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  daemonicBookkeeper said:
A mistake in the OP: In the section about Horde Training, it lists Route 105 as having 100% Sewaddle hordes for training.

There is no grass in Route 105 (a sea route). The actual location for Sewaddle horde training is Route 104, south of the woods. I don't know where that leaves the Chatot hordes at.

Turns out that the northern and southern half of Route 104 are treated as different areas for horde encounters, meaning the southern half (next to Route 105) has Sewaddle and the northern half (next to Rustburo) has Chatot. Hope this helps.

  zippinus said:
Turns out that the northern and southern half of Route 104 are treated as different areas for horde encounters, meaning the southern half (next to Route 105) has Sewaddle and the northern half (next to Rustburo) has Chatot. Hope this helps.

There's no grass there either.



I installed star sapphire according to the tutorial onto my SD card for use with Hans on homebrew. When I run it, it works for a while. If I make a new game, I get to the bit after you enter your name and pick your gender. After this, the game fades to white. Where it would normally go into the game when you are in the moving truck, it stays on the white screen. I tried waiting, but it got to the hour mark without anything changing. I tried starting a game on normal AS, getting past the white screen into the truck and saving. I then launched star sapphire and loaded the save. It stayed on the black screen displayed after selecting continue, same as the previous conditions, just black not white. My question is how can I fix this. I am running it on a 3ds xl, not a new 3ds. I also randomised the wild encounters and level up moves using PK3DS. if you can help me, that would be much appreciated.

  Hive_LORD_DAY said:

I installed star sapphire according to the tutorial onto my SD card for use with Hans on homebrew. When I run it, it works for a while. If I make a new game, I get to the bit after you enter your name and pick your gender. After this, the game fades to white. Where it would normally go into the game when you are in the moving truck, it stays on the white screen. I tried waiting, but it got to the hour mark without anything changing. I tried starting a game on normal AS, getting past the white screen into the truck and saving. I then launched star sapphire and loaded the save. It stayed on the black screen displayed after selecting continue, same as the previous conditions, just black not white. My question is how can I fix this. I am running it on a 3ds xl, not a new 3ds. I also randomised the wild encounters and level up moves using PK3DS. if you can help me, that would be much appreciated.

Does it work without the added randomization?


One small issue is that if you trade for a Pokemon and attempt to use it on the last gym, by the time you level it to a relevant level to challenge Wallace, it won't obey you because it's over level 80 (highly unfortunate in this case, as it is a bulky Grass-type and is my entry-hazard setter). Is it possible to move perfect obedience to an earlier badge?

  daemonicBookkeeper said:
One small issue is that if you trade for a Pokemon and attempt to use it on the last gym, by the time you level it to a relevant level to challenge Wallace, it won't obey you because it's over level 80 (highly unfortunate in this case, as it is a bulky Grass-type and is my entry-hazard setter). Is it possible to move perfect obedience to an earlier badge?

Unfortunately, it is not currently possible to do that in PK3DS. In your case, I would suggest modifying your save in PKHeX and setting yourself as the Pokémon's original trainer.


Hey everyone...

I'm having some troubles mounting the .cia file. I've searched high and low for the answer before posting, with no luck.

Please help me.

I do all the steps as recomended, replace the files from distribution "exe" and "romfs" into ExtractedExeFS and ExtractedRomFS (even thou the folders arent EXACLTY the same name). dont know what to do with the rest of distribution files, guessing this was it.

Proceed to rebuilding the game it goes all ok (apparently) until finnaly on 3ds simple cia, comes with the following message:

"ExHeader decryption failed. Wrong Xorpad?"

I'm new at this, but i guess that's a problem with the DecryptedExHeader.bin file.... But what is it? Mine its 2kb in size. Is that correct?

Sorry for the noob questions, couldnt find the answer elsewhere.

tnx man

  walterdavid said:
Hey everyone...

I'm having some troubles mounting the .cia file. I've searched high and low for the answer before posting, with no luck.

Please help me.

I do all the steps as recomended, replace the files from distribution "exe" and "romfs" into ExtractedExeFS and ExtractedRomFS (even thou the folders arent EXACLTY the same name). dont know what to do with the rest of distribution files, guessing this was it.

Proceed to rebuilding the game it goes all ok (apparently) until finnaly on 3ds simple cia, comes with the following message:

"ExHeader decryption failed. Wrong Xorpad?"

I'm new at this, but i guess that's a problem with the DecryptedExHeader.bin file.... But what is it? Mine its 2kb in size. Is that correct?

Sorry for the noob questions, couldnt find the answer elsewhere.

tnx man

How are you building the .3ds file? 3DS Builder?

  walterdavid said:
Yes sir...

