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I'm not going as far to say there will be NO Pal Park, but I really don't think there will be one. I mean, even though it would be useless for the DSi, they may include it for those who still have DS Phats or Lites.

If there is one thing Game Freak has proven when it comes to Pokemon games, they can be pretty unpredictable.

I doubt it will be in the game. I think this was made to support the DSi, rather than to support the DS Phat. But I do think they will do something to obtain old Pokemon.

it doesnt matter to people like me.

i got a ds phat, then a lite, then a dsi so when i need to pal park i use my ds lite


Interesting news about all these legendaries in Hg/Ss... it's almost too many, but in-game legendary events are always a bit of fun, so I don't really mind. It would seem these games are being used to take care of the final legendaries that aren't natively available in the DS-generation games... so I wouldn't be surprised if we find out about in-game Latios/Latias and Mewtwo events, as well. Celebi is likely to have his own in-game event (and hopefully North America will even have access to it this time :rolleyes:) perhaps in addition to a few giveaways, and Jirachi will probably be a giveaway-exclusive.

I'm just hoping the Mystery Gift/Wonder Card system used in Hg/Ss is the same as D/P/Pt, so I can still broadcast the events to the game using my CycloDS after downloading them from the database.

  DanteKoriyu said:
After beating the Elite 4, Kyogre will appear in HeartGold, and Groudon in SoulSilver, and catching them in their respective game then bringing both into one game will unlock Rayquaza in it.

I'm wondering if both the Kyogre and Groudon need to be the ones catchable in Hg and Ss, respectively, in order to to unlock Rayquaza. I'm going to be buying Ss, and I'd hope that a Kyogre Pal Parked to either my Diamond or Platinum game, and traded to Ss (assuming it doesn't have a Pal Park, which I hope I'm wrong about) would unlock it.

Hmm, maybe they will keep that way to catch Lapras on Fridays, since the DS has time features, it will just do the same thing as DPPT did and use the date on the DS. And maybe they will keep those days you can and can't battle your rival.

I'm sure they will, the Rival battles in Platinum and Drifloons appearance on Fridays seem to suggest they will. It's practically the same thing, so I'm positive it won't be any trouble for them to include in the remake, be stupid not to actually.

  TM2-Megatron said:
Interesting news about all these legendaries in Hg/Ss... it's almost too many, but in-game legendary events are always a bit of fun, so I don't really mind.

I'm wondering if both the Kyogre and Groudon need to be the ones catchable in Hg and Ss, respectively, in order to to unlock Rayquaza. I'm going to be buying Ss, and I'd hope that a Kyogre Pal Parked to either my Diamond or Platinum game, and traded to Ss (assuming it doesn't have a Pal Park, which I hope I'm wrong about) would unlock it.

Well, if you add up all the Ledgends in Platinum compared to HGSS, even if they include all the Legends that aren't currently available in the 4th Gen right now (15), Platinum (20 including in-game events) is still ahead by 5. This doesn't include the rumors that Shaymin, Arcues, Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina maybe in the game as well though.

I'd be willing to bet that Kyogre and Groudon within HGSS will have the Fateful Encounter tag checked. I mean, if you have the 3rd Gen Titans, then you more than likely don't need the ones available within HGSS. To me at least, it makes more sense for the in-game titans to unlock each other rather than those from the 3rd Gen.

  DanteKoriyu said:
I mean, if you have the 3rd Gen Titans, then you more than likely don't need the ones available within HGSS.

Not for the Pokedex completion, maybe... however I do kind of like completing all the in-game events. And it'd be nice to have a Rayquaza captured in Johto.

I suppose we'll just have to wait and see... if Rayquaza does require both the Johto-captured titans, I suppose I'll just have to buy a used copy of Hg (not a total loss, as I'll also be able to capture second specimens of a ton of legendaries and eventually put them all on my main Ss cart).


That's what I meant when I said that. I too like completing most the in-game events or quests, the only thing I stay away from is contests, cause I really dislike them. I'm currently aiming to defeat the Battle Frontier in Platinum so I can finish out my villa's decorations.

As for the Kyogre, if it does require one from HG with a Fateful encounter flag and you don't wanna buy HG, I'd be more than willing to just trade you one. I always make save states in front of important locations such as Legendary battles or gift Pokemon, so I can get multiple without cloning or breeding (If they can).

