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B2/W2 AR Codes


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My apologies. After thoroughly reading through the thread this time, instead of skimming, I found a code that does what I needed.

Thanks Kaphotics

Do the Reveal Glass event without doing Dream Radar stuff (works permanently):


94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
10036F14 00000000
10020AC0 00000001
D2000000 00000000

Instructions: Hold select when you enter the abundant shrine area. Walk up to the shrine and the old man will be there, the game will automatically do the event once you step up the stairs. After the event, you now have a working Reveal Glass.

Works on any language, any version.

Code info:

The line ending in 0 makes the Old Man spawn regardless of his flag setting (0x404 flag). The line ending in 1 makes the triggerpad on the staircase initiate his reaction script which eventually gives the Reveal Glass. This is required as he does not actually have the Reveal Glass assigned to him (the trigger pad script just uses him in an event).

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This is a curiosity thing, and as far as I can see, it hasn't been talked about anywhere.

I don't know if someone can help generate a code that allows you to catch the "uncatchable" Kyurem Fusion? The one right before the final Ghetsis battle?

I used Kaphotics' code that allows rebattle with the Fusion, along with a "catch trainer's pokemon" code, yet it still wouldn't allow.

Basically, I want to see how the game reacts, and what I'll be able to do with it.

Also, am I beating a dead horse by posting in this thread? Or is this stuff still up for discussion?

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Hi I am looking for event reshiram (the one that appeared in white 2 at lvl 70) ar code for black 2 ,event zekrom ar code for white 2 and the event victini (the one with the liberty pass ar code in white/black season 1) for black 2 and white 2. As i couldn't find one that works. Can anyone please provide the codes? Thanks in advance! :D

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...

Is there a code to reset a wondercard you already have? I want to try getting more Meloetta and Genesect. Google search didn't bring up anything except codes to inject a wondercard into the game, so unless my search terms are bad, it doesn't seem to already be on here

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  • 2 months later...

can anyone send me the right code for enable challenge mode on Pokémon White 2 and Black 2?

i try 3 codes one of them is this:

52010500 42815880

12010504 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

but is not working on Pokemon White 2 U, please give me the right code.

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  • 2 weeks later...

can someone create an italian version of this(white 2) :

Hidden Hollow Pokes/Items Always Regenerate 100% of the time every step you take (japanese)

52181ec4 fc40f683

12181ea6 000046c0

12181eca 000046c0

d2000000 00000000

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  • 4 months later...

Is there a code to edit or reset the Geonet location?

I remember seeing one for B/W, but not for B2/W2.

EDIT: Fiddling a little bit with Pokéstock, I was able to do this myself without AR codes. Thanks anyway :)

Edited by Johnny T.
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  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I need assistance with an odd situation here, if anyone still checks this thread...

I used PokeGen to generate a code to put 995 Rare Candy in my bag in Black 1, but my mistake was putting it in the Items Pocket versus the Medicine Pocket and didn't realize until after I saved the game. I can't use them, toss them, or sell them. It just stays at 995. I've tried overwriting them with another item code in the same slot, but it just puts the new items in the last slot. I even generated a code that had no item in the slot I wanted to erase, and it did nothing.

So is there any way I can erase them with a particular code, or should I look into getting an R4i to extract and directly edit my save?

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  • 4 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

52019198 42112001

1201919C 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

1201919C 000046C0

D2000000 00000000


520191B4 42112001

120191B8 0000D100

94000130 FFFA0000

120191B8 000046C0

D2000000 00000000

this is that "reset all events on a map if you hold a+sel as you enter" code. that should do.

This didnt work? I tried with a few different pokemon but nothing happened at all. Anyone have any idea why?

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  • 2 months later...

Hi,is some 1 who can help me whit Events codes who dont just add the pokemon in inventory.I want to play the event itself,for exempele to Get Keldeo.I fiend events codes where they are place in box or in party.But i want a event where you catch him.like in this video


Can some 1 help me plz,plz,plz

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  • 8 months later...
On 4/21/2017 at 8:26 PM, Agu Fungus said:

So, has anybody found a code for Join Avenue to keep getting visitors in Black 2?

Such code doesn't exist, however these codes are available:

Max Popularity
(Press Select): Max popularity in Join Avenue.
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
100258E8 0000270F
D2000000 00000000

Max Rank
(Press Select): Gives you the max rank for Join Avenue.
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
200258EC 00000064
D2000000 00000000

Repurchase Items
(Press and hold Select): Talk to any shop owner and buy their products again.
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
C0000000 00000007
0002507C 00000000
DC000000 000000C4
D2000000 00000000

All Shops Rank 9 and Max Popularity
(Press Select): Level up once more to have an actual rank 10 Shop. Current rank 9 is not an actual rank 9 shop.
94000130 FFFB0000
B2000024 00000000
C0000000 00000007
20025079 00000008
1002507A 0000270F
DC000000 000000C4
D2000000 00000000

I have already integrated these cheats into the cheat databases for flash cartridges, you can check here for more information:



Edited by DeadSkullzJr
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  • 4 months later...

Hi! I play Pokémon Black 2 (Desmume) and I have the Burn Drive and Shock Drive (Genesect event in-game). I need an action replay for Douse Drive and Chill Drive. Please help me.

I can't believe this: I found the AR for Reveal Glass but I can`t found the AR for all Genesect Drives x4

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94000130 fcff0000
1221d9e4 0000XXXX
9221d9e6 00000000
1221d9e6 00000001
d2000000 00000000

Replace XXXX with the corresponding item ID. A list of items and their index number can be found here: https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_items_by_index_number_(Generation_V)

In-game, press L and R to replace the first item slot in the bag.


EDIT: However, it may be easier for you to just open the save file in PKHex and edit the items manually.

Edited by Aurum
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  • 3 weeks later...


I've been looking for an answer for this for ages, to no avail. How would I go about converting codes intended for the original White to White 2? I've found a code for the event Shiny Golurk that was given out a few years back, but I only have a Japanese version Black and and an English copy of White 2.

The code I've found which puts it in your PC should work (as I've previously used a similar one to get the Shiny Hydreigon that was also distributed); it just needs tweaking to work with White 2 (or on Black). Or is this not possible?


94000130 FFFB0000
0221BFCC 7C287A91
0221BFD0 F5410000
0221BFD4 F28E7E07
0221BFD8 C6565FEC
0221BFDC 8DF58780
0221BFE0 87BB79C3
0221BFE4 91B41E5D
0221BFE8 9CE48EC2
0221BFEC B3391F41
0221BFF0 8AE4FEC6
0221BFF4 0E2FAB3B
0221BFF8 F46B5E15
0221BFFC 7910CD1B
0221C000 000D4F8C
0221C004 5024D6C3
0221C008 AFBC3BB5
0221C00C 09B564C1
0221C010 8D7CB088
0221C014 23290906
0221C018 B36E247C
0221C01C BAF7F2E4
0221C020 C1AD3046
0221C024 F1987563
0221C028 79DF35D7
0221C02C 50E8CCCA
0221C030 2DCDEAB7
0221C034 822B4E0B
0221C038 2206BB30
0221C03C 20448189
0221C040 4641DF54
0221C044 F9765427
0221C048 E8426196
0221C04C AF50C064
0221C050 151D823A
D2000000 00000000


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