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Edited ROMs can only be played on exploited consoles.

Please do not ask (nor private message me) how to obtain/dump/decrypt/unpack/repack ROMs as that is unrelated to the functionality of this program.

Download Link At Bottom of Post

pkNX is a ROM editor for the Nintendo Switch Pokémon games with tools to edit various game data.


All editors displayed are fully functional.

Simply feed it a folder (drag/drop or by File->Open) which contains the game romfs & exefs extracted content folders. Edited files will be saved to a patch folder (named after the game's title ID), and will preferentially load edited files before defaulting back to the unmodified files in the romfs/exefs folders.

Edited files are only saved when the program closes, and edits in individual windows can be discarded by hitting Close (X) rather than Save.

Randomizers available:

  • Trainer Battles (Pokemon / Items / Moves / Difficulty / Classes)
  • Wild Encounters (Species, Level)
  • Personal Data (Pokemon Types / Stats / TM Learnset)
  • Move Learnset (Level Up)
  • Evolutions
  • etc

Download the latest version here (click on latest run at the top, then click Artifacts - published, and download the folder)

Source code is available on my GitHub.

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Hi, when I try to open my folder with the romfs and exefs I get a message sating "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."

  • Ditto 1
  On 11/28/2018 at 10:22 PM, Akane11 said:

Hi, when I try to open my folder with the romfs and exefs I get a message sating "Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. Object reference not set to an instance of an object."


Bad folder. The folder has to have an unpacked romfs & exefs with no extra files inside either of those two folders.

I've updated the logic so that it no longer throws an exception, and instead returns the intended error message.


  • Like 1
  On 11/28/2018 at 11:23 PM, Kaphotics said:

Bad folder. The folder has to have an unpacked romfs & exefs with no extra files inside either of those two folders.

I've updated the logic so that it no longer throws an exception, and instead returns the intended error message.



I feel like I’m doing something dumb but not sure what to do as I keep getting the same error message. I zipped both the PkNx source and files and put them in one folder. The RomFS and exefs are in a folder too. I don’t know what else to do.






I updated the program in my previous message; be sure you are using the latest commit version.

The romfs should have 27,818 Files, 1,336 Folders

The exefs should have 6 Files, 0 Folders


Can't really tell more without the 'details'.


Is everything setup right though?


It says my RomFS file has 2100 files and 135 folders so would I have to redump the game?

mod edit: don't multipost. Edit into your latest post, if no one replied the thread.


I tried 01 and 03 for the byte for gifts (it was 02 on Eevee and Pikachu), and neither forced shininess for gifts.
[the offset being 0x0C, if I'm not mistaken]

I know I'm at the correct file, as I duplicated all the bytes (from species to the end) of Arcanine onto Persian, and I indeed received an Arcanine.
(I'm on Let's Go Pikachu, so gift is normally Persian)

Additionally, the pkNX gift section isn't saving the edits for me, hence why I'm doing hex editing.

  On 11/29/2018 at 4:24 AM, theSLAYER said:

I tried 01 and 03 for the byte for gifts (it was 02 on Eevee and Pikachu), and neither forced shininess for gifts.


Wouldn't surprise me if they purposefully have 'force shiny' doing the same as pure rand, since no gifts should be forced shiny. I checked the setup method and saw it using the shiny type stuff, but the actual pkmcreate stuff is called from a function pointer (too hard to dig up for now).

Will look at the SingleFile container edits not being saved...

edit: fixed :)

  • Like 1
  On 11/29/2018 at 5:58 PM, Akane11 said:

So after I edit the trainers in PkNx how does it get transferred to my game?


Use LayeredFS with your CFW (would recommend Atmosphère). Once you're done making your edits, pkNX generates a folder named after the game's Title ID which can then be moved to your SD Card in the proper location, depending on your CFW.

If we use Atmosphère as an example, you move the Title ID folder to sd:/atmosphere/titles/

010003F003A34000 = Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu!
0100187003A36000 = Pokémon: Let's Go, Eevee!

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I spent 4 hours editing my files, but none of the changes were saved. Can someone tell me how to save the changes?

"Edited files will be saved to a patch folder (named after the game's title ID)" I cannot find this folder, where it should be?

Edited by zoiwillxx
Posted (edited)
  On 11/30/2018 at 7:16 PM, zoiwillxx said:

I spent 4 hours editing my files, but none of the changes were saved. Can someone tell me how to save the changes?

"Edited files will be saved to a patch folder (named after the game's title ID)" I cannot find this folder, where it should be?


At least for me, the folder is saved right alongside the romfs and exefs folders in my dump.



