codemonkey85 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 FLOOTENKERP said: No it doesn't 0_0 it goes back in your inventory when you enter the trade room. ...Really? I uh, had never actually tried it myself. Hmm. Well, if that is the case, then I expect HGSS to follow the same pattern, so... yes, it probably will move to your inventory. (I wonder what happens if your inventory is full when you go to make such a trade?)
tooklin999 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 with the new apricon balls it may be another HEX code like platinum uses the 44h - 47h to determin the new locations e.g. the distort world. And like the platinum GTS you can only trade ROTOM in his normal form as well as GIRATINA so maybe it will probably stop pokemon holding apricorn balls from being traded to platinum, diamond and pearl. and the pokemon caught in the new apricorn balls may change the ball when traded to dppt to a normal ball and when its traded back it reads the HEX values and changes it back to the Apricor ball.
codemonkey85 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I'm not sure you understand the meaning of "hex" here. Slightly off-topic rant: Reveal hidden contents All of the data in the save files is composed of binary data, grouped into 8-bit bytes. Some of those bytes are combined in groups of two or more to form bigger numbers. In the case of which Poké Ball a Pokémon is caught in, there is a single byte currently used by DPPt to store that information. The number is a reference number to the ball type that was used; a number between 1 and 15, IIRC. My guess is that the ball used to catch a Pokémon in HGSS will be stored in a different location in the PKM data (one that is currently unused). If the ball is one that exists in DPPt, that ball will be assigned to the DPPt location as well. Otherwise, I assume they will assign a normal Poké Ball to that location. Platinum already does this for the caught location and egg met location; if the location also exists in DPPt, that is the location assigned to the DPPt met data. Otherwise, "Far Away Place" is assigned there (or was it "Distant Land"?). In any case, "hex codes" are just the data stored in the game. The only difference between DP, Pt, and HGSS is some of the locations are read by one game, and others are read by other games, even for the same kind of data. If there is another interpreted meaning of the word "hex", I blame Pokesav for its poor nomenclature of the unknown / unused values in the PKM data.
Guested Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Wi-Fi Plaza = good for marketing and appeal. Same Global Terminal = good, there was nothing wrong with it. Identical Battle Frontier = sigh. Seriously? Come on! I'm almost done with the Platinum Frontier... Maaaaan, I guess I just won't be playing the new Johto Battle Frontier. Oh well. Big let down in my book. Hopefully they'll at least do something like update the random trainers or team combinations. Seriously, how many Quaqsire do we need to encounter in the Frontier???
codemonkey85 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 I'm guessing they kept everything the same to maintain compatibility with Platinum. Just as I assumed (hoped) they would. Personally, I don't mind, as A) I haven't gotten anywhere in Pt's Battle Frontier yet, and B) the Battle Frontier is just something I do when I have nothing better to do anyway.
Guested Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Well, I guess that's a good point for the multiplayer stuff in the Battle Frontier. I still haven't ever played them with anyone ever. (emphasis on ever, btw)
SCV Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 codemonkey85 said: ...Really? I uh, had never actually tried it myself. Hmm.Well, if that is the case, then I expect HGSS to follow the same pattern, so... yes, it probably will move to your inventory. (I wonder what happens if your inventory is full when you go to make such a trade?) You get the following message: Your Bag is full. The Griseous Orb could not be removed, so you cannot enter.
codemonkey85 Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Leave it to SCV to be curious enough to try. Thanks for the clarification! I'm going to continue to assume that the Poffin baking and local Egg swapping features are also still in. The only multiplayer feature that I do not expect to see return is the underground.
SCV Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 codemonkey85 said: Leave it to SCV to be curious enough to try. Thanks for the clarification! I did not try it out of curiosity. I think it happened accidentally back when I was trying to make the code to allow (new) alternate forms on wi-fi and the union room. When I posted that I looked in platinums text and found it, to be sure I wrote it correctly.
