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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/09/19 in all areas

  1. Thanks, the latest 3 commits should have these issues fixed.
    2 points
  2. Hey, information you should know, as they are likely reasons you may not get a reply 1. Online trades need the Nintendo Online paid subscription 2. It is said that hacked Switches are at risk of being banned from online usage. People are commonly either already banned, or not wanting to risk it. So you not getting a reply could be a combination of factors, such as people not having a paid subscription, and/or they don't wanna risk getting banned, or they're already banned. Alternatively, you can try to learn from another user on our forum (this thread), and try to get someone nearby/locally with a modded Switch to transfer you a hacked save you made. One way save transfer system: https://en-americas-support.nintendo.com/app/answers/detail/a_id/45047/~/how-to-transfer-your-save-data-to-a-nearby-nintendo-switch Also, to slightly correct your misunderstanding/the way you phrased it: You make it sound as though the serial codes are region locked. They're not. The trouble is getting them, I acknowledge that. But if you can get it, you can use it. For example, here are some new codes for the US Shiny Pikachu/Eevee event. (if anyone uses them, please specify which was used)
    2 points
  3. Found twelve more Pokemon in the Japanese Diamond debug. Two options in one of the debug menus place six predetermined Pokemon in Pal Park to capture. Each have a PID of all zeros with a Hardy Nature, IVs and EVs are all zeros, and the OT name is blanked out which errors out the game if they are viewed at all. ID and Secret ID may be random but I didn't test much on that. Anyways, here they are: 001 - フシギダネ - 898A00000000.pk4 006 - リザードン - 02E500000000.pk4 035 - ピッピ - 9CFF00000000.pk4 072 - メノクラゲ - 31FD00000000.pk4 128 - ケンタロス - 232600000000.pk4 148 - ハクリュー - 372400000000.pk4 007 - ゼニガメ - 185400000000.pk4 008 - カメール - 5A8900000000.pk4 010 - キャタピー - CB7900000000.pk4 015 - スピアー - 902700000000.pk4 027 - サンド - DF9500000000.pk4 027 - サンド - F40700000000.pk4
    2 points
  4. Version 24.11.11


    Pokémon core series save editor, programmed in C#. Supports the following files: Save files ("main", *.sav, *.dsv, *.dat, *.gci) GameCube Memory Card files (.raw, .bin) containing GC Pokémon savegames. Individual Pokémon entity files (.pk*) Mystery Gift files (.pgt, .pcd, .pgf, .wc*) including conversion to .pk* Importing teams from Battle Videos Transferring from one generation to another, converting formats along the way. Data is displayed in a view which can be edited and saved. The interface can be translated with resource/external text files so that different languages can be supported. Pokémon Showdown sets and QR codes can be imported/exported to assist in sharing. We do not support or condone cheating at the expense of others. Do not use significantly hacked Pokémon in battle or in trades with those who are unaware hacked Pokémon are in use. FAQ Support Forum <-- Post here if you have questions or found bugs
    1 point
  5. Version 1.0.9


    Story completed. All Smogon Built Pokemon in PC. Pokemon are legal and competitive (001-957) Where most of the Pokémon were originally caught/bred/obtained. 7th Gen Emphasis 754 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in ULTRA SUN or ULTRA MOON. 203 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in a generation 1-6 Pokémon game. Transfer Emphasis 525 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in ULTRA SUN or ULTRA MOON. 432 Pokémon originally caught/bred/obtained in a generation 1-6 Pokémon game.
    1 point
  6. @theSLAYER I didn't know all these troubles with online for those with modded Switches, thank you for explaining me. I'll definitely try searching for someone nearby with a modded Switch Yeah, I missunderstood about the codes, I thought that they were language/region locked but now I got it. As you said, the problem is getting the codes for those that don't live in the places where the promotion happens.  Btw I'd like to keep open the topic, who knows maybe someone who has already tried to go online with a modded Switch can help me Thank you sooooo much for the codes, I m gonna redeem the Pokémon in a minute. I'm going to use the first two codes: 90147KC3SWAWWWH U90147KDF16MVTCV Thank you for the help and for your time
    1 point
  7. NTR is a bit old, follow this or this https://pastebin.com/cpnzZcyv if you want to use the same method you were going to use with NTR.
    1 point
  8. Are you using the latest version of PKHeX? Some new events are flagged in old versions.
    1 point
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