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About Quake

  • Birthday 02/12/1985
  1. Alomomola ability Healer appears as Hacked.
  2. Thanks Sabresite for reply, but i think i found something, today i was searching for female ralts in Heartgold, i use a male jigglypuff with cute charm, and only one female ralts has a large PID, the others have short PIDs, also i catched male ralts and ditto, and they have normal PID, maybe this ability change the gender altering the PID. EDIT: I catch more ralts without the jigglypuff in my party and all the pokemon i catched has large PIDs. ralts.zip ralts with large PIDs.zip
  3. Hey Sabresite, i caugth an absol using pokeradar in platinum and when i open my save in pokesav, it has a small PID like the other pkm files i attached before, Do you know why? I use the check IVs, unlimited pokeradar battery and 100% catch AR codes. absol.pkm
  4. Thanks Sabresite for reply Vespiquen in a Honey tree, but i don't remember if i used the ar code for reduce the time to 0. Wailord, Relicanth and Dragonite fishing. Breelom in the Great Marsh, don't remember if i used honey for encounter pokemon. Cacturne and Absol using pokeradar. Krabby is a swarm pokemon, i don't remember if i catch it in the grass or surfing, maybe i used pokeradar if it was in the grass. Thanks, and what is wrong with the invalid sync pokemon.
  5. Sorry for bother you Sabresite, but i caugth these pokemon legitin Platinum, in pokesav i only add them the EV's, but when i check them with legal.exe some says "Hacked or Unknown Pokemon" and others have invalid sync, can you check these, please. Thanks in advance. pkmns.zip
  6. And the date when the pokemon was catched, Change or not?
  7. Thanks, its a useful tool.:biggrin:
  8. This design looks better, thanks for your effort's.:grog:
  9. Hello, my request is: A code for instant fishing pokemon and it don't get away
  10. Good job, the pokedex is awesome, but i have a question, It will include wild encounter location?
  11. Thanks for the reply, then, i don't need change the met place, to pkms look legit traded form one game to another, and the hidden value 85h must be 00, or another of the boxes need be changed.
  12. Hello, I have a question, if i save a pkm from one version (diamond) and load that pokemon in other (platinum or pearl), i need change in pokesav the "Met in place" to "link trade (arrived)" or "link trade (met)", to look it as legit traded or isn't necessary change it, and when is used "link trade (arrived)" and "link trade (met)". If is necessary change the met in place, it is for all pokemon and events (such as TRU Regigigas and TRU Shaymin) or not. Thanks in advance.
  13. Thanks to both for the reply, i catch a Munchlax recently.
  14. I see this new feature in the main site and have a question. I need slather all the honey trees for the four Munchlax trees have it, or only the four Munchlax trees? Thanks and good luck with the new site.
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