KyoMcFizzle Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 codemonkey85 said: ...Really? I uh, had never actually tried it myself. Hmm.Well, if that is the case, then I expect HGSS to follow the same pattern, so... yes, it probably will move to your inventory. (I wonder what happens if your inventory is full when you go to make such a trade?) I don't see that happening. It'd be highly unlikely that they'd make your items return to your bag when you can trade them between games. My theory is that, once you connect with a D/P/Pt game, the items will then return to your bag. It just wouldn't make sense for them to not allow you to transfer your stuff to a game o fht esame Generation (HG/SS-wise.) And with the Griseous Orb, you can bring it into the Union Room with a code, the Item will just be a gigantic question mark sitting in your bag.
Guested Posted August 20, 2009 Author Posted August 20, 2009 Yeah, but we're talking about items that you CAN'T trade because they don't exist in Diamond or Pearl. So they aren't even allowed to be brought into the Union Room.
KyoMcFizzle Posted August 20, 2009 Posted August 20, 2009 Guested said: Yeah, but we're talking about items that you CAN'T trade because they don't exist in Diamond or Pearl. So they aren't even allowed to be brought into the Union Room. Well aware. Just saying in general, ya know?
Guested Posted August 21, 2009 Author Posted August 21, 2009 I was looking at some of the new images, and evidently this was even in some of the old shots (I just didn't realize it), but... Berries have been confirmed to be in HGSS, at least through the PokeWalker. The images displaying the PokeWalker Mystery Gift (between two PokeWalkers) show a player receiving a Oran Berry (Berry number 07, restores 10 HP). So, this confirms that HGSS will be using the Generation IV set of berries instead of the old ones from II (which makes perfect sense). Furthermore, since the trees in Johto seem to do the whole "one-a-day" thing instead of being planted and watered like other regions, that's where the Berry Planter key item comes into play. Again, here's something I didn't really put together earlier: The Berry Planter screenshots show the player planting a Pecha Berry into one of the pots in the Berry Planter. There is also a Berry pouch in the main item Bag that will hold your inventory of berries that are not currently being grown. Keep in mind, the Apricorn Case only holds the 7 types of Apricorns.
KyoMcFizzle Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Yay berries. I thought the berry in the Berry Planter was a Leppa Berry though? The one in the detailed picture, I mean.
Guested Posted August 21, 2009 Author Posted August 21, 2009 Show me the picture you are talking about, please.
KyoMcFizzle Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Reveal hidden contents The picture beneath the Chikorita. Here's the bigger version. Reveal hidden contents
Guested Posted August 21, 2009 Author Posted August 21, 2009 There's no Berry names in that picture. Here's a clearer version: Reveal hidden contents The text says "press the arrow keys or touch to move." Here are the berry pictures: Reveal hidden contents This one says "Planted a Pecha Berry in the soft soil." Reveal hidden contents This one says "Received a Oran Berry."
KyoMcFizzle Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I know that much. I'm referring to the pot with the full grown berries in them to the far left of the page beneath the Chikorita and right Above the Apricorn Balls. That is a Leppa Berry.
