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  Phreen said:
1. True

2. Hell yeah:p

3. Don't know but I just like them, although I've recently been liking them less

Is #3 because they're too strong and show up everywhere? You should read my spoiler in the above post to see which one I think is the strongest type of them all... but many of you will probably disagree.

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  wraith89 said:
Is #3 because they're too strong and show up everywhere? You should read my spoiler in the above post to see which one I think is the strongest type of them all... but many of you will probably disagree.

You are exactly right, I used to have a dragon on my team but he got replaced by a certain bug with wonderguard:D

  Phreen said:
You are exactly right, I used to have a dragon on my team but he got replaced by a certain bug with wonderguard:D

Sheddy is awesome... especially in ubers when there's a 6x Calm Minded Kyogre... and forcing him out is just funny. :)

Funny thing is, Kyogre is like one of the most feared uber in the uber tier, but so many things from the bottom tier can counter him, such as Quagsire with the right EVs and stuff.

Now if they would just "fix" the brokenness of these electric types :-/

  Phreen said:
Strange how such a low rated pokemon can take out such a monstrous force, but how can a quagsire do damage to Kyogre

Toxic, anyone? Quagsire has the stats and typing and ability to take Kyogre's moves... and plus be immune to two... and one actually HEALS Quagsire (provided he has the right ability, granted).


Ah your right, Toxic can be a pain, unless you have a pokemon with aromatherapy, does Toxic lower any stats like burn or paralysis does?

  Phreen said:
Ah your right, Toxic can be a pain, unless you have a pokemon with aromatherapy, does Toxic lower any stats like burn or paralysis does?

No, but Toxic's damage increases every turn. It goes from 1/16 to 2/16 and so on until the max damage of cutting 15/16 health. Toxic is the bane of most if not all bulky waters.

Regular poison only does 1/16 damage every turn. Burn cuts off 1/8 (I might be wrong on the number) health and cuts 50% of attack power, useful in standard battles, but watch out for random Heatran switch-ins!

  • 4 weeks later...

That's not fair q__q Just 3 of 17?? p_p





Rock Electric Poison Fighting Dark Ghost Ground

Water Dragon Grass

Bug Fire



1) Dark. Most of the dark pokemon are AMAZING, and dark happens to be the type of my favourite ever, Absol. <3

2) Ghost. Mismagius, Froslass (Who's ALWAYS on my team >_>), Gengar... I love them all.

3) Psychic. Espeon = love.

4) Ice O_o;

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Electric types are weak to EARTHQUAKE, one of the most used attacks in the game.

Electric types have no immunity, and aside from zapdos are all frail enough to be killed by bullet punch/surf if they've taken even 15% of their hp.

As for the pikachu thing, Lucario is just as much a mascot as pikachu , Look at that things Unique typing AND grossly unfair move pool.

Thunder... 10 PP... Fire Blast... 5 PP... Hydro Pump... 5 PP... Blizzard... 5 PP.

Thunder vs Fireblast/Hydropump is a matter of accuracy. 70% vs 80%.

Blizzard is a different story.

Has a 10% chance to freeze target. Cannot miss in Hail. During Hail, can hit through Protect and Detect 30% of the time. In 2v2 battles, it hits both opponents and still has the same added effects as in single battles.

In rain, Thunder only gets 100% accuracy.

Electivire, the new evolution of Electabuzz... gets the new ability Motor Drive. His counterpart Magmortar gets what? Flash Fire? Oh no no no... not even Flash Fire... he still sticks with Flame Body! And even worse... Electivire gets Earthquake... and Ice Punch. Magmortar... doesn't get anything worth using over Electivire... not Earth Power, not some special ice attack. Zip. Nada. And of course, to show how much they hate Ice types, Jynx doesn't get an evolution.

In standard play ELECTRIVIRE isn't that great of a pokemon. Even with a motor drive boost he's still not fast or strong enough to do much to any well built team, and it walled far too easily. Having low defense and being weak to ground is also incredibly problematic. After he's taken around 40% of his life, a NON choice band scizor can finish him off, if your Lucario/Infernape hasn't already.

Magmortar gets Thunderbolt/Flamethrower/Overheat/Focus Blast/Crosschop/earthquake/flareblitz/IronTail/Psychic AND seismic toss meaning the only reason he's in UU is because of his Stealth rock weakness.

This is the thing that kicks me though... ONE WEAKNESS! Know any other type that has one weakness? Besides RBY Ghost, which really were part Poison too... there's only Normal type. However, Normal deserves to have one weakness because they can't strike super effective on anything; they're the neutral type. As for Electric... why one? I would think it'd be weak to Ice or Grass or something... but they're not.

Electric - 1 weakness, 3 resistances.

Electric as an attacking type is really subpar at best, as it can only score super effective hits on water and flying types is resisted by 3 types, and is immune by one. Meaning there are 4 types that electric attacks do literally nothing against ( one of them being dragon ) Electric types were obviously given improvements because gamefreak thought that they needed to "Check" bulky waters and the like as our metagame is so centralized ( well was ) around defensive water types. And even then, the improvements only really helped zapdos very much.

1: Ground

2: Steel

3: Bug



1. Water - love water types, mainly the starters, but want to see them more powerful

2. Steel - so many resistances, so powerful, immune to poison and sandstorm

3. Normal/Electric - 1 weakness only, yet to see a real powerful/less fragile one

I don't like all water types, just usually the starters.


My favorite types...

1. Normal: A beautiful type whose powers can not overpower any other. The Normal-Type is more than just a Pokémon type, it is perfection incarnated. Why else would Arceus' base form be Normal?

2. Fire: The power to burn lies within this type. With the power to control the energy of heat it can not be matched in terms of true power.

3. Psychic: The power to use the mind to battle is something that I wish humans receive before my passing. Perhaps there is no type more pure and unadulterated than that of the Psychic whose power does not come from the elements, but from the brain.

  wraith89 said:
Those three are actually used a LOT in the metagame. If you mean rare (aside from Ice), I guess that's true then ;)

metagame??? and no not realy used that much


Steel-when i was a kid i loved metagross w/ R/S/E and in 2nd gen i loved Scizor and still do

Ghost-Well these pokemon are sick....Mismagus,Spiritomb,Dusknoir,Drifblim,Sableye...ect.

Dragon-Well why not i love Latias and Dragonite....there just plain cool. Now if nintendo made a Steel/Dragon that would be sick.. O_o


For me, it is:

1. Dragon; a great defensive typing and even better offensively.Steel was my favourite at first, but now I like dragon the most.

2.Steel; the best defensive typing there is(imo).it sucks that steel is not a good offensive typing, tho.

3.Ghost; A great typing, as bulky ghosts(spiritomb, dusknoir) can't be swiftly brought down by explosion.Blocking rapid spin is extremely viable to stall teams, too.But pursuit weakness hurts.


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