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Enhanced PokeCGear Trainer Text

Basically I just tacked on what Pokemon Each trainer has, it displays nicely.

0,	Leo 		@ Pidgey/Surskit	,12,128,1
1,	Silvia 		@ Wurmple/Surskit	,16,129,1
2,	Dave 		@ Gastly/Surskit	,61,130,1
3,	Britney 	@ Hoppip/Surskit	,53,131,1
4,	Robbie 		@ Elekid/Surskit	,11,132,1
5,	Miki 		@ Togepi/Surskit	,15,133,1
6,	Ryder 		@ Machop/Surskit	,46,134,1
7,	Karenna 	@ Slakoth/Surskit	,47,135,1
8,	Doug 		@ Shinx/Lotad		,52,136,1
9,	Vincent 	@ Magby/Corphish	,30,137,1
10,	Marie 		@ Magnemite/Lotad	,74,138,1
11,	Lena 		@ Ralts/Wooper		,31,139,1
12,	Carlos 		@ Starly/Corphish	,48,140,1
13,	Molly 		@ Azurill/Lotad		,49,141,1
14,	Frederic 	@ Budew/Wooper		,44,142,1
15,	Lynette 	@ Oddish/Surskit	,17,143,1
16,	Pierce 		@ Mareep/Surskit	,13,144,1
17,	Gene 		@ Aron/Surskit		,64,145,1
18,	Piper 		@ Bellsprout/Surskit	,53,146,1
19,	Miho 		@ Seedot/Surskit	,23,147,1
20,	Shane 		@ Rhyhorn/Surskit	,12,148,1
21,	Ralph 		@ Lotad/Surskit		,36,149,1
22,	Eliza 		@ Trapinch/Lotad	,37,150,1
23,	Collin 		@ Abra/Lotad		,52,151,1
24,	Ken 		@ Nidoran-M/Corphish	,32,152,1
25,	Jaques 		@ Nidoran-F/Lotad	,73,153,1
26,	Rosa 		@ Whismur/Lotad		,33,154,1
27,	Herman 		@ Porygon/Wooper	,48,155,1
28,	Emi 		@ Happiny/Corphish	,49,156,1
29,	Grace 		@ Bagon/Wooper		,45,157,1

  • 4 weeks later...

I'm not sure if this is a problem for anyone else, but when I click on the links, they give me the 404 Not Found error. Were/Are the files removed, dead, or something else?

  Rinax said:
I'm not sure if this is a problem for anyone else, but when I click on the links, they give me the 404 Not Found error. Were/Are the files removed, dead, or something else?

Yeah, same here.

Possibly removed by the author?

  • 3 weeks later...

In order to use the english version of PokeCGear i must have the latest POKEMAIN file(2.4) and replace the txt in the folder with those in the first post?Everytime i try to use the english version either the drop-down lists show nothing or PokeCGear crashes(if i replace the existing txt files)

  • 5 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Can't seem to figure this program out at all. Language barrier aside -the one in this thread is in gobblydeegook, but I've tried a random French one too-, I can at least tell how to open a save, add the .psk file and save.

But it's obviously not opening it right for starters, unless..it's only able to see my name, ID and gender like so: http://i.imgur.com/49gXs.png

Regardless, I used the thing on the right to load a .psk from this forum and saved.

The save file never works though. It comes out at the weird size of 536kb and if I exit the program and save from that I get some 33kb stk file.

Either way I can't figure it out. Any pointers would be appreciated.


As a couple of others have already mentioned, would really love to get my hands on the english files for this if anyone has them laying around! If people are not comfortable with directly uploading but would like to share please feel free to contact me through PM or email! :)

Posted (edited)

can someone teach me how to use this editing tool? i can't understand the language. help will be much appreciated. thanks in advance! :)

and another question: is this the one used to edit items??? thanks again.

Edited by evandixon
  • 2 weeks later...

Hmm I don't know if this was needed, but I have the original English Translations of the following files:






Enhanced PokeCGear Trainer Text by Kaphotics (not part of the software, but I thought I might as well add it)

Here they are and I hope that they help! I also have the original PokeStock 2.4 BW if anyone needs it, the untranslated version of course. I also have a copy of the the PokeMain files, though I see those are already posted here. I don't know how I can upload files to internet seeing as that MegaUpload is down.

PokeEdit Softwar&#101.rar

PokeEdit Software.rarFetching info...

  Kyogre1 said:
PokeStock is one of the worst designed software packages I've seen in my life. Horrible...

If it is so horrible, why does it work for so many people? Many would argue that it is a lifesaver. Plus if you don't like how it is not translated, not much we can do since this was originally NOT an English software. I think the people who worked hard on this did very well in bringing it to us who use the English language. It worked wonders for me. If you can't get the proper files, they have been uploaded by numerous people since MegaUpload was shut down.

  Conri said:
If it is so horrible, why does it work for so many people? Many would argue that it is a lifesaver. Plus if you don't like how it is not translated, not much we can do since this was originally NOT an English software. I think the people who worked hard on this did very well in bringing it to us who use the English language. It worked wonders for me. If you can't get the proper files, they have been uploaded by numerous people since MegaUpload was shut down.

He means the GUI is horrible, not the utility it provides.

  • 2 months later...

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