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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/02/20 in all areas

  1. Version .


    This Charizard and a special Mewtwo for Pokémon Let's Go are redeemable through a local distribution in occasion of the screening of the Pokémon Movie 22: Mewtwo Strikes Back Evolution in Korean cinemas. Wonder Card ID #1007: 지우's Charizard Species Charizard TID 200930 Distribution Serial Code Location a Pokémon movie Dates Sep 30 to Nov 30, 2020 PID Cannot Be Shiny Games SWSH Nature Adamant Ability Blaze (1) Item None IVs EVs HP ALL RND ALL 0 ATK DEF S.ATK S.DEF SPE Lv. 50 Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Flamethrower Dragon Tail Slash Seismic Toss Wishing Ribbon Lang Slot Mon's Lang Nickname OT Name OT's Lang JPN 리자몽 지우 KOR ENG 리자몽 지우 KOR FRE 리자몽 지우 KOR ITA 리자몽 지우 KOR GER 리자몽 지우 KOR SPA 리자몽 지우 KOR KOR 리자몽 지우 KOR CHS 리자몽 지우 KOR CHT 리자몽 지우 KOR Only One Redemption Allowed Format Ver.2.0.0-11b, Post Updated Date:20201101_2112
    1 point
  2. This is a frequent occurrence. Has nothing to do with us. Assuming you (the user) did not mess up the injection process, did not give it illegal moves etc, this is thoroughly Nintendo's server's allowlist issue. Whenever a new event drops, sometimes they do not add the event to the allowlist. This is not new. Their list typically affects other online usage, like trying to use it for a raid. Not just trading. FAQ: Q) When do you think they'll update to allow x event A) Who knows, we can't see the future Q) Why does my mon trade locally, but not online A) Local trades do not go through the allowlist. Q) Can I ask about this A) Asking about this won't make the process go any faster (and it's not like we have any control over their allowlist). Just wait patiently.
    1 point
  3. Yup, their legality checks and "transfer/trade" whitelisting system have never been consistent, regardless of which generation of games you're looking at. It's surprising we haven't found more issues with it, considering the sheer number of encounters/events they have to keep track of, going back nearly 2 decades.
    1 point
  4. This isn't a new issue either. Several past events were/are subject to this as well. Shiny Solgaleo and Lunala, (and several other HOME exclusives), were unable to trade in SWSH when HOME was first released, they were added to the trade whitelist at a later date. Shiny Jirachi from Channel/Colo Bonus Disc in Gen 3 were also barred from transfer until the first Tanabata Shiny Jirachi event, years later. Some events are still barred from transfer in other generations, such as the Odd Egg Pokémon from Virtual Console Crystal. (Odd Egg Pokémon must have the event move "Dizzy Punch" removed from them to be allowed past the whitelist, Nintendo has completely forgotten about that event to this day.)
    1 point
  5. PK1 files for this Mew and some others are available in the Event Gallery https://projectpokemon.org/home/files/category/75-english/ But how could you have a legal Gen 1 event Mew in Gen 8 when there is no legal way to transfer from Gen 1 to Gen 8? This Mew was only legally available for cartridge versions of Gen 1 & 2, however you are only able to transfer Pokemon from the Virtual Console to Gen 8. Since there is no official way to get your save from the cart to the VC this Mew will never be legal on Gen 8.
    1 point
  6. Pikachu (Hoenn Cap) Code: P1KAADVANCE Source: https://twitter.com/playpokemon/status/1311975327791566848
    1 point
  7. For Gen3 you have few ways. In the gallery you can find some Wondercards, typically for the event items. For some Pokémon, Distribution Roms are existing (don't ask where to find them or how to obtain them), with which we can obtain legitimate, but out-of-date, events. The Party of the Decade Flying Pikachu and the STAMP Pichu, however, have not these options. For them and for many other, you have to find some PK3 already existing and injekt them through PKHeX. For reference, you can use our gallery, this save file, the PKHeX Mystery Gift Database, and these threads linked in there.
    1 point
  8. I'm confused, so you didn't send us the saves that isn't working? Both backup and main isn't showing 2-man party. What's the point then?
    1 point
  9. I imagine it would trade, but you wouldn't know until you try it. It's not like we've tried trading every mon. I suggest you try it for yourself.
    1 point
  10. As someone who has these I will break it down for you Wiimmfi has reopened the ds wfi service. This makes it possible to get them legit through a fan made server. Depending on which language you're using depends on what is available(i.e japan has shiny rayquaza while english has darkrai for black and white) So far I could transfer them all through the usual means. In terms of PKhex, as long as it has all the required flags and moves (i.e only moves it could learn+the event move) than it can pass the transporter check and beyond I'd imagine. If it has a special ribbon then it cannot trade via the GTS. In addition, for bw, if you delete the liberty pass wondercard than the Victini will be considered illegitimate. And yes, they have the special move pikachu for gens 4-5. Just go into the wifi dns settings. Gen 5 can function off of system settings while gen 4 needs an open wifi connection due to it functioning off the cartridge itself and not the system. for mystery gifts. for wifi related activities.You might need to copy it or use or in the secondary dns to get it to work. This also seems to sometimes unlock mystery gifts. Here's some poor quality examples
    1 point
  11. Yes. Supposedly only 50 players were selected/50 were distributed. Almost as rare as the university Magicrap it seems. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Japanese_event_Pokémon_distributions_in_Generation_III#Pok.C3.A9mon_Stamp_Ruby_and_Sapphire_Contest_Pichu
    1 point
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