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This is really cool. Finally be able to really have my save files look as if I got the event legitimately :P

Kind of small details that's always bothered me.

Posted (edited)

Guys finally I got it... I have figured out the checksum calculation :biggrin:

Here is my first custom wonder card. I have change the color and title of the AURORA Ticket:


I will post more details later... :grog:

Edit: Custom wonder card that can be shared:


Edited by lostaddict
Posted (edited)

Nicey, when I found the thread and saw it was started a month ago, and that you were stuck trying to figure out the checksum, I thought it would still be a while before it was figured out.

Edited by Guest

Since the checksum issue is now resolved, i can confirm some of the previous speculations:

Cards Color Values:

0x00: Dark Yellow with square patterns


0x04: Dark Blue/Green with square patterns


0x08: Red with line patterns


0x0c: Green with line patterns


0x10: Blue with line patterns


0x14: Yellow with line patterns


0x18: Yellow with pokeball patterns


0x1c: Grey with pokeball patterns


Also for each card color there are 3 values that can be used (for example 0x00,0x01,0x02 are all dark yellow with square patterns). After the 3 instances the next one is always empty (for example 0x03).

To make any of the cards distributable you have to add 0x80 to the above values (for example 0x80 is distributable dark yellow card)


Yes we can do this... I have a small question mark regarding the egg events, but i think is possible as well...

I have already recreate mystic ticket and old sea map based on the legal aurora tickets we had. I have also recreate altering cave wonder card.

At the moment my biggest issue is the text on the card for "Old Sea Map" and "Altering Cave". Since those events was never distribute outside Japan, we need to translate the cards from Japanese... Other than that, both of them works perfectly inside the game...

  lostaddict said:
At the moment my biggest issue is the text on the card for "Old Sea Map" and "Altering Cave". Since those events was never distribute outside Japan, we need to translate the cards from Japanese... Other than that, both of them works perfectly inside the game...

If you compare the wondercards for the Old Sea Map and the Aurora Ticket you will see that they are almost identical.

Based on how the English Aurora Ticket card looks like the English Old Sea Map would be something like this.

OLD SEA MAP Exchange Card

Go to the second floor of the POKéMON
CENTER and meet the delivery person in
green. Receive the OLD SEA MAP and
then save the game!!

Do not toss this Exchange Card
before receiving the OLD SEA MAP!!

  King Impoleon said:
Where and when is the Alternate cave distributed? I never heard from

I thought they were never distributed? Similar to the case of the Azure Flute.

Posted (edited)

Good job, lostaddict.

Finally we know all the functionalities of the Wonder Cards.

Interesting that the same bytes which are used for the colors are used as the "Send-Feature" Flag as well.

I already wondered why Morfeo's Wonder Cards had these 0x80 bytes added to the value compared to the Japanese ones, I noticed this difference before. :D Now we just have to research about the Delivery Person in Green-Scripts, then I would say that this part of the Research is closed.

Would be useful if we could locate the other scripts inside the Rom in order to figure out the offsets for the other Events, like the Egg Event for example. The offsets will be different in the Japanese Versions, so we need to figure out the new offsets for the west versions.

  Hidraslick said:
Hey guys I created my account just to thank you, because I now have more knowledge about how this games work.

I have 3 questions:

1. Have you made any progress in general?

2. On the save file that was posted before I saw one thing that is impossible as it is:

there is a event Ageto Celebi unmodified from japanese colosseum bonus disc, does this means

that it would be posible to actually replicate the japanese Celebi event as a wonder card to use it on non-japanese versions?

3. Could you please make a save from the previous save but one that could work for wireless transfer?

An idea could be to make save files that allow access to the nintendo official events by trading wonder cards instead of using Action Replay codes. That Would be awesome.

1. Yes, but I was really busy the recently and had not much time for research.

I'm glad lostaddict could do something with the information I shared with him.

Without him we wouldn't make so much progress in such a short time, he did the most effort.

2. The save files I used were some save files I borrowed from the Internet. They contained the Celebis from Nigoli. You can find them here. :P

The Celebis had nothing to do with the Wonder Cards, I'm sorry for this confusion. To play all the way through in all the respective versions would have taken a lot time and I needed some clean and unhacked save files, that's why did this. It was just for research purpose anyway. Now since we know how everything works we don't need those files anymore, that's why I removed them.

3. Yes, we can. It was not possible until now to change the share functionality without a valid checksum.

But we finally can make use of all the Wonder Card functionalities. So we can be able to create shareable and unshareable Wonder Cards!

