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I wonder what they're gonna do with all the buttons left over? I assume that this means that the X, Y, L, and R buttons will be useless now that the menu is on the touch screen.



Please check out the first post!

The official website was updated today...


... and I updated the confirmed information section in the main post to include this information (as well as information that I neglected to add earlier).

A lot of this was present in the recent Corocoro leaks, but there are some smaller details that were not.

So please take a look! :)

If you feel like I've missed something, please let me know :)


Hey Guested, I never thought to ask, but does it specifically say that the girl player is NOT the girl from Crystal? or is it just assumed from the vast design change?

Personally, I see more and more evidence that she is Crystal, just minus the blue hair since this ISN'T Crystal. Also, seems like they just didn't want blue hair in general, as even the mom is now a brunette.


It doesn't specifically say that.

I think the only way we'll ever have confirmation on that is when the English version comes out and we see the suggested names.

But yeah, I agree with you. The more and more I see of her sprite, the more it reminds me of Kris from Crystal. Especially the hairstyle.

The new girl was probably loosely designed from Kris.


If only she didn't have that wretched hat, a regular beanie or whatever she originally had would have been fine. I could deal with the overalls, they are tiny details on a sprite, and I doubt I'll be battling her a lot (if at all) anyway...but that hat. Its almost bigger than the rest of the sprite. lol

Posted (edited)

Overalls are DEFINITELY in fashion in Japan right now among girls of all ages (I'd say like the ballpark of 9 to 30), so that makes sense and I don't mind them either.

But yeah... that hat... dunno where that came from.

I just made a few minor tweaks to clarify some things and I added one or two more pieces.

This is to the big update I just made to the first post, if you missed that message.

Edited by Guested
more changes

Wow thanks for the update Guested :3 Having a member from japan on the forums is a huge help. I can not wait for this game. I have been playing my Gold Rom the past few days since I just can't wait lol.

The update on the pokewalker made my day. I am going to have so much fun with that thing. I hope the girl isn't suppose to be Kris though >.< That hat is horrid.


With all the Crystal elements that are being added, Eusine and the Suicune plot specifically, there is no reason for her not to be included. As horrid as the hat is, I rather it be Crys, even if she gained a terrible fashion sense, than introduce a new girl for practically no reason except for to spite her. =P

Posted (edited)

Being that the girl character in HGSS takes on a supporting role if you don't choose her, you could argue that it's a different role from what Kris was in Crystal (a player character). But then again, if you choose the girl... the role is the same, essentially...

So... I dunno! Maybe they wanted the girl character to be more accessible to the general audience, rather than super-anime-blue-hair style. Although then again, I don't know how a giant hat is more accessible...

Dante, I changed the info in the first post to reflect my unsure position on this matter ;)

Also, here's an interesting fact. A certain large Pokemon site referred to the PokeWalker as PokeWalk in a very recent news post.

To anyone who cares:

The rumors about Latios, Latias, and Mewtwo were just rumors. They were rumors floating around in the 2ch thread regarding the Corocoro leaks, so many sites who translated this (I think pokebeach was first) assumed this was info in the article of Corocoro (or the people who were posting in the 2ch thread were just idiots).

At any rate, it is not something that has been confirmed or even hinted at by any official source.

This information was in the pp.org news post, because the information was taken from the post at pokebeach.

Edited by Guested
more additions
  DanteKoriyu said:

Jagged Ear Pichu can also not be evolved or traded, so its a one of Pokemon for the game you are playing only.

Can't be evolved? That's seriously disappointing.

Also, the girl player character's hat is awesomely awesome. >:@

I just wish the overall-shorts were overall-trousers.

  Mewtwo Ex said:
What were you expecting, the Jagged-Ear Pikachu.:rolleyes: I am surprised that someone thought that it will evolve. I guess there was a possibility but i never thought it was available for evolution. :o:o:o

Well, I was expecting it to evolve, but lose the jagged ear and just be a normal pikachu. But seeing as this isn't the first time GF has prevented a member of the Chu family from evoling, I guess I should have expected it haha.

Posted (edited)

Alternate, worse quality one: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AHoevOGDp_A

Says it was taped from Pokemon Festa, and seems no one has the correct audio for it just yet. Perhaps the recorded audio was worse then what they added? =P

Fun Festa videos added, though some are useless for HGSS and this topic, but they tell the story of the cameramans day. =P

Edited by DanteKoriyu

That battle vid is pretty sweet! Thanks for the links, Dante! I think it would pretty awesome if HGSS implemented a level 5 battling situation... like how PBR did. I really like it, but NO ONE else seems to have any level 5 teams, whereas I have an entire box (had no idea what would be a good strategy in PBR, so I went overboard).

Here's another random thought I had today that would be cool:

Picture this:

National Park Bug Catching contest.... post-National Dex! Wouldn't it be cool if most (maybe all) of the National Dex bug Pokemon could be caught in the National Park?? Some would be rarer than others, of course.


One of the admin's at pokebeach is in Japan right now (for movie coverage, etc), and went to the Pokemon Center in Tokyo to square up a mishap with his movie ticket. They have a few DS units with the new HGSS demo on them, so he took some video before someone (in surprisingly good English) told him to take a hike.

The only new things I saw in the video of his battles are these:

- The Pokemon following you around just slides onto the screen instead of jumping out of a Pokeball.

- The... sprite for the Psychic trainer is... the same as DPP?!? (Twins look new, though)

If I had time this week, I'd go check it out myself... but I don't.


Oh i love your idea about the Bug Catching Contest Guested! I always loved doing that and adding more bugs to it after you get the National Dex *assuming they fallow the current trend in the remake* would be so awesome. I love having tons of stuff to do after the elite four.

Of course they wouldn't put ALL in there. Could you see yourself catching a wild Scizor? lol


I saw a picture of the Team Rocket's head operatives. Some look surprisingly like Galactic. The Female admin for instance had a remarkable resemblance to that of commander Mars. And the grunts looked like ones from the Sinnoh syndicate. I probably should not be surprised however, given the fact that we have begun leaving the Diamond,Pearl/Platinum saga.


It wouldn't surprise me to hear that once Team Rocket disbanded that some joined Team Galactic. One, as a tie in, and two, Evil people will want to continue to do evil things. They can't get Gioviani (sp?) to come back so they defect to Team Galactic.

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