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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/16/18 in all areas

  1. Hello everyone, today I bring you yet another Gen I Mew contribution, this time thanks to Vezokair who was kind enough to share the Mew with all of us. A month ago TotalTS contacted me about this reddit post where Vezokair was asking for help to determine if the Pokémon Red cartridge she just bought contained a legit Mew on it, as there was a distribution in Finland and the OT and TID matched the known data about the distribution. She posted this image, but the mew is not fully stat (EV) trained so DV (or IV) data couldn't be accurately calculated and know if it had the known fixed DVs gen I mews had. I contacted Vezokair and talked about the possibilty of dumping the savegame and preserving the mew, and she was willing to help, so after exposing several backup options she decided to acquire a backup device and a couple days ago I was sent the dumped savefile. She also told me the savefile seems to have been glitched in some way and that there are multiple mews on it, but after analizing the data of the mews and comparing the data with other known legit distributions we have these were my conclusions: - All of the mews present in the savefile are clones of the same mew (only difference is stat experience which is normal if the mew were used after cloning). - The original mew (or all of them) were stored in a generation II game at some point and the held item was removed or used (bitter berry) before cloning and transfering to this cartridge. - All the data in the mew(s) indicate it is a legitimate mew. My hypothesis: original owner traded the mew to gen 2 for pokedex completion and gameplay use. At some point the mew got confused and used the bitter berry it got when traded to gen 2. Later that mew was cloned multiple times (since box cloning in gen 2 games was a really easy method) and then they were trasnfered to the pokémon Red cartridge Vezokair bought. This is the third european Mew were are able to collect, the fourth if we count the spanish mew (it has a bogus story and different DVs, you can read the story in it's own thread). Due to fixed DVs it is not interesting gameplay wise, but as preservation is concerned and the batteries being almost dry every single event pokémon we can get is gold. Best regards FINLAND MEW.zip
    3 points
  2. We know from Network sniffing that is just repeated through Wireless Beacon which means it could be relayed without any extra equipment. We also know through screenshots that it is most likely through a special unit that has access to special software.
    1 point
  3. This is awesome, Suloku!! You're doing a great compilation work, our grandchildren will appreciate it. ?
    1 point
  4. This is amazing! Thank you to Vezokair for going through the trouble of dumping it!
    1 point
  5. 1 point
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Breeding eevee with good IV 100% Legal
    1 point
  7. Download Location Here PKMs and SAVs can be injected to 3DS games if you have any of the following: Homebrew Menu & any Save Manager App Hacked Console with Custom Firmware JP Cart+JP System using Cyber Save Editor & Dongle NO POWERSAVES. Datel does not allow edited save resigning. NO SKY3DS EITHER. Save files must be decrypted in order to load & save. Methods how to view (not inject) your Powersaves are in the X/Y Save File Research Thread. Complete list of shortcuts and update history is available within program via Options->About. Source code is available on my GitHub. Tutorial Video
    1 point
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