BlackShark Posted February 15, 2015 Posted February 15, 2015 With greetings from a friend. Wonder Card title: Ein Äon-Ticket! Wonder Card text: Danke, dass du Pokémon spielst! Hole dir dein Geschenk von unserer Lieferantin im Pokémon-Center ab! Distribution text: Mit diesem Ticket kannst du zur Insel im Süden gelangen! Mehr dazu erfährst du von Norman, dem Arenaleiter von Blütenburg City. 2048 - Serial Code Item Eon Ticket (GER).zipFetching info...
eonrocket Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Hi guys, attach here is the Wonder Card of the HA Tyrunt, received from the Pokemon Global Link. I extracted it using PkHeX after receiving it, untouched. EDIT: Reveal hidden contents
doublekou Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 HA Tyrunt (JPN):cool::grog::smile:
Chamdee Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Hi, I had a heart attack when I didn't get the "Personal Notification" for the Tyrunt code. But googling told me of this link: anyways, here's my ENG HA tyrunt unused wc6 by RAM2sav and pkhex:
ElseSomeone Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Ok so here my Tyrunt (Ptyranidur) in French (bad quality picture as always) : Download : Wondercard Title : Un Ptyranidur talentueux ! Wondercard Text : Merci d'avoir participé à une compétition en ligne ! Voici un Ptyranidur avec son talent caché ! Note : My wondercard is for the MALE Tyrun, if someone has the FEMALE one, please contribute it,
supercarotte Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Ahito95 said: If you can't find the Tyrunt code on the PGL follow this link after you logged in, it worked for me : will contribute the Italian Tyrunt WC6 later Thanks a lot! I don't understand why it doesn't appear itself on PGL but it worked for me =) French event has already been uploaded but here is mine, just in case (you're lucky if yours is a female): MEGA link
Ahito95 Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Here is my Italian (male) Tyrunt Reveal hidden contents 1508 - Un Tyrunt con l'abilità speciale! (M).zipFetching info...
supercarotte Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 paf said: could somebody please share a .pk6 file of ha event tyrunt?although I had participated of the competition.I couldn't see my results in pgl.I couldn't get the code to take it as well. thanks. Did you try one of those links (depending on your age): (junior division) (master division) Or can use one of the .wc6 posted here (ElseSomeone: unfortunately yes, it's a male, even if it better suits a gigantic T-REX to be male^^)
RustInPeace Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Female HA Tyrunt, USA.
marc_max Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 I would like to contribute with my spanish HA Tyrunt Wondercard, but the attachments window just shows a grey page :-( Tried Firefox and IE with the same luck. I'll leave an external link, hoping someone can reupload it here as an attachment. Spanish HA Tyrunt Wondercard
Guest Posted February 17, 2015 Posted February 17, 2015 Here's my contribution for the German one.
BlackShark Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 The Charizard and Gengar codes already expired. Charizard on January 15th and Gengar on February 5th. Only Diancie can still be redeemed until February 25th.
Balticoral Posted February 19, 2015 Posted February 19, 2015 Hey first post here Thanks to ram2sav and PKHeX I was able to extract the Korean Sylveon from my English Y eShop copy's save file, I got this event about a year ago when I went to S. Korea, feel free to disregard this if already contributed and I didn't see it Link: PS Also, does anyone have a list of what Mystery Gifts are missing? Would be a lot easier for everyone. Cheers, Balticoral :grog:
codem8kr Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 Here is the Johto Starters event. I've included photo evidence of me obtaining the files, which can be seen within the .rar file. Since it won't let me attach the file here, I've linked it to my dropbox account. File is 16mb because of the photos included.