The project will finally reach the next step when we finished our research.

I think rather sooner than later. But it depends how much more information we can gather to recreate legit Wonder Cards and we're now thinking about the possibility to make custom Wonder Cards as well.

  makinoaaa said:
Can we reconstruct all the 3rd gen events?

If you mean the Mystery Gift Events YES... but only if we get enough informations.

Technically we're now able to!

  BlackShark said:
If you compare the wondercards for the Old Sea Map and the Aurora Ticket you will see that they are almost identical.

Based on how the English Aurora Ticket card looks like the English Old Sea Map would be something like this.

OLD SEA MAP Exchange Card

Go to the second floor of the POKéMON
CENTER and meet the delivery person in
green. Receive the OLD SEA MAP and
then save the game!!

Do not toss this Exchange Card
before receiving the OLD SEA MAP!!

I thought they were never distributed? Similar to the case of the Azure Flute.

Thank you! I think we can use this for the Old Sea Map. :)

One thing I want to add to this... because some people might wondering about this...

There's an error in the Aurora Ticket Wonder Card in Emerald and possibly in the Mystery Ticket Wonder Card as well. The "delivery person in green" isn't green but instead blue in Emerald.

They didn't changed the text for the Emerald Distribution, so the Wonder Card still mentions him as the delivery person in green..

My guess about this... The Mystery Gift Events were distributed all through the same system and the text was always the same, no matter it was FireRed, LeafGreen or Emerald. (Mystery solved?)

Btw. In the Japanese Version... this problem is not present because the color the delivery guy wears is not mentioned in the text of the Wonder Card.

About the Altering Cave Event...

Yes, you're right. It was in fact never officially distributed. But it appears there was at least a plan for an eventual distribution. Takasan discovered some text and scripts for all the planned distributions inside the ROM and distributed custom Wonder Cards with these informations. A week ago lostaddict found a txt file with the localized versions of these texts. http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?46883-GEN-3-Wonder-Card-Event-Injection&p=207657&viewfull=1#post207657


Most official websites went off over the years. But we're lucky that some of them were archived. :D

I found the official (japanese) page for the distributions of the Mystic Ticket and the Eon Ticket of 2006-2007.


Most interesting about this is the fact that in Emerald the Eon Ticket was received from the Delivery Guy instead of the father, as it was the case in Ruby & Sapphire...


むげんのチケットを てにいれた!

EON TICKET obtained!


Edited by ajxpkm

Hey guys,

To add to the EON ticket finding, you can make a change in the delivery man script to deliver any item you want. For items that are related to the events, you have to set the "Enable" flag of that event as well...

So to add on my previous post regarding the item codes, here are the event enable codes:

E008 --> Activate Mystic Ticket Event

D606 --> Activate Old Map Event

D508 --> Activate Aurora Ticket Event

B308 --> Activate EON Ticket Event

So for example in the delivery man script of the Aurora Ticket, you have to change all the instances of D5 08 to any of the other codes to recreate the event you want...

Now to expand this further, yesterday while i was struggling to change the text for the EGG Event, I had an idea...

Why to struggle to change those things manually if there is a chance those events already be scripted in the rom?

And guess what... Actually they are...

After the "33 FF FF FF" sequence, there are 5 other bytes... "B8 F4 57 67 08". So if you take those bytes and reverse them to "08 67 57 F4" (B8 indicates the start of the script so we don't want it). Then open the rom in hex editor and go to address 0x6757F4 you can actually find the script you are looking for. Then Just copy it and paste it after the "33 FF FF FF". Compute the checksum and that's it :biggrin:

You have a fully working delivery man script based on the event script already existed in the rom

With this method i recreate all the events in like 10 mins... So now i have all 3 tickets, altering cave and an egg event (which gives you an egg with surfing Pichu). All the events are missing the text on the wonder card but are working as expected...

So, this actually opens endless opportunities... Why? Because you can use any already existing script from the rom (for example Gift Pokemon) and attach it to the delivery man to activate it through Wonder Card. And since the Wondercard script actually overwrites the Rom script, in theory you can create any script you want using the existing script editors and attach it to the delivery man, through a Wonder Card.


Here are some images from the actual game for the Altering Cave Event:


This event seems to be a little bit "buggy" and I think maybe this is the reason never released. I'm saying this because of those 2 facts:

1. Always you can find only 1 kind of pokemon in the cave. Each time you talk to the delivery man, this pokemon change.

2. Once you toss the wonder card, the last pokemon you had enable, stays there for ever (instead of return to zubat).

Here are some images for the Surfing Pichu Egg:


Interesting Text: A peculiar POKEMON EGG obtained at the nice place

Maybe this indicates this is an event pokemon egg...