Random thought, the Arcues and Cynthia event doesn't make much sense to me. In D/P/Pt, Cynthia reveals information about the Legendaries of Sinnoh, but she never mentions that she has ever actually met any of them before the player came along, let alone Arceus, the Original One.

And the events in HGSS take place before the events in Sinnoh, you can tell because the Red Gyarados TV documentary is shown at the beginning of D/P and the Red Gyarados is not discovered until about half way through Johto games main story. Cynthia has probable reason to be in Johto, to collect the Secret Potion she gives you to cure the Psyduck's headache. Though I have no idea what she could possibly do with Arceus before/afterward. Oh, BTW, this means that Jasmine is also still in Johto for her Gym Challenge and would likely have left afterward, even though I doubt she will actually leave during the game events.


Now I just hope they don't screw those games up too much D:

There better be some highly intelligent and reasonable explanations for Hoenn legends and such...

Maybe they are going to improve the relations of the legendaries, like mention something about Rayquaza being the 3rd big huge flying guardian legend also residing on a tower in another region xD

LOL not going to happen... hmmm


Well, they probably won't include ALL of the legendaries.

They've gotta keep something exclusive to Mystery Gift events.

There's a new Jirachi event coming up this month, and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw another Mew event sometime in the future, or Latios/Latias, perhaps.

Posted (edited)

Jirachi being included as an in-game event's possiblility just went down to about zilch, though he could still be included, as they had given out Darkrai as an event and then finally released the in-game item to obtain him yourself in Platinum much later. I really don't see him being included now, but you never know with Game Freak.

This just leaves Mew, Mewtwo, Lati@s, and Deoxys. Granted Mew and Deoxys were already released in the 4th Gen in Ranch and as a WC event, so we may not actually see them either, leaving only the Latis and Mewtwo, who I expect to be included in the game as Post National Dex Pokemon.

EDIT: Box images revealed. (CoroCoro scan from Pokebeach.)


Edited by DanteKoriyu

As I was loading up my Platinum sav files into an English version in order to get English versions of the legendary Pokemon yesterday, I remembered this:

During the Shaymin event,

Oak mentions that a similar white rock was recently discovered in Kanto and wonders if they could be connected somehow.

SO! I think this pretty much nails it in that we'll be seeing Kanto and that we'll be seeing a white rock. I wonder what will be associated with the white rock...?

  Guested said:
As I was loading up my Platinum sav files into an English version in order to get English versions of the legendary Pokemon yesterday, I remembered this:

During the Shaymin event,

Oak mentions that a similar white rock was recently discovered in Kanto and wonders if they could be connected somehow.

SO! I think this pretty much nails it in that we'll be seeing Kanto and that we'll be seeing a white rock. I wonder what will be associated with the white rock...?

There's more then one Shaymin in the way that there are more then one Celebi (Refferring to the films).

  Guested said:
As I was loading up my Platinum sav files into an English version in order to get English versions of the legendary Pokemon yesterday, I remembered this:

During the Shaymin event,

Oak mentions that a similar white rock was recently discovered in Kanto and wonders if they could be connected somehow.

SO! I think this pretty much nails it in that we'll be seeing Kanto and that we'll be seeing a white rock. I wonder what will be associated with the white rock...?

Good job finding that out. This is going to be amazing. Maybe Shaymin will also be in this game, since Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus are in the game, I think they have some space for one more Sinnoh legend.

  Guested said:



The white rock, there could be a connection in the way that in each region there is a Shaymin.

So the white rocks each have a Shaymin there.

I can't explain it as I am tired from programming and reading all day.

Good job finding that out. This is going to be amazing. Maybe Shaymin will also be in this game, since Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Dialga, Palkia, Giratina and Arceus are in the game, I think they have some space for one more Sinnoh legend.

Wait, Dialga and Palkia are in the game too? Ugh...

And that white rock, Oak said there was one like that in Kanto... I guess we'll see. I wonder if they'll extend that cape near Bill's or something... I don't know :-/


That seems like a lot of legendaries and to good to be true if you ask me...

But if they really are all in their they have to include the sevii islands or somewhere new i mean were will they put em all?


It does sound to good to be true, but there are images. The Dialga, Palkia and Giratina are supposed to be in level one, and you can only catch one of them (You supposedly choose which to catch, I'm not sure how it works) so you are only limited to one of them.

I speculate that you have to obtain all three of them by trades to unlock Arceus, sorta like how you need Kyogre and Groudon in one game to unlock Rayquaza.

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