doublekou Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 Serena's Fennekin (JPN), enjoy!:kikkoman:
The Shiny Jirachi Posted February 26, 2015 Posted February 26, 2015 here's the file with the johto starters+serena's fennekin pk6
Chamdee Posted February 27, 2015 Posted February 27, 2015 my eon pic Here's the NA Eon ticket: NA code: 2015LATIOSLATIAS EU code: POKEMON380381 (Open until Monday and you can't use it if you already have Eon ticket beforehand. I restarted the game)
BlackShark Posted February 28, 2015 Posted February 28, 2015 Italian: Wonder Card title: Ecco il Biglietto Eone! Wonder Card text: Grazie per aver giocato con questo gioco dei Pokémon! Ricordati di ritirare il dono dalla postina nel Centro Pokémon! Distribution text: Grazie a questo biglietto potrai raggiungere l'Isola Remota! Per saperne di più, rivolgiti a Norman il Capopalestra di Petalipoli. Spanish: Wonder Card title: ¡Un Ticket Eón! Wonder Card text: ¡Gracias por jugar a Pokémon! Ve a ver a la repatidora en cualquier Centro Pokémon para recoger tu regalo. Distribution text: ¡Con este ticket podrás viajar a la Isla del Sur! El Líder del Gimnasio Pokémon de Petalia, Norman, te dará más detalles. 2048 - Serial Code Item Eon Ticket (ITA).zipFetching info... 2048 - Serial Code Item Eon Ticket (SPA).zipFetching info...
doublekou Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 I don't know if anyone would be interested in these two item WC6s, but anyway, please enjoy!:cool:
supercarotte Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 Unless it has already been contributed, here is my french unused eon ticket from the latest serial code distribution : MEGA Link
Derrik Posted March 1, 2015 Posted March 1, 2015 doublekou said: I don't know if anyone would be interested in these two item WC6s, but anyway, please enjoy!:cool: These two wondercards are, Nugget and x10 Potions, if anyone is wondering what are those :redface:
ElseSomeone Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 Using ram2sav and pkhex. By the way, as I've promised, here is my Serena's Fennekin. Wondercard Title : セレナのフォッコ プレゼント Wondercard Text : アニメ「ポケットモンスター XY」から セレナの パートナーポケモン フォッコを プレゼント! Proof : Download : ----------------------------------- By the way, I can receive all the wondercards of every region. I am not able to get all the serial codes. If you can have any Japanese/Korean/Chinese/Taiwanese serial codes, I can redeem them and contribute the wondercards there. So if you have this, please give me the codes to contribute them (if you can't of course).
theSLAYER Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 Dear all! I've updated the first post with updated information + compiled wondercards. All future updates for compiled package will be at the first post, do look out! As this thread was originally created for Wondercards information and data contribution, In order to maintain the "sanctity" of this thread, Questions, advise-related, extracting discussion, events discussion or any form of off-topic discussion can be taken to: I've left the "table of contents" as my signature, so feel free to use it for easy access to PKX contribution thread, for those interested in PKX contributions!
Chamdee Posted March 2, 2015 Posted March 2, 2015 Thank you! And sorry for posting pkx Please be advised... The event HA Amaura gift from Dragon Type Online Competition this March.
ElseSomeone Posted March 7, 2015 Posted March 7, 2015 (edited) In fact, the 19 arceus can be received on one cartridge, because of a different SID. So the Fairy one is 81 nice. Also, don't have Arceus's wondercard yet but that one : Wondercard Title : 환상의 포켓몬 디안시 선물 Wondercard Text : 포켓몬 영화 개봉 기념 디안시를 선물! 손에 넣은 디안시와 함께 여러분도 신성한 힘을 찾아 모험을 떠나보자! Translation of the Wondercard Title : In gift Diancie the fantasy Pokémon Translation of the Wondercard Text : To celebrate the Pokemon Movie Release there is this Diancie gift ! With Diancie in you hand don't forget you adventure to find the divine power ! Proof : Download : Edit : I've forgotten to say that this one is redeemable on ORAS, not like the OCT and NOV one. Edited March 8, 2015 by ElseSomeone
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