Ronin Posted August 29, 2009 Posted August 29, 2009 gokufan said: Hey, i've got from trade Chikorita, but it's parent was cheated (master ball, route 203). Is that Chikorita legit, or should I get rid of it? Obviously that "poorly made" Chikorita was not a legit. I'd say get rid of it since you've access to PokeSav, and on Wifi you'd be deemed as a hacker to those ignorant people. And other hackers would markedly be criticizing that poor PokeSav made and how you've traded over something for it.
NovaPhoenix Posted September 20, 2009 Posted September 20, 2009 Is the Ageto Celebi supposed to be GBA Unrestricted? Also, does romanizing a Pokemon's name destroy it's legality? Just wanted to make sure, because I did this for the EIgakan Darkrai and Shaymin, and they passed through PBR OK!
rOllingStAr Posted January 18, 2010 Posted January 18, 2010 how come when I input random numbers on the IVs with a random PID the test still comes out as valid? the same is the case with random pokemon types, classes, and hex values.
MvT21 Posted February 10, 2010 Posted February 10, 2010 damio said: None ingame event.Ultra rare and rare gba mean exactly that, rare PIDs So that means anything other than the Legendarys, Given eggs and ingame trades?
zenskii Posted May 2, 2010 Posted May 2, 2010 uh ok so i have a question. i did a perfect iv lucario and tried it on the legal thing, and i got Type: Never seen this. B-A-C-E [unrestricted] so does it count as legal?
danhomer Posted May 16, 2010 Posted May 16, 2010 Is "Type: Never seen this. B-A-C-E [unrestricted]" a good sign?
DannyB01 Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 @ danhomer No that's not a particularly good sign, although i imagine you're not too far from a legal PID. Which answers: @ zenskii No that doesn't count as legal, as it wouldn't occur in game naturally. @ RollingStar Pokesav generates a new legit PID for you when you randomly put those IVs in, as far as i'm aware. @ Nova Phoenix No Ageto Celebi should always come up as unknown gba type, your one has been hacked Check this link in the future: @ Gokufan That shiny ho-oh is a hack, it should be Common GBA Type (A-B-C-D) [possibly may have misremembered the letter order, but i'm pretty sure that's right]. Uknown GBA type pokemon are hacks except in rare cases (such as the Ageto celebi ironically). Hope that you're all happy with those answers! Now to ask the noobiest question of all. I'm trying to get to know legal pokemon generation better (I've got a fair bit of experience now) and understand what i'm doing. But due to the way pokesav works, when i use one of the generated shiny PID/IV combinations and select shiny, I then have to manually input the pid and by doing this, pokesav makes it not shiny anymore. What have I done wrong? Or is it that the only reason pokesav stops it being shiny is because the supposed shiny pids generated are actually normal pokemon's PIDs? That's what i think but wouldn't explain why the shiny PIDs i'm getting from SCV's PID generator (as well as PokeGen, I tried both) is only giving me normal PIDs. I'd really appreciate some help here, I feel the answer is staring me in the face and i'm just not seeing it
Gowon Posted June 17, 2010 Posted June 17, 2010 Is there a way to change the PID of event pokemon? So that at the end they still have the same type ie. Common Event (Restricted)?
Drohn Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 Question, if you create a pokemon out of nothing with Pokesav (So you don't edit your current legit pokemon but just click "edit" on an empty pokemon spot in pokesav), do you still need to normalize trashbytes? or is this only when you edit pokemon that already exicst?
Kaphotics Posted November 14, 2010 Posted November 14, 2010 trashbytes is only for mystery gift and pal parked pokemon
dao001 Posted January 8, 2011 Posted January 8, 2011 Okay, I just have two questions, because I am getting a little frustrated... The legality checker says my pokemon are good (all of them either common nds or common gba), and yet when I use them on battle revo they aren't being accepted... What am I doing wrong? It all says valid, and they aren't making it through. Also, I used the platinum one because I am doing my work on an R4, but because it won't connect to the wii to send them straight from there, I had to trade to a SoulSilver.... is that making a difference?
Andy1604 Posted April 12, 2011 Posted April 12, 2011 How i can make a Shiny Pokemon with 6x31 DVs? Legality help me please ... for Pokemon Soul SIlver.
evandixon Posted August 8, 2011 Posted August 8, 2011 leelika08 said: i have a question regarding secret many digits must it be? i put 5 at 1st. then put 3 5 digits, less than 65535. If you put fewer digits, zeros will be added. (Ex. 875 becomes 00875)
Leaf Dragoon Posted April 4, 2012 Posted April 4, 2012 xeomyr said: i would say that it's almost impossible to get all 31 IV to get it in the game .. why??because maybe you will only got it after hatching 1 billion or maybe trillion eggs XD except you hack the parent to all 31 IV first and try to produce a "legal" one in the game XD ... then it will be possible XD .. with enough luck wait do you really think that using a code to max out the parents IVs will work because because every time i tried to breed a pokemon with a hacked nature and an everstone it just kept getting the nature the parent would have had if i hadn't used the nature modifier.
evandixon Posted September 1, 2012 Posted September 1, 2012 Chompizard25 said: Wait, why is this on wiki AND forums? The wiki is pretty much dead, although it is used for technical structures and such. If you notice, there isn't a link to the wiki at the top of the forums anymore...
Bond697 Posted September 1, 2012 Posted September 1, 2012 i think at this point i'm the only one who uses it.
Bond697 Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 i don't see anyone else posting anything on it.
Chompizard25 Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 Thats because i am not done with my research
Bond697 Posted September 2, 2012 Posted September 2, 2012 seriously? on what, specifically, are you researching?
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