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Everything posted by Oxnite

  1. Yes, PPTXT is able to change the Trainer's name. It's narc entry a/0/0/2, file 190. However, a list with encrypted text will show up. Please take a look at this topic, question 6 for information on decryption.
  2. Use PPTXT for that, which is a tool to hack Pokémon Black & White in-game text.
  3. Alright, so after all, I've decided to release a beta version, the release date is too far away otherwise. Anyway, everything's finished now till the Driftveil Drawbridge, so it's coming along quite well. After I edited the 5th gym, I would like to release a beta version, which is probably tomorrow! However, since I'm only editing Pokémon White so far, it will be a beta version of Pokémon White Deluxe (the game with Zekrom). What's in the beta? It can be played till Clay (5th Gym @ Driftveil City) Elesa (4th Gym @ Nimbasa City). When you've defeated her and there's no new beta version yet, DO NOT PROCEED. Wait for a new version to be uploaded, because you will be able to use your old save file, and proceed from that point. All Wild Pokémon have been edited until Driftveil City Nimbasa City (including Route 16 and Route 5). Some amazing new characters make an appearance! You'll also find out that there are new Trainer sprites and Trainer classes in the game. It also had edited evolution methods, improved difficulty and, as shown in the screenshots, edited Gyms (the first Gym will be a Triple Battle). I decided to release the beta because: I really want to hear what you think of it (feedback) This way, I can hear about early bugs and / or dislikings, which I can edit afterwards I can also hear about too challenging (or too easy) gyms, disliked wild Pokémon, and other possible stuff like that Last but not least, it will keep me motivated to hear what you think (unless it are bad comments, hehe). Please come around tomorrow this time and the beta version of Pokémon White Deluxe (with Zekrom) will be up for download!! What is not included in the beta, but will be available in / as the final version? An edited title screen saying ''Pokémon Black Deluxe Version'' or ''Pokémon White Deluxe Version'' Possible slight changes (taken-out bugs and other small changes) A second version of the hack, Pokémon Black Deluxe, with a few other edits compared to Pokémon White Deluxe Thank you!
  4. Bump. I would like to know more about this one. I think I've found the Elemental Monkey give-away (Panpour, Pansage, Pansear). I'm almost sure it's the following: PANPOUR 57 00 00 EF 01 57 00 01 03 02 1E 00 PANSAGE 57 00 00 F2 01 57 00 01 FF 01 1E 00 PANSEAR 57 00 00 F5 01 57 00 01 01 02 3C 00 Where 57 00 00 is the standard code, EF 01 / F2 01 / F5 01 are the trigger codes who contain the hex data for the starter Pokémon (so it probably checks which starter Pokémon you've obtained). Then, after 57 00 01, the monkeys are given away, 03 02 being the hex data for Panpour, and so on. I'm not 100% sure about this though, but it's quite obvious if you ask me--the hex codes completely match. On the other hand, I could not find the give-away of the Larvesta Egg. Does anyone know more about this?
  5. Did anyone find a way to edit the Item Sprites in Pokémon Black & White? For example: http://www.spriters-resource.com/ds/pokeheartgoldsoulsilver/sheet/28036 (This sheet contains the Pokémon Heart Gold / Soul Silver item sprites, however the Black & White item sprites are practically the same, only several new items). Thanks a lot for any help or progress.
