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Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v3 (Project is complete!)


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You can download the xDelta GUI Here.

Yeah I tried to download xDelta GUI too (I'm not sure if there is suppose to be other files or something to install in order for it to work.) But right now I get this message every time I run it.


Thanks for sharing though Riolu. ^^

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Yeah I tried to download xDelta GUI too (I'm not sure if there is suppose to be other files or something to install in order for it to work.) But right now I get this message every time I run it.


This seems like a .NET Framework error either because you don't have the most recent version which is 4.0 or you don't have it installed. Download the latest version of .NET Framework here and let me know if this helps.


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Yeah I tried to download xDelta GUI too (I'm not sure if there is suppose to be other files or something to install in order for it to work.) But right now I get this message every time I run it.


This seems like a .NET Framework error either because you don't have the most recent version which is 4.0 or you don't have it installed. Download the latest version of .NET Framework here and let me know if this helps.


Ah! I got it to work now!

You were a big help AuroraVirus, Thank you~ =D

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Looking through my commits, here's what I think has been done since V6:

- Shortened the Battle Subway names to fix crashes.

- Finished up the Battle Subway and Trial House, except for NPCs on the Battle Subway rest stops.

- Village Bridge and Kagome Town.

- The Royal Unova.

- Event legendary... events.

- Some of White Forest, but not any of the migrating trainers. So... still mostly untranslated, really.

- Random Wi-Fi stuff. Most of the Union Room should be translated, but I don't really know for sure. Also some Dream World and High-Link things.

- A few more TV shows, but still not many.

- Lots of various fixes - should have covered most posted in the thread.

Oh yeah, and I have no idea why the TM-teaching bug happens. So it's probably just going to stay that way, unfortunately.

You rock, vgperson!!!! Thank you soo much!

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Guys, a question:

after using the pokesav for my .sav, now all my pokedex is in jap symbols (only pokemon's name, everything else is in english)... there is a way to restore the name of all pokemon like in your translation? (always jap but with our alphabet) I forgot to make a backup of .sav -.-'

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These are some errors I found in location names. The list I have might be old, and some of these might have been changed already.

The terms on the right are either more accurate translations from me actually seeing the locations, or hearing part of the story to better understand the nuances of the Japanese words used... and there are also some that are just errors, and some that are changed to better fit with the way the locations were named in previous generations (Faraway Place).

Great Hall -> Giant Hole

Battlefield Tours -> Battle Tour

Battle Games -> Battle Tournament

Plaza Challenge -> Challenge Plaza

Pokemon Fiesta*** -> Pokemon Festa***

Room of Conduct -> Guidance Room

Thunder Stone Cave -> Electric Rock Cave

Distant Place -> Faraway Place

Kanoto Town -> Kanoko Town

Shisaku Plains -> Meditation Field

This location data ought to be changed in order to reflect a more accurate translation and to match with the impending release of PokeGen as to not cause confusion and/or chaos in the streets.

Also, did I hear correctly that the translation patch is actually using "Bel" as the female friend character's name? Belle would obviously be better, as that's a real name.

Edited by Guested
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Guys and gurls its rocking to see that this forum is progressing again with a realese of v7 hehe... And vgperson ur doing the most awesome job i have ever seen a man do ;-) gr8 work thanks to everyone is isshu unova in v7 and the starters names are the too in english and i am nt in a situation of playng pkm blck and wht.. Thats why i askd.

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Guys and gurls its rocking to see that this forum is progressing again with a realese of v7 hehe... And vgperson ur doing the most awesome job i have ever seen a man do ;-) gr8 work thanks to everyone is isshu unova in v7 and the starters names are the too in english and i am nt in a situation of playng pkm blck and wht.. Thats why i askd.

No, I've played it and sorry no English Starters or Unova. Hopefully they will be in V8.

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No, I've played it and sorry no English Starters or Unova. Hopefully they will be in V8.

If they were, they would have to be done in the Japanese font's roman letters in order to be usable on Random Match... and Oshawott is too long of a name for that. Tepig and Snivy would fit, but then would be very differentiable from how the real English ones will look.

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Thnx bob...and guested u mean that english names = never ooh and i am replyng frm phone thats why not replyng with quote... Its takng too much time 4 that.. And i have a stupid limit of 500 wrds :-/ so can anyone say that if we play with v7 u can understand the story BEAUTIFULLY

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If they were, they would have to be done in the Japanese font's roman letters in order to be usable on Random Match... and Oshawott is too long of a name for that. Tepig and Snivy would fit, but then would be very differentiable from how the real English ones will look.

It just occurred to me that this would apply to pretty much any Pokemon from the translation patch.... so, nevermind.

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I'm using an Acekard 2i with AKAIO 1.8.1 and when I or my opponent uses U-turn in Wifi Battles, after the move resolves, it D/C's both players (blue screen). This has happened in both my Wifi battles with V7 where U-turn has been used. This is also on Pokemon White, I don't know if this occurs on Pokemon Black.

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Kaarosu, did you found a way to edti the logos already? :P ...I sent you themore professional logos I made back then before V5 came out :P...we're in V7 now...Still, Im glad that this thing is still going. As I said, Im not going to play the official english versions because of the name stuff :P

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If they were, they would have to be done in the Japanese font's roman letters in order to be usable on Random Match... and Oshawott is too long of a name for that. Tepig and Snivy would fit, but then would be very differentiable from how the real English ones will look.

What about doing Oshawott like this? (o-shi-ya-wa-to) I took Japanese in my first 2 years of High School, so this may work. You could also do Tepig like this (ta-pi-gu) or Snivy like this (sa-ni-bi)

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What about doing Oshawott like this? (o-shi-ya-wa-to) I took Japanese in my first 2 years of High School, so this may work. You could also do Tepig like this (ta-pi-gu) or Snivy like this (sa-ni-bi)

yeah, but that would defeat the purpose of using their english names in the first place if the average english speaker can't read them

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Hey all, gotta say great translation to all involved especially vgperson who has done a lot! I have been following this translation since near start of it but have never got around to making an account to post this. Justw ant to ask if there is anyway I can help, one thing I would like to do is a basic translation scan on grammar etc correcting spelling mistakes as I have seen a few :) If there is say please, thanks.

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