You already found the script in the Rom which I guessed we could find. Good to know!

This is actually how I thought we could do this practically. We just have to change some parts of the Scripts here and there...

Just for example... the Egg Event. In default it appears to be a Pichu with Surf.

If we now manage to change what the egg contains... Let's say... the Pokémon Type and Moves, we're able to recreate the Event Eggs! That's basically all we have to do.

To edit the text of the script is not necessary anyway, since you already discovered the text and were the text is there is also the script, just as you confirmed now.

All we need now is some Text for the Wonder Cards!

The Altering Cave Event has flaws, just like you said.

It's because everytime you talk to the delivery guy it changes the value to the next Pokémon and you can do this until you toss the Card. That's because when you toss it and the Wonder Card and the Script gets deleted and the flag that makes the delivery visable is turned off. Therefore you stuck with the last Pokémon that was present in the Altering Cave before you tossed the card. I think this is not a too big problem, because since the Event was never released every save file stucks with Zubats anyway. But I think you're right that it could be the reason why they didn't distributed the Event. We will never know what they really were up to with this Event.

Long time ago I found the RAM location in the Japanese Versions of FR, LG & Emerald and played a little bit with it.

The RAM address is 0x020264D4 in FireRed & LeafGreen (JP) and 0x02026ABC in Emerald (JP).

0x00 = Zubat

0x01 = Mareep

0x02 = Aipom

0x03 = Pineco

0x04 = Shuckle

0x05 = Teddiursa

0x06 = Hundour

0x07 = Stantler

0x08 = Smeargle


OK here is the script for the egg in readable format:

#org 0x674D3D
setvirtualaddress 0x8674D3D
checkflag 0x1E4
virtualgotoif 0x0 0x8674D4C
special2 0x40DD 0x86
compare 0x40DD 0x6
virtualgotoif 0x1 0x8674D73
setflag 0x1E4
virtualcall 0x8674D7E
virtualmsgbox 0x8674DDE '"Thank you for using the MYSTERY\nG..."
fanfare 0x172

#org 0x674D4C
special2 0x40DD 0x86
compare 0x40DD 0x6
virtualgotoif 0x1 0x8674D73
setflag 0x1E4
virtualcall 0x8674D7E
virtualmsgbox 0x8674DDE '"Thank you for using the MYSTERY\nG..."
fanfare 0x172

#org 0x674D73
virtualmsgbox 0x8674E6A '"Oh, your party appears to be full...."

#org 0x674D7E
giveegg 0xAC
setobedience 0x40DD
setcatchlocation 0x40DD 0xFF
compare 0x40DD 0x1
virtualgotoif 0x1 0x8674DC0
compare 0x40DD 0x2
virtualgotoif 0x1 0x8674DC6
compare 0x40DD 0x3
virtualgotoif 0x1 0x8674DCC
compare 0x40DD 0x4
virtualgotoif 0x1 0x8674DD2
compare 0x40DD 0x5
virtualgotoif 0x1 0x8674DD8

#org 0x674DC0
setpkmnpp 0x1 0x2 0x39

#org 0x674DC6
setpkmnpp 0x2 0x2 0x39

#org 0x674DCC
setpkmnpp 0x3 0x2 0x39

#org 0x674DD2
setpkmnpp 0x4 0x2 0x39

#org 0x674DD8
setpkmnpp 0x5 0x2 0x39

' Strings
#org 0x674DDE
= Thank you for using the MYSTERY\nGIFT System.\pFrom the POKéMON CENTER we\nhave a gift--a POKéMON EGG!\pPlease raise it with love and\nkindness.

#org 0x674E6A
= Oh, your party appears to be full.\pPlease come see me after storing\na POKéMON on a PC.

The key commands here are:

giveegg 0xAC which gives an egg with pichu (pichu number is 172 which in hex is 0xAC)

setcatchlocation 0x40DD 0xFF Most probably related to the location you found the egg. In this case its the "Nice Place"

I think the moves are related to this command:

setpkmnpp 0x1 0x2 0x39 (0x1 is the slot the egg will placed, I'm not sure about 0x2 and 0x39). Maybe is move surf as second move? I'm sure we can find this info in a rom hack thread...

Also we need to search what flag 0x1E4 does...


