That was apparently made up while it was being leaked on /vp/
This is as much that is known in relation to the real story, according to Sanquii and his group:
However, we can speculate the possibility that the SpaceWorld97 Mew software may have leaked alongside the GS beta demo, since they were held at the same place and time. That's not guaranteed, but fairly reasonable to consider the possibility. I wish it was known, exactly WHO was the one who posted the GS beta demos in Sanquii's discord, how they obtained them, etc.
While we do have an idea of what we would like to obtain in regards to research, it's WAY easier said than done. When it comes down to it, it's just insanely hard to find the collectors that have these roms/software, and the majority refuse to share or even talk about what they own. Also considering, we have no idea how many remaining roms/carts have actually leaked from Nintendo-related sources, and are still not in the hands of any private collectors. It's unfortunate, but that's how this undertaking has shown itself to be for us over the past couple years. Not to mention, when we do find something we can actually obtain, it's usually been like "give me 3000 dollars for a copy of this rom lol".