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I just have one question, though.

What if the egg was hatched in Diamond/Pearl, then transferred to Platinum? Would I need to change the 44-45h values? I'm having doubts about this just now, since I saw that if you migrated from the Pal Park in D/P, I saw that you don't need to change the 46h value? Or am I wrong?

Hm, to make it more simple, I just want to clarify what I would do with the hex values of the following Pokémon:

1.) Linoone gotten from Pal Park in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

2.) Mime Jr. hatched in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

So speaking that both of them originated in Pearl. Would they both go 00 in everything, or would one/both of them change hex values?

Posted (edited)
  Zekira said:
I just have one question, though.

What if the egg was hatched in Diamond/Pearl, then transferred to Platinum? Would I need to change the 44-45h values? I'm having doubts about this just now, since I saw that if you migrated from the Pal Park in D/P, I saw that you don't need to change the 46h value? Or am I wrong?

Hm, to make it more simple, I just want to clarify what I would do with the hex values of the following Pokémon:

1.) Linoone gotten from Pal Park in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

2.) Mime Jr. hatched in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

So speaking that both of them originated in Pearl. Would they both go 00 in everything, or would one/both of them change hex values?

1) if you play in diamond and pearl , then you don't have to change the values except 85h ...

2) if you want pal-parked pokemon traded from pearl to Platinum ... be sure to put 85h value to 00 and all other value to 00

[make sure that the location would be in diamond/and pearl, not platinum .. because ... the platinum thrash byte have not been found ^^]

my last advice here ...

please read the first page before posting .. ^^..

because some of your question is already answered in the preston's guide ... especially for the hex values ^^

Edited by xeomyr
giving false information XD
  Zekira said:
I just have one question, though.

What if the egg was hatched in Diamond/Pearl, then transferred to Platinum? Would I need to change the 44-45h values? I'm having doubts about this just now, since I saw that if you migrated from the Pal Park in D/P, I saw that you don't need to change the 46h value? Or am I wrong?

Hm, to make it more simple, I just want to clarify what I would do with the hex values of the following Pokémon:

1.) Linoone gotten from Pal Park in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

2.) Mime Jr. hatched in Pearl, traded over to Platinum

So speaking that both of them originated in Pearl. Would they both go 00 in everything, or would one/both of them change hex values?

1) All values should be 00.

2) All values should be 00.

Hope that helps! lol


preston ... recently i checked all the values of my honey tree's pokemon in diamond .. and found out that the 85h value is 00 ..

after that, i checked the honey pokemon from projectpokemon DB .. and they are also 00 for 85h ...

i quite confused why u write 02 for D/P honey tree pokemon ...

it should be all the same 85h value "00" for diamond/pearl/platinum ..

maybe i should make a research for this one xD .. by catching honey tree pokemon at least one in each route xD ...

I will do it if i have free time tonight xD .. hopefully i will finish it by tomorrow xD ...


~Do the values change when you trade them to a different game?~

Once a Pokemon's values have been determined by the game, they will never change. This means trading a Pokemon from Diamond to Platinum will keep its regular hex values from Diamond.

thx for this new information xD .....

i will edit my post above xD


After catching each pokemon in each honey tree ( total 21 Honey Trees)

i found that the honey tree 85h value should be 00 in diamond

and it should be the same for pearl :)

anyway preston , check your PM .. there i attach my PKM files of the 21 honey tree pokemons in Diamond

and also they are untouched and legit one ^^

  damio said:
That is the ONLY place to catch it.

no, if you don't catch giratina in the distortion world,

it will show up in turnback cave (like D/P) .. but no one here in PP, do that =_=

because it kind of waste to catch Giratina in Turnback Cave just like D/P =_=

well i haven't play platinum till now ... because i am waiting for pokeMod first before playing it xD ... but at least i know this kind of stuff :)

  damio said:
That is the ONLY place to catch it.

You need to research the topic before you say something Damio, this is the second time you have been completely wrong =/

  archanfel said:
i just caught giratina from turnback cave :----> 85h=05, 46h=3E

so .. giratina will always be a "cave" pokemon if it was put in turnback "jail" xD

i am kinda feels pity of legendary pokemons, especially for pokemon like this =_= ... why ?? living in the darkness like that , stay out from the world ... can't they go out and just have some fun ... xD

  archanfel said:
i just caught giratina from turnback cave :----> 85h=05, 46h=3E

Thanks for that information!

So its just like it was in D/P, cool :P


if i wanted to make a pkmn in pokesav look like it was traded, as an egg, from pearl to platinum, and then hatched, would i have to use the values for pearl or platinum?


yea my question is pretty much the same as the guy above me. but for me it has to do with saved pkm files. when i load a pkm file that was saved from the pokesav D/P on the pokesav platinum, do i have to change the hex values accordingly? also, the pkm files hometown are set to Diamond or pearl.


This guide helped me finally understand hex values thank you so much. the guide is very detailed also it doesn't make it hard to understand the concept.

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