  6. Thanks for the compliments, Drayano! I'll add some new screenshots later today. Everything till the second Gym has been hacked so far and, personally, I really like the game (guess that's what's most important, hehe)! I'm sure you'll love it too however, with new Trainer Classes, Trainer Sprites, Gym Leaders.. Some cool references, too. So please wait and in a few hours, new screenshots will be uploaded here! EDIT; New screenshot!! I made those several days ago, but I wanted to release them a little while later. I'm currently busy editing the Pinwheel Forest and Castelia City. Expect some more nice edits!! I'll try to edit a little bit quicker now, so I hopefully have everything done till the 4th or 5th Gym by the end of the week. @ O8/12/'11 1:38 pm EDT EDIT; So, I can now announce that the Trainers you battle most often have Pokémon that can be caught on that certain Route. This might also give you hints on which Pokémon could be ''Rare''. In other words, if a Trainer has a cool Pokémon that you want to have for your team, just search around in the grass and it might eventually pop up! @ O8/12/'11 4:31 pm EDT EDIT; I'm currently testing Pinwheel Forest and everything looks fine! I'm so excited to release this game. Since school starts in about two weeks, I want to finish it before that. @ O8/12/'11 5:37 pm EDT
  7. Alright! I'm currently using the program and it's wonderful, really like how much work you've put into it. Especially like the nice add-on Victory Road maps, etc. Really nice work, thank you!
  8. So, ehm.. Just to be sure: Does the first bug only come up in case I've used the previous version of the Wild Pokémon Editor before? Say I'd start completely from scratch, that bug will not appear? And there are literally no other bugs? Just to be sure. =)
  9. Thanks everyone! I'll add several screenshots to the first post today, so keep watching this topic. EDIT; The first screenshots have been added! @ O8/1O/'11 11:18 am EDT It's a new item, indeed. =) I wanted it to be similar to the original Water, Fire, Thunder Stone etc. so I called it the Ice Stone. EDIT; Currently still beta testing. I really want to release the beta version very soon! Possibly this week! It will be playable till around the fourth gym, however, I already edited the Pokémon League so it might spoil a bit.. I'll either change the League back, or postpone the beta release. What do you want?! @ O8/1O/'11 15:49 pm EDT EDIT; Alright, so I'm currently editing some Trainers and even adding new Trainer Classes.. This will be a lot of fun! Stay tuned!! @ O8/1O/'11 16:53 pm EDT
  10. Download link Pokémon White Deluxe [version 1.0] Special thanks General & Tools | MeroMero | Kaphotics | SCV | KazoWAR | Drayano | Andibad | Abacus | Pedro250 Graphics | X-5-4-3-2 | Litera-Sure | Segesi | Eli-Eli76 | Serafin-Adamana | OceansLugiaSpirit | Tahayarkhan Music | FL.Remix
  11. I don't work on the desktop, but I sometimes move files to the desktop, otherwise the ds editor kiwi doesn't recognize certain files.
  12. Twistedfatal, as you've worked with vb2010, did you had to use a script that reversed hex?
  13. After compressing the files again, I have to create a new Narc with kiwi.ds, right? Whenever I create the new narc, this new file is about 282 MB large. That can't be right. What am I doing wrong? These are my final steps when editing the Mugshots: - I use 'LZ Batch Compress' to compress the first 21 mugshot files - I get 21 files with the '.rgcn.lz' extension; I delete this extension to get the original files - My files are called like this now: mugshot_000, mugshot_001 and so on - Except for the last files, they are called mugshot_022.rlcn, mugshot_023.rlcn and so on - I now have one folder with all of these mugshot files - I use the 'Make Narc File...' of kiwi.ds to create a new narc file of the mugshots - I select the mugshots folder as the 'Source Files Folder' - Do I have to select 'Include File Name Table?' I don't select it - Then I click 'OK'. A New narc file appears named mugshots (the name of the maps my mugshots were in). - The new narc file is 282 MB (295.805.184 bytes) big!! EDIT: Sorry, I already found the answer. Somehow kiwi.ds isn't working right in several Folders, so I recommend you to place the folders you're using on the Desktop, to edit them there. This way, I didn't get an error or big .narc files, instead everything worked fine.
  14. I have a question about this. All images have a palette, right? Say I want to edit a Mugshot. Every sprite consists of... 16 colors? Is that true or am I completely wrong? Anyway, saying that each sprite has 16 colors, when I want to add a new sprite, can that sprite have 16 new colors? Does this program automatically change the color palettes? Sorry if this question is too obvious.
