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I didn't pick him for favorite Dark type, so I'll pick him for favorite Flying type. Definitely Honchkrow. I used one on my in-game Diamond team.

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I agree with it's cool look

  Enkidu said:

Not very useful, but OH so cool looking. Not to mention getting a female combee in game too me like over 100 years.

but for a flying type i understand more a bird like beast so I choose Pidgeot (since it was my first flying slave... I mean pokémon)


[sprite]227[/sprite] or [sprite]279[/sprite]

Skarmory for its obvious walling and Pelipper because, while it may not be the best flying pokemon, it has nice resistances and a semi-decent movepool.


My Most favorite Pokemon because it's cute is:



I really wish the BB codes I used from here included Alternate Formes, But, How?:confused: Please Reply to me.

  Oracion105 said:
My Most favorite Pokemon because it's cute is:



I really wish the BB codes I used from here included Alternate Formes, But, How?:confused: Please Reply to me.

The current type they're asking for is electric. What is your favorite electric type? :)


I love Pikachu's line, of course. Also Mareep/Flaaffy, and Luxray. Wow... I think we need more electrics or something. My other favourites had about ten Pokémon.

Edit: Jolteon is cool too!

[22:46] <Greencat> It's to hard for me to choose, though. I like Raichu, Pikachu, Pichu, Luxray, Jolteon, Electabuzz, WashTom, FreezerTom and Manetric

[22:48] <Greencat> If I had to narrow it down more: Pikachu, Pichu, Jolteon, Electrabuz and Washtom.

[22:48] <Greencat> And if I had to MORE: Pikachu, Electabuzz and Washtom

I really like those, but I think it will end in [sprite]025[/sprite] or [sprite]125[/sprite]

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