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Posted (edited)

This ain't FAQ thread.

Users be warned ;P

I'll update all the information all today or tomorrow, with the famous SOON™


Front post updated with all the contributions thus far.

As my warning above the edit was ignored,

kindly use this thread only for contributions or very VERY related stuff.

Hyping/Discussion/begging/Questions/etc, please take it here: http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?45329-Gen-VI-Event-FAQ-and-Discussion-Thread

Enjoy your stay!!

Edited by theSLAYER
  ElseSomeone said:
Wow, you've delete about 30 of my posts lol



This Garchomp WC ID is 1005, and the OT is : 스프링카니발

The thread was getting messy, so I deleted posts that were more or less responses to non-contributions, as well as stuff that was settled.

I'll update the file with those data the upcoming weekend.

We may get more contributions between now and then ;)

Posted (edited)


This Garchomp WC ID is 1005, and the OT is : 스프링카니발

If I remember well, I have this wondercard on my datas, I've to look at that

Okay, I have it :

I also have the WCS14K events from Pokemon X

Edited by ElseSomeone

Thought I`d attach some wondercards that i got from a pokemon y save backup that i purchased second hand with a cyber save editor. Unsure of whether they came from powersaves or not but i do know that they are used. I`m unable to contact the person i bought them off but he did purchase the cyber save editor to put wondercards onto his save file. Just thought i`d add them and you guys can look at them.

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Eevee

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Espeon

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Flareon

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Glaceon

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Jolteon

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Leafeon

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Pikachu

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Umbreon

1 - おたんじょうび おめでとう!Vaporeon

3 - トウキョーベイ オープンきねん!Inkay

12 - A Special Sylveon!

15 - リザードナイトXを もった リザードンCharizard

15 - リザードナイトYを もった リザードンCharizardite Y

25 - メガシンカするポケモン プレゼントGyarados

26 - メガシンカするポケモン プレゼントScizor

27 - メガシンカするポケモン プレゼントKangaskhan

28 - メガシンカするポケモン プレゼントGengar

29 - メガシンカするポケモン プレゼントTyranitar

30 - メガシンカするポケモン プレゼントMawile

502 - A powerful Scizor!

510 - Avanza verso la vittoria!

1503 - It’s the Fancy Pattern Vivillon!

the save file is also in the attachment.


wc.rarFetching info...


These events surely are tampered with. It's impossible to have more than one of the birthday pokemon on the same game. Also both charizards (X and Y) on one game and the foreign events... I wouldn't say this contribution helps much, but thank you anyway.


First off, once again, a big thank you to everyone who have contributed thus far.

In moments time, I'll be updating the first page with the relevant new events.


In other news

  karmacows said:
Just thought i`d add them and you guys can look at them.

Thanks for the heads up, but sadly I can't add them.

Or to be precise, we already have them.

(Those wondercards are from Powersaves).

  ElseSomeone said:

Title : 
C'est un Dracaufeu chromatique !

Wondercard Text :
Un cadeau spécial rien que pour vous !
Attisez les flammes de la gloire avec ce
Dracaufeu chromatique et méga-évoluez
pour embraser le champ de bataille !

OT : PRINT. 2015


Download : https://1fichier.com/?c3j70xsg2d

I hope the New Pachirisu will be contributed :x

In France it comes out April 13 normally not ?

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