find a recommended server, all you can really do is to check there’s a tracker before doing anything else
  14. Glad it is resolved. I was worried for a second there. Cheers.
  15. Are you still unable to contribute a file, have you tried before sending up? I believe I’ve rectified the issue. If it isn’t, that’s a problem.
  16. Yeah some sysbot has been removing trackers, a remnant from SWSH-HOME only days, where removing the tracker would not cause the Mon to look illegal in HOME, and those mons gain a new tracker. So yeah, in present days, once the tracker is rendered illegal (making it 0 does so as well) and has re-entered HOME via the wrong game (to gain a new tracker), the “illegalness” persists, even if it continues to have the new “broken” tracker.
  17. I'm assuming this appears that way because you viewed it in HOME. Are you absolutely sure there has been zero edits? This happens when you do anything to break the validity of the HOME tracker. (Read here) Also, if you want to provide files, provide the same file/mon in different points of time. One before trade, one after trade. Can't exactly do a comparison when they're both different edit: Also, don't perform trades with your 'Alice' account in the mix. The trainer name has oddities.
  18. I think he meant report an issue on their Github page.
  19. For the most part. For some games, but especially starting from 3DS titles, swapping saves when there’s still story elements not done can mess with in-game event flags, causing the game to hang when you reach that point, or outright just stuck. Some examples I can think of off the top of my head are (not an exhaustive list): SM/USUM would have the wrong Ruin of Sunne/Moone on the 4th island, meaning you can’t evolve Cosmog and progress SM/USUM again related to the flute on exeggutor island. It breaks SWSH would show you the wrong exclusive gym building. Whenever a dialogue related to the wrong gym leader is called by the game, the game would hang/crash SWSH again, depending on when you saved, you’ll be unable to progress to Zacian/Zamazenta past the lift, or have the wrong doggo spawned it and have it freeze once battle starts. Yellow saves in Red/Blue could cause load you into a glitched map, causing you to be unable to move ORAS Primal Battle would cause weirdness I think, but I can’t remember for sure
  20. Hmmm. If you completely empty all boxes, and only have your starter in the party, does the game still crash when trying to access boxes?
  21. Well, usually having Pokémon that you shouldn’t have isnt the problem, as long as it exists in the game. the issue is having stuff in boxes “beyond box x”, when you “only unlocked up to but not beyond box x” let me know how it goes.
  22. Not known to exist, at least not in the current game’s code
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