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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/03/20 in all areas

  1. It was tested. Initially: 1. They deleted anything with the same tracker ID. However it was discovered that Ninjask and Shedinja can have the same tracker ID, cause they evolved from Nincada. 2. They then blocked entry for duplicate trackers 3. They now allow entries of same trackers. It was recently tested.
    2 points
  2. @patsworldI tested it and Pokémon from Galar can’t have that mark. Also I advise against using hacked Pokémon online.
    2 points
  3. I've been lurking for a while now, but I think I'm finally ready to add what information I know about the distribution ROM. I apologize if I repeat something that was already known, but I checked the last 5 or so pages, and I didn't find the information I have. The actual script data for the Aurora Ticket distribution starts at 0x12728. It is the raw data - unencrypted and uncompressed. Noteworthy is the fact that the checksum and header are not stored here. I edited the script to give me both the Aurora Ticket and Mystic Ticket, and it worked! This means the checksum is calculated dynamically, rather than stored elsewhere on the ROM. The Wonder Card starts at 0x14FB8. At least, that is where the checksum would be. I haven't confirmed if the checksum is calculated dynamically, but I can't find it stored anywhere in the ROM, so I'm assuming it's dynamic. I tried my hand at disassembly. Here's what I've learned: The disassemblers designed for generic ARM7-TDMI code don't like disassembling THUMB code. The disassemblers designed specifically for the GBA (e.g. luvdis) don't like disassembling ARM code. Overall, I'm bad at reading assembly code. Something (maybe) useful: the Wireless Adapter uses the 32-bit "normal" serial communication mode. (It sends data by writing to register 0x04000120.) Not strictly about the distribution ROM, but the "virtual" script functions (opcodes B8 through BF) can access data in the Wonder Card and Wonder News sections. Thus, a properly crafted Wonder Card could add an additional 320 bytes of script data. Finding a way to distribute Wonder News would add another 440 bytes of usable script data. I've been doing some digging into the decompilation projects, and I've found two functions that might be responsible for Emerald rejecting the distribution: "ValidateMEventClientHeader" / "sub_801B6A0" FireRed: https://github.com/pret/pokefirered/blob/2880cf2a51ea36fa36f00d9ecf07177e5955c882/src/mevent.c#L788 Emerald: https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/blob/4dd3cc7b7691afb8ecd2e8af8b2ebfa717dd2414/src/mevent2.c#L380 "CheckCompatibility" Ruby: https://github.com/pret/pokeruby/blob/f839afb24aa2c7b70e9c28a5c069aacc46993099/src/mystery_event_script.c#L38 FireRed: https://github.com/pret/pokefirered/blob/2880cf2a51ea36fa36f00d9ecf07177e5955c882/src/mystery_event_script.c#L30 Emerald: https://github.com/pret/pokeemerald/blob/4dd3cc7b7691afb8ecd2e8af8b2ebfa717dd2414/src/mystery_event_script.c#L28 Given that "ValidateMEventClientHeader" appears in FRLG and Emerald, but not RS, I suspect it is this function that is used for the Wireless Adapter, while "CheckCompatibility" is used for the eReader. Regardless, as long as it is one of these two functions, the remedy is the same. Replace a 0x1 somewhere with 0x5, and replace a 0xF with 0x20F or 0x38F. Unfortunately, like the checksums, these values do not appear to be stored directly on the ROM. They are likely caused by MOVS or ADDS instructions, instead. I hope this helps, and let me know if there's anything else I can do to help.
    2 points
  4. Flag are 501 502 503, unset them to rebattle them. An invisible Lance will give you another HM05 each time you defeat one (they won't double in your inventory, so it's fine).
    1 point
  5. Save it to your desktop. If a file is write protected, it cannot be overwritten.
    1 point
  6. You should be safe, they no more delete any clone. Now the tracker change every time you transfer a pokemon from the game to Home. Plus, if you transfer more pokemons with the same tracker to Home (clones), they will get new different trackers each one. No one know if it's safe, but if they will decide to ban for Tracker Spoofing or cloning, the majority of people will get banned, as a clone or an hacked mon can be received through trades and gts.
    1 point
  7. Maybe because SWSH origin mons don't need that symbol?
    1 point
  8. Alternative use batch editor .Species=0 As with anything else with batch editor, you can also add conditional statements, to only delete certain Pokemon (for example, deleting all mons belonging to a certain TID)
    1 point
  9. Change the origin game. The first mark will be on every Pokemon from SwSh while the second one will be on every Pokemon that comes from SM/USUM.
    1 point
  10. I had the issue with my character but it was easily fixed by going to the salon and doing my makeup just as @Acroblade said!
    0 points
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