Are you using this cia converter?

If so, then I'd like you to try something.

I've been working on a new way of distributing ROM hacks such as this one.


-Download this zip file. Don't forget to unblock it (Right-click > Properties > General > Security > Unblock.

-Extract the zip using your favorite archive tool.

-Run DSPatcher.exe

-Choose a ROM. 3DS, CXI, and romfs.bin are supported. If you choose romfs.bin, an exefs.bin file will be used if it is in the same directory as romfs.bin.

-Press patch.

-Wait. Sorry about the UI hanging, I'll fix this sometime before an official, non-alpha/beta release.

-If you're using a .3DS file, you'll be given the option to output to Hans or .3DS. Braindump users will only be able to output to Hans. If you're using a .CXI file made using Braindump, select Hans, because if you choose .3DS, it will not run. If you want to convert to CIA, choose .3DS.

-Choose an output path. Either a .3DS file (for gateway), or the root of your SD card (for Hans)

-Wait until the progress bar says "Ready".

-If you want, use 3DS Simple CIA Converter to convert the newly created .3DS file to a CIA.

-Try the game out, see if it works. If it does, great! If not, we should move discussion about this either to this thread or to PM.

Posted (edited)

Big update today. Everyone asking for a 721 build of the game, the new 679 build is as close as you're gonna get: something just doesn't sit right with me as far as throwing starters and legendaries into random patches of grass.

Edited by Dio_Vento
Posted (edited)

Whta will happen if i trade/battle using the normally unobtnainable pkm from 679 to a regular Alpha Sapphire?

Edit: I think you forgot tô provide de wild pokémon locations in the main post

Edited by walterdavid
  Dio_Vento said:
Big update today. Everyone asking for a 721 build of the game, the new 679 build is as close as you're gonna get: something just doesn't sit right with me as far as throwing starters and legendaries into random patches of grass.

I am currently using a .cia file for v1.3 of Star Sapphire. Do you know if I would be able to change over to v2.0 while keeping the same save file I have now?

  walterdavid said:
Whta will happen if i trade/battle using the normally unobtnainable pkm from 679 to a regular Alpha Sapphire?

Edit: I think you forgot tô provide de wild pokémon locations in the main post

Nothing will "happen", although the pokemon caught in 679 Build won't be "legal" and probably won't be usable online.

  jhglouy said:
I am currently using a .cia file for v1.3 of Star Sapphire. Do you know if I would be able to change over to v2.0 while keeping the same save file I have now?

You need to back up your save using jksv or svdt, then build a new .cia for Star Sapphire and restore. Alternatively, use the HANS method to run 2.0 over your 1.3 CIA, this doesn't require any save backup.

  Kaphotics said:
Save files are compatible.
  Dio_Vento said:
You need to back up your save using jksv or svdt, then build a new .cia for Star Sapphire and restore. Alternatively, use the HANS method to run 2.0 over your 1.3 CIA, this doesn't require any save backup.

Thanks, this should be fairly easy.


Amazing so far on 2.0 - 679

Difficulty= Perfect!

Is there anyway we could get a wild encounters list? I've tried using pk3ds but it doesnt show all pkm in the areas, for some reason.

  walterdavid said:
Whta will happen if i trade/battle using the normally unobtnainable pkm from 679 to a regular Alpha Sapphire?

Edit: I think you forgot tô provide de wild pokémon locations in the main post

  walterdavid said:
Amazing so far on 2.0 - 679

Difficulty= Perfect!

Is there anyway we could get a wild encounters list? I've tried using pk3ds but it doesnt show all pkm in the areas, for some reason.

679 Build Encounter List. Rather than make every Evolution state available, I've simply spread species around that you can evolve and breed. For example, instead of making Fletchling, Fletchinder, and Talonflame all catchable somewhere, I simply made Fletchling available on Route 104 North.

  evandixon said:
If anyone's looking, here's links to my patcher tools. Instructions are the same as they were a few posts up. If there's a problem, please report it in this thread or in a PM, so we can keep this thread about the mod itself.

Star Sapphire 2.0 - Legit Build

Star Sapphire 2.0 - Leveled Build

Star Sapphire 2.0 - 679 Build

Does your patcher include code.bin? If it is incapable of including those, please don't distribute Rutile Ruby or Star Sapphire. Many important changes are in the code.bin.


Is there a lucky egg in the game?

Also, that chick in the print of slateport market in the main topic doesnt sell those items. She sells incense items...

Again, great hack. Better than the original by far

Edit: how about sacred ash? Can we buy it somewhere?

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