Guested Posted August 21, 2009 Author Posted August 21, 2009 Hahaha, yeah, thanks for explaining. This is what you were talking about, right? Reveal hidden contents Leppa Berry
KyoMcFizzle Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 YES. That was what I was talking about. That, my good sir, is a Leppa Berry. ---------- Post added at 09:15 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:33 PM ---------- This is only Semi-HG/SS related, but here it goes. Recently I had a discussion with a few people regarding the upcoming November Pokemon Event. During this time, several people, myself including, speculated as to what the event may be. Several people argued it was going the be the NZ Jirachi or the PCP and that the Arceus would be released right before HG and SS's scheduled English Release. Here's my theory: Arceus will be released this coming November in the announced upcoming event. My logic? It's a Marketing Ploy: By release the pokemon in the following order, it'll get alot of people more excited about the upcoming game (Moreso than they already are): 1: Arceus) By releasing Arceus first, it does 3 things: -1: It gets Pokemon fans in the US and Europe increasingly excited about the new Arceus movie that is set to be released. Many people have been anticipating this movie for quite some time, and this will only add gas to the perverbial fire that is their collective excitement. -2: It would further advertise the purchase of Platinum due to its in-game effect. Many people have questioned buying Platinum due to the similarities between Diamond and Pearl, but several have purchased Platinum regardless. The additions in Platinum in addition to this new in-game effect the Arceus will have will also push players to purchase the re-make. And finally, -3: This Arceus will allow players to get more hyped up over HG and SS. Being that it has an additional in-game effect in the upcoming series, many people will only be pushed further into purchasing the games thanks to this new Arceus, raising the already insane popularity of the upcoming games. 2: NZ Jirachi) The NZ Jirachi could be a late December/early January event pokemon that will follow the release of the Arceus. By releasing the NZ Jirachi after the Arceus, US and European Nintendos can further elaborate on the upcoming Pokewalker. By doing so, many young fans of Pokemon who haven't the ability to keep up with the releases of the upcoming games can get hyped up beyond all belief. 3: Shokotan Pichu) The Shokotan Pichu could be the final event before the release of HG and SS. By releasing this Pokemon immediately before the release of HG and SS, it'll act like the Regigigas did for the US release. By doing this, in conjunction with the other two events, it'll further pressure unsure buyers into purchasing the new game in order to further expand the repitouir of their child's, or even their own Pokemon Game Collection. This is all just speculation, however. :3
DanteKoriyu Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Guested said: I was looking at some of the new images, and evidently this was even in some of the old shots (I just didn't realize it), but...Berries have been confirmed to be in HGSS, at least through the PokeWalker. The images displaying the PokeWalker Mystery Gift (between two PokeWalkers) show a player receiving a Oran Berry (Berry number 07, restores 10 HP). So, this confirms that HGSS will be using the Generation IV set of berries instead of the old ones from II (which makes perfect sense). Furthermore, since the trees in Johto seem to do the whole "one-a-day" thing instead of being planted and watered like other regions, that's where the Berry Planter key item comes into play. Again, here's something I didn't really put together earlier: The Berry Planter screenshots show the player planting a Pecha Berry into one of the pots in the Berry Planter. There is also a Berry pouch in the main item Bag that will hold your inventory of berries that are not currently being grown. Keep in mind, the Apricorn Case only holds the 7 types of Apricorns. I just assumed it was without question that the new berries would be used. Downgrading would have been asinine. lol As for the trees's being a one-a-day event, it doesn't really matter, as every tree in every screen shot is a Apricorn Tree, even the ones that should have been a Berry Tree from the original has changed. It's most likely that we will just get berries from NPCs, the Berry Master dude, Wild Pokemon, and the Pokewalker. Though I personally don't see how hard it is just to add in a couple of loamy soil patches around the region, mostly where the original berries were, plus some new spots so you can grow more fo a variety. They already made a lot of changes as it is, using the Berry Planter instead seems unneeded. (Unless people are now too lazy to walk to where they planted their berries. lol)
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 Or maybe these games will have a software that fixes the games for viewable pokeballs. Something like FR/LG 's berry glitch update that mends the Ruby/Sapphire berry soils.
codemonkey85 Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I am not sure how the berry patch worked, but I have a hard time believing that one can simply connect to a DS and overwrite (on a read-only card mind you) part of the ROM's code for item enumeration, as well as add brand new images. Interesting idea though.
Mewtwo Ex Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 I have fixed my Sapphire only. It is a secret combination of buttons that are pressed on the title screen on FireRed or LeafGreen. And i permanently updates the game. The player must press B + Select for it to lead him/her to the next step. But Nintendo has probably forgotten that they did this and will most likely not do something similar to it.
codemonkey85 Posted August 21, 2009 Posted August 21, 2009 You know, it just occured to me... I wonder how wild Pokémon will be generated in the PokéWalker? There are various documented RNG methods for generating Pokémon; I wonder if there will be a new one for this device? I also wonder if you can encounter shinies... and on a related note, is the OT information assigned from the getgo, or is it not assigned until it is transferred to a copy of HGSS? How about the PokéRus? Can that be caught in the PokéWalker? So many mysteries for such a small device. EDIT: SCV said: I did not try it out of curiosity. I think it happened accidentally Either way, we can always count on you to produce answers like that.
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