Abiezer Posted November 30, 2009 Posted November 30, 2009 CRESSELIA!! God I hate that thing, so damn hard to kill its actually ridiculous...
ninjapigs Posted December 19, 2009 Posted December 19, 2009 I would say these are my least favorite: Mew - cause it can learn ANY move (to many options to choose from) Male Gardevoir from 3rd gen games - why a male, it has a dress like thing on (also what happens if you move a male Gardevoir to the ds what will happen? Skuntak - its noise if farting and it looks like it will spray you with skunk stink Spiritomb - what is with the one eye thing? Drapion - ugly (arms coming out of head???) Of topic Shaymin - Cutest. Pokemon. Ever. It reminds me of the Chachia pets.
RenegadeShroom Posted December 24, 2009 Posted December 24, 2009 Ugh, Garchomp, Probopass and Infernape. Infernape: I think someone Ripped the top of it's head off and lit it's brain on fire. That's why it's good at sweeping: I'd pretty angry if someone did that to me. Anyway, for one, it stole Blaziken's spotlight. Blaziken is awesome, and it was a good mixed sweeper right? Well, let's just make a monkey with fire for brains to replace it! Also it looks disgusting, not just because it's a monkey, but because it looks quite human-like, and humans are very ugly. (Oops, shouldn't have said that!) Probopass: This ugly nose thing reminds me of Mario too much. Pokemon-ized Mario does not appeal itself to me. If it had Bounce, I would find a way to create a real one so I could rip it's nose off. Did I say nose? I'm sorry, I meant body! Yeah, that's another thing that get's on my nerves - It's body is a freaking nose! Garchomp: The king of the shameful ones, the all-powerful disgracer of the hammerhead shark. If a real hammerhead shark could see this thing, it would break down and weep in shame. Show it to all the other hammerhead sharks in the world and then all land on Earth would drown beneath a tide of tears in mere minutes. Oh yeah, and it's overpowered, waaaay to overpowered. I think I went a bit over the top there, but hey, just my opinions, good sirs and ladies.
Chrpica Posted December 25, 2009 Posted December 25, 2009 In combat, I hate any pokemon whose sole purpose is to annoy me. Toxic, Confusion, Sleep, Miss, RRRR they drive me mad! In the anime though, Mankeys are annoying.
rije12 Posted December 26, 2009 Posted December 26, 2009 (edited) Okami said: Shiny Espeon. Seriously, you take an amazing evolution of eevee and make it this nasty shade of limey-green! WHAT?! YOUR SO RIGHT THERE I MEAN I LOVE ESPEON SHE AND UMBREON ARE MY FAV AND THEY MAKE HER THAT TRASHY GREEN SHE REMINDS ME OF SLIME WHENTHEY MAKE HER GREEN SAME WITH JOLTEON VAPOREON THERE SHINEY ARE PLAIN UGLY:mad: ---------- Post added at 03:37 AM ---------- Previous post was at 03:15 AM ---------- MY MOST HATED POKEMON IN ORDER FROM WROST TO BEST 1.Mewtwo-why-its not a real pokemon he was created in a lab after one of my fav pokemon mew, mew had to suffer and mewtwo tried to rule the world *whisper grimly* so much for gratuide 2.Castform-why-it looks perverted from one for to it ugly for thee i just plain creepy 3.Lopunny-why-well let me make one thing clear im a totall tomboy and that pokemon is cheer leader looking im mean besides that she's ok....... oh yeah (mind my laugue if it has any negative effect on you) it looks like a slut! im mean it looks like the creator of it was makeing it for there own appeal you know what i mean MOST ANNOYING POKEMON IN ORDER FROM WROST TO BEST 1.pikachu-why-well dont get me wrong the squirts cute but it drives me insane when someone wo knows little about pokemon says thats there fav, and the only reson they like it is because its all they know because he always with ash and ash is in all the shows (i think) 2.zubat/golbat/crobat-why-there freakin every where every cave alot of trainers sometimes even in the grass i mean come on there just that annoying 3.the three lake sprites-why-without a master ball its almost impossible to them if you get them low on health and run out of pokeballs (or any other besides master) your sunk you have to run wit makes it run witch makes you have to track it down. thats all bye!!!! Edited December 26, 2009 by Mewtwo Ex Fixed the infantile post(s)
Mewtwo Ex Posted December 26, 2009 Posted December 26, 2009 rije12 said: 1.Mewtwo-why-its not a real pokemon he was created in a lab after one of my fav pokemon mew, mew had to suffer and mewtwo tried to rule the world *whisper grimly* so much for gratuide What are you TALKING about?! How did Mew suffer?! What gratitude?! Did you even listen to the movie with sound?!
