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About CplFerro

  • Birthday 07/24/1988
  1. Ah, I was away for Easter break, but in case anyone needs the program and doesn't want to have to jump through any hoops via mediafire, here's a link straight to datel's site: http://www.datelcustomerservice.com/files/NintendoDSi_v1.02.zip
  2. I'd just load someone else's save and edit that to your liking rather than try to cook one up from scratch.
  3. What I plan on doing is trading a Pokemon over from Diamond, and just Pokesaving that to figure out my SID.
  4. Preordered SoulSilver, primarily because I'd rather have Groudon than Kyogre.
  5. Wall Street Unspun w/ Peter Schiff- Politics and Economics analysis from the Austrian School of Economics perspective. Peter Schiff predicted the global recession years ago, people laughed, but it turned out he was right. He's now running for the US Senate in Connecticut. Yes, I know I'm old.
  6. Wow, it's been what, almost 15 years since MissingNo first appeared, and there's still speculation about him? Here is Nintendo's official statement: MissingNo is not Togepi, or Lugia, or any real pokemon for that matter. MissingNo is a placeholder for when the hexadecimal data for wild pokemon is incorrect, thus generating an invalid pokemon. No secret Nintendo conspiracy here, just buggy programming.
  7. How are critical hits determined anyway? If a generated number matches an assigned number, or if a generated number matches another generated number? Or perhaps some other method?
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