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can you rebatle cobalion,terrakion and virizion after defeating them the first time??? i defeated one of them by mistake.now i dont know if i can rebbatle it after elite 4.i know we can in the original bw2,but i dont know if we can in this hack.i would be pleased for some help

  BESSI said:
can you rebatle cobalion,terrakion and virizion after defeating them the first time??? i defeated one of them by mistake.now i dont know if i can rebbatle it after elite 4.i know we can in the original bw2,but i dont know if we can in this hack.i would be pleased for some help

As far as I know, yes you can.

  BlackShark said:
As far as I know, yes you can.

thank you very much for your help.now is time to defeat the other and catch them after elite 4.


Hi Drayano, first of all this is the best mod I have ever seen...but I have a problem.

I catched Keldeo and I remembered him Secret Sword, how I can transform the Pokémon in his Resolution Form??


Hey guys, I have a huge issue where everytime I try to withdraw pokemon from my PC it freezes. You can all probably guess how annoying this can be and it would be awesome if anyone knew the cause or even had a solution to this. I know many others have/had the same issue and I know it has to do with one of(or several of) the pokemon black 2 Action Replay code hacks, I just don't know which one as I use a few when I play (I know I know). It'd be much appreciated if anyone could help me out here :) thankss!

Posted (edited)

I don't know If anyone can help me, but I can't seem to teach my Typhlosion the Fire Pledge move. The Move Tutor keeps saying Helios (my Typhlosion) knows the move, but he doesn't. I'm also having the same problem with teaching him Blast Burn. I even went ahead and deleted a move just to make sure it could not be something related to not having any room in Helios's move set.

Fire Pledge Tutor:

Open Space




Blast Burn Tutor:




Can anyone lend their assistance?

Edited by apollo
Incorrect link.

Hey all. First off awesome romhack I already love it. But there is a problem for me atm.

The cheat to Hold L for Grass Shaking, Dirt Spot and Bubble isn't working for me somehow. Atleast I see no shaking etc, or do I have to wait a bit further in the game and they will tell me about it or am I just completely oblivious.

The AR code I am using is the one in the .pdf and I use an Emulator. DeSmuME version 0.9.9 x86.

It's not needed so I'll continue playing, but I do wonder if I am doing something wrong :).

Posted (edited)


I registered just to say thanks.

I'm not sure why but I'm getting 60/60 FPS playing this compared to other the Pokemon ROMs (e.g HeartGold) with latest Desmume.

Odd isn't it?

Anyway, I came up with a few problems (my fault).

Hopefully I will be able to help someone in need.

Black 2 goes with Blaze Black.

White 2 goes with Volt White.

Doing it the other way around (vice versa) will show an error message (xdelta3 invalid input)

After applying the patch, Desmume couldn't find the file.

So I created another patch with the file name of DwightBlazeBlack1.NDS (dot<no spaces>NDS)

Yes, I manually added .NDS at the end.

Working flawlessly now.

Quick question though, would action replay codes from say... supercheats work? Anyone got a list of working action replay codes like the exp multiplier, shiny, max ev/iv, iv/ev checker, OHKO, Move and Nature Modifier?

I would like a shiny Magikarp with Wonder Guard. Shiny because it's gold, it's gold, it's gold, it's gold, it's solid gold baby!

My apologies if this has been posted before and thanks in advance for the cheats.


EDIT: Darkrai can be accessed without battling Cresslia, interacting with it first gives me a LUNAR WING, then once the ghost of a Lass appears and some dialogue later, I interacted with Darkrai (lvl 68) again and the encounter began.

Edited by Dwightwins

So, I've patched games correctly in the past, but when I patch a clean White 2 (U) with VoltWhite2 and start the game on my Acekard2i, I get a white screen. The screen remains white and doesn't change over time. Any idea what I'm doing wrong?


Minor Bug: Tyrogue does not learn rock smash at lvl 10 as he is supposed to.

Not too big a deal, just kinda makes him useless til he evolves.:bidoof:

  • 2 weeks later...

ShardFrost try to name it .nds like volt white 2.nds probably it helps, because my ds one card cant read a nds file without .nds in the name und try to start it with an emulator like desmune to check its your card or your file fault

Posted (edited)

What does this mean exactly? "The King's Rock will not currently work on Slowpoke, so Slowking is impossible to obtain short of catching it in the Wild directly. Poliwhirl, however, is fine. If you're desperate, insert this into a/0/1/9 using NitroExplorer."

What is a/0/1/9 and what's NitroExplorer? I've never actually played any of Black and White 2 by the way. Is it something from those games?

Also, this is a complete hack right? Are they still working on updates for it or is it pretty much done?

EDIT: I just tried it out no$gba and I put in the AR code and changed the settings that I needed to to get it to run and now it runs without going to the "No save data detected" screen but the title screen won't show. It either is a blank screen or it shows a little faint and won't let me use the menu at all

My first post. Nice to meet ya, blah blah =]

Edited by chillie1984

Many apologies if it's already been asked, but do the Evee happiness-based evolutions work as they would normally do (IE, simply level up with enough happiness during daytime/night)? I haven't been able to find a reference to either evee or umbreon/espeon within the thread or the documentation.

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