wraith89 Posted December 26, 2009 Posted December 26, 2009 You know... I STILL don't get why everyone is hating on Green Espeon. Am I the only one who thinks it is all right? Because it does not look nearly as bad as [shinysprite]149[/shinysprite] or [shinysprite]473[/shinysprite] or [shinysprite]200[/shinysprite] or [shinysprite]429[/shinysprite]... and the likes...
rocklee clone Posted December 26, 2009 Posted December 26, 2009 zubat and golbat.....every single step they appear. and bibarel....its just ugly
Sukotto50 Posted December 27, 2009 Posted December 27, 2009 I've disliked a lot of the pokemon in the game that have either taken a great deal of time to level up or evolve, or that you find in the wild and do not give you very much experience: Bidoof, Magikarp, Abra, Feebass. The benefit you get from these guys when they evolve is awesome, but you have to put so much into these guys to get something better out of them.
Chase-san Posted January 1, 2010 Posted January 1, 2010 my least liked, hrm.. well I know for a fact I dislike all Legendaries. People go all stupid crazy over the things, "omg omg I gots shiny arceus. hahaha, I am awesomes".. yeah, bleh hate them, so dumb. After that would probably be tentacool and zubat. For reasons related to how common and annoying they be popping up every few seconds. Pikachu is pretty up there too.
Joshikun Posted January 7, 2010 Posted January 7, 2010 To be very specific, Lorelei's Jynx in Crystal. It has to be the *most* annoying Pokemon to battle against and the fugliest to boot!! I just use Snorlax and Body Slam that walking piece of plastic.
Spark Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 well... I actually like pikachu!He is one of my faves... I hate those stuped cave pokemon that always stop you when you are navigating the cave, or the tentacool that always have the same affect as cave pokemon, just in the water.
SmellTheBurningEmber Posted March 7, 2010 Posted March 7, 2010 Arceus, Zubat, and Tentacool. Acreus, because he so overrated and took over Mew's position as the creator of all Pokémon. Zubat and Tentacool, because I can't walk in a cave or surf on water without running into one them every 5 seconds. ~STBE
DeathWatch Posted March 21, 2010 Posted March 21, 2010 I would have to say wooper cause they are very annoying in the games.
tornadod Posted May 15, 2010 Posted May 15, 2010 BIDOOF. no many how many i kill, they never seem to go extinct.
Riolu Aura Sphere Now Posted June 6, 2010 Posted June 6, 2010 The Pokémon that I hate the most would be Zubat!
Sel Posted June 6, 2010 Posted June 6, 2010 diglett and dugtrio. I mean seriously, No ones ever seen ones full body(between the "must know it all professors in each game i find this hard to fathom). BUT, they can learn "scratch" and "slash". and no one knows or is able to see what they "scratch" you with. also they exit the pokeball already underground. FAIL
Sukotto50 Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 (edited) Feebass for his/her requirement to evolve bugs me. Zubat and Bidoof for how little experience you receive for killing them and how long it takes to level them up. Edit: HAHA Didn't realize I've already kinda posted something about this. ... X_X... Don't judge me... Edited June 10, 2010 by Sukotto50 Stupidity
Tbird Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 I don't know why everyone hates on Zubat ... makes for easy as hell speed EV training . As for my most hated pokemon at the moment... [HGSSSPRITE]287[/HGSSSPRITE]
Foment Posted June 10, 2010 Posted June 10, 2010 Bidoof and Hoothoot. Hands down. Hoothoot are pure irritation at night...
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