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Everything posted by BaldWombat

  1. I have already downloaded and installed the wondercard files but I can't figure out how to make a legal PID for any of these three. I have tried abusing the RNG but I just cant seem to get it right. I was wondering if anyone out there has been able to get a legal PID for any of these three. What I want is a PID for Entei (Adamant 31/31/31/X/31/31) and the date data. I would obviously need to know the IV stat fo SAtk as well. Thanks for your help in advance.
  2. Mystery Gift doesn't need to be enabled in HGSS like in the other games.
  3. I have the nationaldex and if I load only the seen and then try the caught I have less pokemon registered in my dex than if I load both at once.
  4. The 2 codes for the pokedex entries only seem to give me 284 when I have them both activated and hit select.
  5. 92200766 00002870 12200766 000028FF D2000000 00000000 922007E8 000001DF 122007E8 000001EE D2000000 00000000 922007B4 0000217B 122007B4 0000217C D2000000 00000000
  6. Soul Silver sav file on my way to battle Lugia. PSS.NDS.sav
  7. If you have patched your game then the normal game code will not work. I had the same issue and finally got fixed by using an app that was in another thread. My issue is that the codes won't work at all. All of my other pokemon games work perfectly fine on my A2i but the HG codes won't work. I'm just trying to get the rotom form on wifi code and the complete pokedex code to work but I have been unsuccessful thusfar. ---------- Post added at 12:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 PM ---------- If you have patched your game then the normal game code will not work. I had the same issue and finally got fixed by using an app that was in another thread. My issue is that the codes won't work at all. All of my other pokemon games work perfectly fine on my A2i but the HG codes won't work. I'm just trying to get the rotom form on wifi code and the complete pokedex code to work but I have been unsuccessful thusfar. cheats.txt
  8. Any word on if this one is a Static PID or not yet? If it isn't, what algorithm does it use?
  9. 44h should be D0 not DO. It should be the number zero.
  10. The only thing that was stopping me was the SSID broadcast. As soon as I turned it on, I got the everything to work. That might be something that they want to fix in the next version of the software.
  11. Yeah, it turns out that all my settings were correct but for some reason the NDS Backup tool can't see the ftp server if you don't broadcast your SSID. The games themselves work fine without the broadcast though.
  12. Thanks for looking into it for me. I'll check to see what version it is when I get home from work about 4 hours. EDIT: I'm using the most up to date version and I still can't get it to work. EDIT2: Ok, I figured out how to get them to recognize each other. My DS and DSi work when I don't broadcast my SSID but the backup tool needs the broadcast in order for it to work. A simple security tool keeps the whole thing from working.
  13. Ok, with Windows Firewall turned off, router firewall turned off, and opening the port in the router with Port Triggering I still can't get it to work. I even tried using some different port numbers. Can DHCP be used or do I have to use Static IP addresses? Any help is appreciated in getting this to work for me.
  14. So, my Acekard 2i came in the mail yesterday. I downloaded the drivers and got it working. I installed the NDS Backup tool from the link that was on the monroeworld tutorial. I changed all the info in the ini file and setup the FTP as it said to and I can't get the DS to recognize the server. I've tried using the IP of my router and my computer to get it to work but neither allow it to connect. Any suggestions on how to get this to work? My DSi has no issues connecting to my wifi with my retail cart installed. I turned off Windows Firewall while I was trying to connect. Do I need to open the port on my router?
  15. Trainer ID, Secret ID, and Trainer name are going to be that of your game. It will say Distant Land and the date would be the one that it was Pal Parked.
  16. And adjust the hex values of 46h and 47h since I use Platinum. I just have a hard time with the fact that the PIDs and algorithms are useless for hatched pokes. It doesn't make sense to me. I feel like something has been missed, oh well. If the trash bytes and hex are the only things you have to worry about, that would mean that hatching all shiny and all 31 IVs would be legal. Of course, with enough time and practice you can do this with the RNG abuse.
  17. No, I was just wondering if I have to do anything special for hatched pokemon to make them legal as well.
  18. I would also like to know what are the correct algorithms for HATCHED pokemon on the DS and GBA.
  19. Well I've been using this site for a while and I decided to join the forums today. I must say that there is a lot more info here than I was expecting, especially when we are dealing with making pokes look as legal as possible. I figured that I would say hello to everyone here. I recognize a few faces from other sites that I frequent already and I look forward to getting to know everyone else.
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