For the record here is the altering cave script as well:

#org 0x6756E3
setvirtualaddress 0x86756E3
addvar 0x403E 0x1
compare 0x403E 0xA
virtualgotoif 0x0 0x86756FD
setvar 0x403E 0x0
virtualmsgbox 0x8675708 '"Thank you for using the MYSTERY\nG..."

#org 0x6756FD
virtualmsgbox 0x8675708 '"Thank you for using the MYSTERY\nG..."

' Strings
#org 0x675708
= Thank you for using the MYSTERY\nGIFT System.\pThere appears to be a rumor about\nrare POKéMON sightings.\pThe sightings reportedly came from\nthe ALTERING CAVE on ROUTE 103.\pPerhaps it would be worthwhile for\nyou to investigate this rumor.

Each time you talk to the guy, the variable 0x403E increases by 1 (addvar 0x403E 0x1) Once reaches to 0xA goes back to 0x0 (zubat).


Thanks for these informations.

0x39 is the index number for surf. :)

I guess you could be right.


Great, you did it! haha

And no, the numbers are correct.

There is no offset. :) Nothing to worry about.

The index numbers in Bulbapedia's list of moves are in decimal so you have to convert the numbers to hexadecimal.


57 = 0x39

Hydro Pump

56 = 0x38

Posted (edited)

Thanks for the clarification :smile:

I had to tried this... A custom event (based on Egg event):


I have just received a Pokemon (Castform) from the Delivery Man... Custom scripts... Confirmed!!!

EDIT: OK So here we are (last for today)... Now we need card text for the Altering Cave and Egg Events...


Edited by lostaddict

Great! You're really fast. It's amazing to see the first results. :D

I searched all over the web about informations regarding the distributed Wonder Cards.

It looks pretty dark when it comes to the west versions...

All I found was this microsite for the Deoxys Event in all respective european languages: http://ms.nintendo-europe.com/deoxys/enGB/

Other than that I found some screenshots of Aurora Ticket Wonder Cards in the Pokewiki. It's a german wikia about Pokémon. http://www.pokewiki.de/Auroraticket

There was also a link to a Report on Filb.de, you can find the link on the Wiki Page above the Wonder Card Screenshots.

I also found another european report, but we already have enough informations about the Aurora Ticket Event...

Unfortunately I couldn't find anything about the Mystic Ticket. In the west it was only distributed in the USA.

All I could find about it was this: http://web.archive.org/web/20050805005028/http://www.nintendoworldstore.com/

Concerning the Pokémon Center New York Wish Eggs. It would be good to know if... they had Wonder Cards it would be good to know what the text says.

But since I can't even find informations about the Mystic Ticket Wonder Card I don't have much hope...

We have to keep in mind that the Ticket was distributed 3 times and in many places in the US and the NYC Wish Eggs are even more rare. :(

At least for the Japanese ones I found a lot of informations. I added everything I could find to the starting post.

I even could get official pics of some of the Wonder Cards:


Aurora Ticket Exchange Card 2004 Summer and Mystic Ticket Exchange Card 2005 Winter.

That's all from me for today.




Posted (edited)

OK here are some custom cards i create for Altering Cave and Wish Eggs. I don't have the originals so this is the best think i could come with... If you have any ideas on the text please share it.

Also if there is anyone lucky enough to have a Wish Egg card from the original distribution (if there was a card), please share it...


Edit (16/9/2015):

For those who are interested in the WISH Eggs, here are the first 2 I have recreated:



Edited by lostaddict

Do you guys think this wonder card editing (when completed) will be made available to us tech illiterate people, through a program or tutorial perhaps? I remember using the morfeo codes like a year ago and wishing that there was a program that would just let us add/edit our wonder cards and activate events simply without having to go through all the hassle of translating spanish from google translate and tediously applying codes in vba, transferring wireless adapter in vba link etc.. it was just inconvenient and not as pleasant as I had wished. So I'd like to make a suggestion you guys/anyone who knows how to create such a program that noob lurkers like me are very interested in and would appreciate such a program (or tutorial if not possible). Like a program with an add/edit wonder card option and activate event flags. Something simple like that. Maybe integrate it into A-save or another gba save editor.

Posted (edited)

OK, my statement about this, because I was asked about it a few times.

Yes, an Injection Tool or Editor is what I'm aiming for in the long run. :)

And this is btw. why I wanted an Open Research and make this as transparent as possible!

But please be patient. For now it's still all about the research and we want to see where this research goes, about all the possibilities we have with it, about what we can and what we can't ect.

Personally, I would like to release a Tool for creating custom Wonder Cards instead of just distributing the legit Events. I will also explain to you why...