  15. The graphics must be the biggest problem. DPP HGSS BW maps can't be edited (completely) yet.
  16. I guess not. Because genders didn't exist during the first Generation, GameFreak created Nidoran as two different Pokémon with two different numbers. Nidoran male and Nidoran female will therefore (likely!) have their respective numbers.
  17. No, the used Girl sprite in that video doesn't exist in Pokémon Black and White. Take a look at the BW Heroine, it's quite different. Then again how come the Girl's title is Elite Four Blue? And her Mugshot is changed as well, which doesn't appear in BW normally.
  18. Actually, someone managed to hack the Trainer Sprites, the Overworld Sprites and the Mugshot Sprite, as seen here. He doesn't give away how to edit it, though. Nobody else on the Pokémon hacking community managed to do this, which means it's quite hard to do (especially if you're a beginner).
  19. You can't edit B/W games' trainer sprites, overworld sprites nor add Pokémon or edit the mart.. It's even hard to change the wild Pokémon, as you'll have to do so with a hex editor. You might want to start easier with a Diamond / Pearl hack, which has more tools available, or maybe even a GBA hack - even more available tools. Some people are still working on new tools for B/W, so you need some patience. But new Pokémon... you'll never be able to add them, I'm afraid, especially not if you're just a beginner (no offence).
  20. Currently, you'll have to deal with a hex editor, maybe later somebody will release a Wild Pokémon Editing programme for the 5th generation. Just search for a hex editor (which can be used for Pokémon Black and White).
  21. Prima, alleen krijg ik geen bericht dat iemand mij heeft toegevoegd. Welk msn account moet ik toevoegen? pokemonzwartwit@live.nl ?
  22. I would not break this Pokémon-canon if I were you because it would be very non-Pokémonish, but it's your hack.
  23. You might want to use another reference, for example this site for Cheren and / or Bianca. You then only have to check their teams at that certain point in the game.
  24. Ik heb je een privébericht gestuurd met mijn gegevens, deze gelieve verder niet vermelden op sites e.d. (de nickname 'Oxnite' is wel prima.) Verder hoor ik graag hoe ik kan beginnen, ik zou zoals ik al zei graag ten eerste de Aanvallen en of Abilities vertalen.
  25. Hoi iedereen, Ik ben ook Nederlands en zou daarom willen helpen met dit project. Als jullie me wat meer instructies geven, over welke bestanden ik nodig heb en hoe ik deze precies moet vertalen, kan ik aan de slag. Verder zou ik ook willen fungeren als tipgever, omdat ik sommige vertalingen behoorlijk krom vind (zover ik deze op jullie website kan zien). Bijvoorbeeld: In het Summary-scherm van de Pokémon staat VOLGENDE LV, terwijl de Nederlandse vertaling 'VOLGEND LVL' zou moeten zijn. De vertalingen van 'ATTACK,' 'DEFENSE', 'SPECIAL ATTACK,' 'SPECIAL DEFENSE' en 'SPEED' vind ik ook nogal krom. In plaats van 'SP. AAN' zou je dit beter kunnen vertalen als 'SP. ANV' en 'SP. VER' als 'SP VRD'. Ten slotte zou ik iedereen de tip willen geven om niet te strikt te vertalen. Denk eraan dat de teksten goed over moeten komen. Een tekst kan beter iets anders geformuleerd zijn (desnoods met andere woorden!), dan wanneer de teksten krom vertaald zijn. Ik heb ook nog wat vragen. Worden de aanvallen vertaald? En de Abilities (vaardigheden)? Zoja, dan zou ik graag de Aanvallen en / of Abilities voor mijn rekening nemen. Als deze niet vertaald worden, zou ik willen werken aan de tekst van de verhaallijn. Misschien is het ook handig om de afbeeldingen waar geen Nederlandse teksten op site, te verwijderen van de site, omdat sitebezoekers (ook ik) waarschijnlijk liever de Nederlandse vertalingen willen zien. Ik hoop dat ik een bijdrage kan leveren aan jullie project.
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