Unrelated to that, I get an issue when I try to randomize trainers movesets to be High Power moves. There doesn't appear to actually be a file it's referring to, unless I'm misunderstanding the error. Just Learnset.cs and Learnset6.cs. It's not something I need to use, just thought I'd share the error. It's attached below since it's long and I didn't want a wall of text. Also it seems like trainers that have Expert AI ignore when ForceSpecialTeamCount is set to false.


error.txtFetching info...

Edited by FreyC

I can't actually use pkNX to edit the Catch Rate at all, the save button saves when I have the editor open, but when I close the whole program to generate the files for atmosphere, no folder is generated, meaning the value never gets saved.


Actually, going back and trying EVERYTHING on this page also leads to nothing saving. Can't change Base Stats, EV Yield, Typings, nothing saves. I have grabbed the most recent build so I'm not sure if this page is just not implemented yet? Or is this just for reference and you can't actually change these in-game at all?


  On 11/30/2018 at 7:50 PM, FreyC said:

I get an issue when I try to randomize trainers movesets to be High Power moves. There doesn't appear to actually be a file it's referring to, unless I'm misunderstanding the error. Just Learnset.cs and Learnset6.cs. It's not something I need to use, just thought I'd share the error. It's attached below since it's long and I didn't want a wall of text.

Also it seems like trainers that have Expert AI ignore when ForceSpecialTeamCount is set to false.


Fixed & Fixed

  On 12/1/2018 at 2:45 AM, Kallen said:

I can't actually use pkNX to edit the Catch Rate at all, the save button saves when I have the editor open, but when I close the whole program to generate the files for atmosphere, no folder is generated, meaning the value never gets saved.

I'm not sure if this page is just not implemented yet?



Download the latest as of a few minutes ago :)

  • Like 1
Posted (edited)

I will say though, it forcing special battles to 6 Pokemon causes really... interesting stuff to happen with Double battles. As in, I hadn't modified my files yet from last build to take into account the fix for the bug, and I got into a fight with Jesse and James.


They had, in total, 12 Pokemon. I guess Team Rocket really doesn't fight fair. (Probably a bug, seems to just be a side effect of the double battle combining the party of two trainers instead of being seen as one battle. Avoidable by just not having 6 in both.)


And the HighPowered move thing still gave the same error, but at that point I think it's probably just me doing something wrong.

Edited by FreyC
  • 2 weeks later...
Posted (edited)

Okay this is a question for Kaphotics.

I understand you don't want to explain how to dump roms and etc but I have a homebrew console that I'm wanting to do this on and I have no idea how to add games.

Is it possible if I legitimately purchased the game via Nintendo eshop to do this hacking on my homebrew console? It hasn't been banned and even if it gets banned for doing this that's fine.

But I would prefer not to have to sort through tons of crap to find a "rom or iso" file when I could just legitimately buy the game as a digital download and then modify the digital download using this program.

If that's possible let me know because I would be down to just buy the game via eshop.


Also just came to my mind.

If I was to buy Pokemon lets Go Eevee from Eshop (even if this isn't a hackable file)

Then used the "backup method of installing pokemon "Eevee" onto my system which is hackable.

Would Nintendo instantly ban my system? My console would show a valid authentication key for Pokemon Eevee so would that stop my console from getting instantly flagged?

I understand the Homebrew console will most likely get banned sooner or later but I know if you hack in games you supposedly get instantly banned when you connect to online because they can tell you haven't paid for those games but what if you did even if your really not using the "Nintendo backed up file" but using a "Backup" that you downloaded and modified using this program.




Edited by BaconGamer22

Hi i have a problem , i finished to edit my files and when i launch the game i am stuck in the loading . Can you help me pleaze (I am on SXos and i am on pikatchu)


Posted (edited)

If you manually modify sky wild spawns for any area the program doesn't save the changes. It saves the changes for ground and water spawns, but not sky spawns.


  On 12/24/2018 at 12:34 PM, xeit0w said:

Hi i have a problem , i finished to edit my files and when i launch the game i am stuck in the loading . Can you help me pleaze (I am on SXos and i am on pikatchu)



That's an issue with the 2.5 beta for SX OS. Download the 2.41 beta from their forums and it'll work fine.

Edited by Dziggy
Posted (edited)

Im getting an issue where pokemon in the wild have there normal moves but just re-adjusted to match there level. I justed pknx to randomized all pokemon moves including wild pokemon 


I don't know if it is important but there was a folder in the randomizer files called archive, inside was a file with a jibberish name, this folder crashes my switch when I load the randoizer so I removed it from my sd card

Edited by Blackness

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