The current status looks like it would make a lot sense to me instead of just creating our own Cards and distributing them.

But this is just the way I feel about this, so I speak just for myself.

As you may know, the Mystery Gift Feature was just barely used by Game Freak and way behind its full potential.

I added a list of what we have so far in the first post:


Lot of things remain to be unclear...

Especially when it comes to the PCJP2004 Eggs and PCNY Wish Eggs which were Mystery Gifts as well and from my understanding, should have Wonder Cards just like lostaddict recreated in his post above. But as long as we have no detailed informations about these Events it remains a theory.

Now the problem is... if I would release Wonder Cards public, as a perfectionist, I would rather like to release dumped Events or at least recreate the Events as they were officially distributed. But there is a huge problem... We only could dump a very few of them. All others have to be recreated. And we can only recreate those I listed without question marks above. For the other ones there are still too many open questions to be answered which we have to deal with, mostly about what color these Wonder Cards should have and about what the text looks like. I fear that too much time already past and we're maybe not able to solve this issue without the help of Collectors or other people who have been to these Events.

This is all what I can say about the official Events.

But this is not the end. If you have read the Thread keenly you maybe recognized that the project's direction completely changed into a new direction from what I intended originally. It's more about the Mystery Gift feature itself now. It's not anymore just about releasing Events, because we learned so much about the 3rd Gen Mystery Events and we discovered that there are scripts for the Mystery Gift Events INSIDE the ROM itself, which were never released. And as you can see lostaddict brought them to life.

Right now we're investigating the option about making our own custom Events.

This is the main focus right now. Because we need further research to figure out how everything works, the mechanics, the whole atanomy of all the different scripts and Wonder Card and we want to learn everything about all the functionalities and capabilities. This is necessary for crafting a Tool for creating Wonder Cards or for implementing a Wonder Card Event Editor into a Tool like kazoWAR's A-Save in the future. :)

Edited by ajxpkm
Posted (edited)
  ajxpkm said:

Lot of things remain to be unclear...

Especially when it comes to the PCJP2004 Eggs and PCNY Wish Eggs which were Mystery Gifts as well and from my understanding, should have Wonder Cards just like lostaddict recreated in his post above. But as long as we have no detailed informations about these Events it remains a theory.

I found this threat: http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/17311467.html

Somebody said that remember about got a random egg from at Pokemon Transfer machine but not sure if it concerns at PCNY Wish Eggs. Perhaps contacting these people can get more information about those events.

EDIT: According to 2001 probably it refers to the events of Gen 2 :(

Edited by jm-plata
Posted (edited)
  jm-plata said:
I found this threat: http://pkmncollectors.livejournal.com/17311467.html

Somebody said that remember about got a random egg from at Pokemon Transfer machine but not sure if it concerns at PCNY Wish Eggs. Perhaps contacting these people can get more information about those events.

EDITR: According to 2001 probably it refers to the events of Gen 2 :(

Nevermind. :) Thanks for your help.

I think I found someone who has some Eggs from the Events.

He has a huge collection of 3rd Gen Events.

Let's hope that he can help us out.


My current research is dedicated again to Taka's Event Tools...

I want to figure out which of the Wonder Cards are customized and which are legit and actual clean dumped Events...

And before I recognized something weird, but I was too busy with the checksum and other stuff to check it out further.

First I was not sure if this belongs to the Event or if this the work of Taka.

But now I'm pretty sure that Taka "left a message" similar to Morfeo, I just don't understand yet about how to decrypt it.

It's written like a binary code and you can find it after the 2F Pokémon Center Delivery Guy script.

The reason I'm sure that he added it is because every event he released has a different message, also the costumized versions.

And always before the message there are a few bytes who in Unicode would be translated as "AURO".

AURO for Auroraticket? Very suspicious IMO...

To me it's kinda frustrating, because now I don't know which of these cards I could release as dumped Events...

The only real dumps could be those from the 2nd Emerald Tool which he called 【ポケットモンスター エメラルド専用 正規イベント版】" "Only regular Event Version".

But I can't confirm this at this point yet. Even there are a few bytes which I don't understand yet.

lostaddict mentioned before, the Japanese Wonder Cards are a bit smaller and I need to find out how much bytes exactly and about which bytes are really necessary.

More about this later...

Just wanted to let you guys know about this, so be careful if you look for legit 3rd Gen Wonder Cards, they could be hacked...

