sabeeh mirza Posted May 4, 2013 Posted May 4, 2013 BlackShark said: I thought it's called cheats.dat?Anyway, there's a tool to edit cheat database files and insert new codes. It's called R4CCE and it's available here. I don't really know how it works. But maybe you can find out yourself or someone else could help you. yeah it's called cheats.dat but the error said that. But thanks a lot for helping me, yeah i had already found out about it. But still thanks
hunter71485 Posted May 6, 2013 Posted May 6, 2013 Playing on desmume for a while now, just finished Mistralton City Gym, and I encountered this strange problem: My Volt White 2 cannot save. It simply continues to play the BG music while the screen is frozen, and the dots that color up to indicate saving progress does not appear at all. Save states work, but I doubt that will get me past the post-credits playthrough (which requires saving). I have tried deleting the save in the folder, then quitting the game, and loading the save state to save again, but it still freezes. Has anyone encountered this bug before? Any solutions available?
DetectiveMakin Posted May 7, 2013 Posted May 7, 2013 Damn. Was about to make a new account and completely forgot about this one that was registered on the same email address since 2011. Bummer. >< Anyway, I like this patch a lot. Actually I downloaded a different rom than what was suggested in the documents and patches, and yet it worked. I have read Juniper's intro message, was seeing uncommon Pokemon in Unova, the Hoenn Gym Leaders (one of my favourite features), and the increased difficulty (hell, Burgh's Masquerain was the hardest one I've fought so far, simply because it used Double Team, until I restarted and had my Staravia learn Foresight). May I suggest that you should also make the Shinx family a Dark-type? They're easily able to learn Dark-type moves as they level up. Oh, I also noticed the unfairness on raising the Unova starter's final evolution's base stats. How about you also raise all the final evolution's base stats to an equal 535. In my opinion they're supposed to be equals, since they're all starters from different regions. It would be rightly justifiable. Anyhow, my special wish is to up Blaziken's Defence stat to 75, pretty please. :3 I think those are the only suggestions I can think of right now. Addition: To also balance the base stats of Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Palkia, Dialga, Giratina, Zekrom and Reshiram to 680 as well? I hate how Game Freak underrates Gen 3 Pokemon and Gen 3 as a whole. Damn them.
BossTortuga Posted May 7, 2013 Posted May 7, 2013 Hi, does anyone have either a: A list of places good for ev training b: Some ev marking codes for volt white 2? I love how there are tons of pokemon on every route, but it makes it kinda hard to do proper ev training. I tried using a marking code for the normal white 2 but with VW2's game id, but it made my game freeze. Can anyone help?
BlackShark Posted May 8, 2013 Posted May 8, 2013 xRynee said: how the heck do i get the download...? The download links of the patches you can find in the first post. But you have to get a clean ROM of White 2 or Black 2 yourself, because it's illegal to share them. Drayano said: Download Links → Patches & Documentation - Rapidshare, V1.1. → Patches & Documentation - Sendspace, V1.1. → Patches & Documentation - Mediafire, V1.1. → Documentation - Rapidshare, V1.1. YOU MUST HAVE ROMS WITHOUT ANTI-PIRACY PATCHES APPLIED FOR THESE PATCHES TO WORK!
Darken Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 I patched a clean rom, but every time I hit "New Game" the rom crashes on me. I'm using No$GBA 2.6 with No$Zoomer.
Kaphotics Posted May 9, 2013 Posted May 9, 2013 Darken said: I patched a clean rom, but every time I hit "New Game" the rom crashes on me. I'm using No$GBA 2.6 with No$Zoomer. Use DeSmuME. No$ is years out of date.
cheren234 Posted May 10, 2013 Posted May 10, 2013 Hi, i am SO confused. i am at the part where Hugh is gonna get his Purrloin back, but can't seem to find out where to go to get into the Plasma Frigate. HELP! The ONLY entrance i see made the game glitch up. do i go into Kyurem's room? i am SO CLOSE to finishing that part, and it's getting me REALLY frustrated. what do i do!?!?!?
xRynee Posted May 10, 2013 Posted May 10, 2013 BlackShark said: The download links of the patches you can find in the first post.But you have to get a clean ROM of White 2 or Black 2 yourself, because it's illegal to share them. okay okay. so how do I apply the patch? any videos to help?
TheEnterprise Posted May 16, 2013 Posted May 16, 2013 By direction what exactly do you mean, otherwise great help
BlackShark Posted May 16, 2013 Posted May 16, 2013 xRynee said: okay okay. so how do I apply the patch? any videos to help? Look at my post on the previous page. TheEnterprise said: By direction what exactly do you mean, otherwise great help I meant the place where you want to save the patched ROM.
Lavos Posted May 16, 2013 Posted May 16, 2013 hey Dray, i know your busy and all, but just wanted to let you know Electrikes movepool seems to be mismatched in the Docs, says it learns Spark at 13 but mine was caught at lvl 11 and hasnt learned it yet and its level 15 almost 16, so there might be some errors to sort out to make the changed moveset of Electrike/Manectric match the docs, im using Blaze Black 2 1.1 if its any help
ChaosMarine Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 So, I think I have a rather large problem... I did everything right, as far as I know... Applied the VW2 patch, everything. It happens with normal White 2 as well, so I'm thinking it might just be my laptop, or the rom itself.
Kaphotics Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 Emulator issues or AR codes that botch the loading of those sprites. I'm gonna guess it's no$, which in that case you should be using the latest version of DeSmuME.
ChaosMarine Posted May 23, 2013 Posted May 23, 2013 I'm running DeSmuME, I forgot to add that. >_> I'm assuming it's the latest version, I got it off their site today, I think it said 0.9.9?
Umbraon Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 This is awesome their is only one thing i ask of this, could you Make it so you can use all poke balls, Meaning the Apricorn pokeballs.
Kaphotics Posted May 24, 2013 Posted May 24, 2013 Umbraon said: This is awesome their is only one thing i ask of this, could you Make it so you can use all poke balls, Meaning the Apricorn pokeballs. Nope, those are defunct items (they won't work).
BESSI Posted May 29, 2013 Posted May 29, 2013 Does anybody know if you can rebattle Cobalion,Terrakion,Virizion after defeating them the first time???? I know that we can in black2 and white2 but i don't know if we can in this hack...As you know better catching a pokemon 20 levels more.Any info would be helpful !!!! because in the legendaries list there in not said that i can rebattle them (only for volcarona says so)
BlackShark Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 ian_sanzo said: Question, Can I find Victini in this game? Yes, you can. As stated in the first post, you can catch/get all 649 Pokemon in this hack.
BESSI Posted May 31, 2013 Posted May 31, 2013 BlackShark said: Yes, you can. As stated in the first post, you can catch/get all 649 Pokemon in this hack. escuse me for bothering you but do you know if you can rebattle Cobalion,Terrakion,Virizion after defeating them the first time???? I know that we can in black2 and white2 but i don't know if we can in this hack.i know that in black 2/white 2 you can rebattle them after the elite 4 and they are like 20 levels the guide is stated only for volcarona that can be rebattled.i would be pleased if you could help
RAWG98 Posted June 4, 2013 Posted June 4, 2013 Any way i can get the patches without them being in a .rar format? my computer wont open them...
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