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  4. Ruby Genseki

    Ruby Genseki

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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/17 in all areas

  1. I would like to have a "haha" emote. Sometimes I wanna giggle at a post without spamming the topic with comments. Proposed: I would also like to see a simple "I agree" emote. (e.g., yeah or Ditto)
    2 points
  2. I'm no supporter of Trump, but everyone so far that has talked against him are whiny liberals who like to groupthink within a false dialectic, or are mere puppets who just follow the trend to hate Trump. I think most of you detractors are not even Americans, so I do not even know why you say these things. I doubt his claims to be Christian, as his fruits seem to show otherwise, but I was pleasantly surprised at his first moments in office were actually pretty good, though there were some ups and downs, and some things I see I do not like. Right now though? I am mainly indifferent, but things are not "hell on earth" like these rabblerousers tend to claim it is. Their personal lives have not been affected, things just go on as usual. I really do not understand this "oh the US will regress back a couple of decades". What exactly do they mean by that? That men who identify themselves as women can no longer go into women's restrooms? How exactly is that a bad thing? Also this open borders thing is nonsense. See what has occurred in Europe, with the EU dictating an unmoderated amount of migrants who do not care to assimilate but to cause trouble in countries where their values are incompatible with the others. It would be natural to have that kind of reaction, would it not? The travel ban thing has been implemented poorly, yes, as I remember the first one causing some huge problems with people who were already in the state or something, but it is a proper reaction any sane Americans would want to combat ILLEGAL immigrants. There are also blatantly false propaganda being put up as well, such as "oh this Muslim woman (notice it has to be a minority woman of course) who almost found a cure for cancer and now is being deported". Really, laughable. How things are going about now, I do not know. Of course the big bogeyman now is "da Russians". Yet Killary's email scandals and Benghazi stuff, which actually has substantial proof of being true, are not put under the same scrutiny, but of course Trump's connection with the Russians, despite actual hard evidence but liberal parroting, is now all of a sudden the smoking gun! I have little understanding of this matter clearly. I do not have to defend Trump nor do I want to, but the fact people have these unsubstantiated claims about him makes me wonder are people really this stupid, or does mass media really have such a huge impact on people's thoughts that they are now unable to think for themselves? I have my own reasons to be against him per se, even if I do like a lot of the things he does say, but not for the silly reasons the brainwashed liberals tend to say. He is miles better than Obama, I will say that much. But I remember speaking to some Americans, when I said I do not support their Democrat Party or whatever, I am automatically paired along as "Trump supporter". It is like they cannot get off this dichotomic point of view of you're either this or that. Perhaps this propaganda is global really. In Korea it is the same, generally negative views of Trump due to media sensation, etc.
    1 point
  3. Don't know how you figured that out but glad it works.
    1 point
  4. PKHeX is a newer program than PKX Delta, so the values might be taken based on Emulator .sav and not actual cartage .sav. Have you tried using PikaSav? (Yeah, I know it's outdated as heck)
    1 point
  5. I added the PSMD Riolu one, both because of my own bias and because Haunter is generally a little creepy.
    1 point
  6. 1 point
  7. Snorlax was painful to get and it s GS exclusive 143 - RONFLEX - DBD5.pk2 001 - BULBIZARRE - 411B.pk2
    1 point
  8. In my time zone, spambots usually register and post their ads in the late night hours. I believe we "human spam deleters" do a swell job catching a post before it's possibly seen. mod appreciation day
    1 point
  9. I think he's a businessman, not a politician, but that's what his cabinet is for. Despite his...impulsiveness, he didn't get where he is by being stupid. I agree with Ruby that he's getting more hate than he deserves. It's good to be critical of a president, but it seems like a lot of people have such a hatred for him that they won't even give him a chance. He certainly wasn't my first choice for President, but he's better than the alternative ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
    1 point
  10. Hm... I'm not an U.S. citizen, so my knowledge is pretty limited, but I guess I can say a thing or two about this. I didn't like him in the first place, but having him and Clinton as the only choices... well, Clinton seemed worse to me. I've found out he's not that bad, being oppossed to progressivism -you know, feminazis, LGBT, and that stuff-, at least he's been doing something about it, as far as I've read. That's a good thing, at least to me, I just can't stand those extremist crybabies. However, he's still a threat on scientific and enviromental matters, though I dobut he'll just nuke random countries out of impulse, I don't think he's THAT insane. He's getting more hate than he deserves.
    1 point
  11. If you could already install cia files why did you want to setup emunand? It seems you already have a CFW running. I wasn't aware of that, I read the new exploit was a workaround for the same exploit on 11.3, so I assumed it would work the same as in 11.2, but seem I was wrong (or read it wrong)
    1 point
  12. I'm not aware of anything he's done that's grounds for impeachment. The plans tearing the country apart is more the fault of the people than Trump, I think. The people involved with the "not my president" movement seem like immature crybabies that didn't get their way. Trump's the president now, whether they like it or not, and there is no legal way to change that so long as he doesn't do anything blatantly illegal. People have this false idea that he's going to legitimately ruin the country, deporting all the immigrants. (They don't seem to realize that only the illegal immigrants need to worry, since coming here without going through the proper channels is a crime. The first time is a misdemeanor, but coming back illegally after being deported is a felony.) Trump has said enough controversial and crazy (and sometimes offensive) things to become this unpopular, but I'm not sure he deserves as much hate as he's getting. (And just to be clear, I'm not a Trump supporter. It's just that he gets so much hate that people are kinda making me defend him.)
    1 point
  13. That's how it's always worked though. Congress makes the laws, the president enforces them (and can pass executive orders to help enforce them), and the Supreme Court interprets them (and settles disputes).
    1 point
  14. understood, thanks for your help figuring this out! i'm mostly making this post in case anyone has this problem in the future and googles it; i was able to get pkx to read a .pkm created by pikasav (check gbatemp). i used gb cart flasher to export the .sav, opened the sav in pkhex and exported it, opened that sav in visual boy advance and exported the battery file. from there, i opened the .sav that vba gave me in pikasav, went to the party editor and was able to export a 71kb .pkm of my quilava that pkx is able to read/convert. i'll upload the unconverted quilava file so anyone who wants to try it can just to double check but i'm transferring it to moon as i'm typing this, i'll edit this post to update :~) quilava.pkm
    0 points
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