Even the chances are small, because not many know the checksum validation until now. ;)

I have to add another theory about the text for the english Aurora Ticket and about the "delivery guy in green error".

Recently after I looked for more informations about the distribution dates I learned that in every country the distribution was BEFORE the release of Emerald.

These are the Pokémon Emerald release dates according to Bulbapedia...

Japan: September 16, 2004

North America: May 1, 2005

Australia: June 9, 2005

Europe: October 21, 2005

South Korea: Unreleased

And these are the known distribution dates for the Aurora Ticket:


As you can see... only in UK for a very few days(!) you had the chance to download the Aurora Ticket to your Pokémon Emerald Copy.

So in other words this means the Aurora Ticket was never meant to be distributed for Emerald in the first place but it could have happened due to an overlap and this explains the error.

This is very important to know, because it means UK is the only country we know so far were it was possible to get an legit Aurora Ticket in Emerald.

It would be interesting to know if this still occured when the the Mystic Ticket was distributed in the US in 2005 long after the Emerald Release.

Oh yeah, speaking of Wonder Card Text...

I wanted to translate the text from Taka's Cards but I think lostaddict did a great job with his cards.

I want to share the custom text from his cards which we could use as templates.

Aurora Ticket

オーロラチケット ひきかえ カード
2004 なつ

ゲームを はじめて ポケモンセンターの
2かいへ いこう! オーロラチケット
もらうことが できるよ!
チケットを もらったら すぐレポート!

チケットを もらうまえに このカードを
すてないで ください! 

Mystic Ticket

しんぴのチケット ひきかえ カード
2004 なつ

ゲームを はじめて ポケモンセンターの
2かいへ いこう! しんぴのチケットを
もらうことが できるよ!
チケットを もらったら すぐレポート!

チケットを もらうまえに このカードを
すてないで ください! 

Old Sea Map

ふるびたかいず ひきかえ カード
2005 なつ

ゲームを はじめて ポケモンセンターの
2かいへ いこう! ふるびたかいずを
てにいれる ことが できるよ!
かいずを てにいれたら すぐレポート

かいずを てにいれるまえに このカードを
すてないで ください!

Egg Present

ポケモンのタマゴ プレゼント カード

ゲームを はじめて ポケモンセンターの
2かいへ いこう! ポケモンのタマゴを
ひとつ もらう ことが できるよ!

ポケモンの タマゴを もらったら
かならず レポートを かいてね!

Sootopolis City Trainer

ルネシティ・トレーナー カード

フレンドリーショップの アンケートで
いろいろなトレーナーを ルネシティに
よぷことが できるよ!
カードを もらったら すぐレポート!

トレーナーを よぶまえに このカードを
すてないで ください!

Altering Cave

へんげのどうくつ うわさ カード

ゲームを はじめて ポケモンセンターの
2かいへ いこう! へんげのごうくつ の
うわさを きくことが できるよ!
うわきを きいたら すぐレポート!

うわさを きくまえに このカードを
すてにいで ください!

I will translate them later and edit this post...


I tried my best :P

Aurora Ticket Exchange Card
2004 Summer

When you start the game go to the 2F of the Pokemon Center! You can get the Aurora Ticket!
Immediately save the game when you got the Ticket!

Please don't throw this card before you get the Ticket!

Mystic Ticket Exchange Card
2004 Summer

When you start the game go to the 2F of the Pokemon Center! You can get the Mystic Ticket!
Immediately save the game when you got the Ticket!

Please don't throw this card before you get the Ticket!

Old Sea Map Exchange Card
2005 Summer

When you start the game go to the 2F of the Pokemon Center! You can get the Old Sea Map!
Immediately save the game when you got the Map!

Please don't throw this card before you get the Map!

Pokemon Egg Present Card

When you start the game go to the 2F of the Pokemon Center! You can get an Pokemon Egg!

Once you got the Pokemon Egg save the game!

Sootopolis City Trainer Card

When you fill the Pokemon Mart Survey various Trainer might appear in Sootopolis City!
Immediately save the game if you got a card!

Please don't throw this card before you called a Trainer!

Altering Cave Rumor Card

When you start the game go to the 2F of the Pokemon Center! You can hear rumors!
Immediatly save the game when you heared the rumors!

Please keep this rumor card!

Edited by ajxpkm

Nice work on the translations.

Small update:

I'm currently investigate to see if i can enable the Sootopolis trainer event. It seems that this event was e-reader related and was removed from the English versions. I'm not sure if i can enable it, but it worth a try...

Also i have start working on the tool. I did a basic GUI but there is still a lot to do.

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