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Pokémon Black and White Translation Project v3 (Project is complete!)


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whats the best card to run this on a DS lite? iyo


I've actually switched from my EDGE to a different flashcart. They were too slow with firmware updates. I ended up getting a SuperCard DSTWO, but it's pretty expensive as far as flashcarts go. If you're looking for something cheaper, I'd recommend an AceKard 2 or 2i. As far as I've heard, it's one of the best.

As for playing Black/White on an EDGE, it works as long as you're okay with major audio glitches. Like...all the music is off-key and the sound-effects sound really odd... I noticed Super Scribblenauts has the same issue.

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I've actually switched from my EDGE to a different flashcart. They were too slow with firmware updates. I ended up getting a SuperCard DSTWO, but it's pretty expensive as far as flashcarts go. If you're looking for something cheaper, I'd recommend an AceKard 2 or 2i. As far as I've heard, it's one of the best.

As for playing Black/White on an EDGE, it works as long as you're okay with major audio glitches. Like...all the music is off-key and the sound-effects sound really odd... I noticed Super Scribblenauts has the same issue.

I've been playing on EDGE and literally haven't had a single problem.

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I would only want to inform that the spanish translation thread has moved some time ago to this other post http://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?11970-Traduccin-Pokmon-Blanco-y-Negro-V2 due to the original project manager Edgar_94_ is inactive now for some reason. Would be nice to correct the link on first page for newcomers. Project is magnaged now by sergititob

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Don't need to remake an intro to this as you should know what it is. So I'll just copy and paste what we had in the last thread.

Contributing to this Project

For this project we have decided to set up a git repository to make contributions easier. The link to the repository is HERE. The procedure is the following. If you want to contribute, fork the project on github, translate the text in a file, then commit your changes, all commits will be revised and the ones deemed adequate will be pulled into the master branch of the project and used in the patch. To install git on windows you can follow the instructions here: http://kylecordes.com/2008/git-windows-go or HERE A recommended git gui tool is git-cola but feel free to use it through command line or any other gui tool. Help for github can be found at http://help.github.com/ or you may ask in our our #BWTranslation IRC Channel. (Server: irc.bitsjointirc.net / Channel: #BWTranslation)

Translating to languages other than English:

Spanish: Spanish Thread

Italian: Italian Thread

French: French Thread

Portuguese: Portuguese Thread

Dutch: Dutch Thread

The use of the native language to those threads is allowed but restricted to those threads. IF you don't see your language thread here and want them up, PM me. Thanks.

Update: Release V4 is Out Now

V5 Changelog:

  • We don't have a detailed changelog for this release cause it was lost somewhere.. but it's mostly story updates a good amount of it was translated so we're about 80-90% done with it because of the great contributions being made by vgperson
  • The other noticeable change you'll see will be the messages you get in the WFC settings (i'm still trying to figure out this one so it still looks to be in japanese BUT any messages you receive in it will be in English... some stuff might be offscreen but it should still let you know what the problem is if any

  • Lastly we wish all of you a happy halloween! and thank you all for the support given to the team!

V4 Changelog:


◘ (Soneek) In-Battle Text

Random Useful Characters

Daycare Couple

Move Deleter

Massage Girl

Trade Gift Man

Berry Clown

Dream Ruins

Some of Team Plasma event

Lady that gives you one of the monkeys

Hiun City

Pokemon Center

Art Gallery

Team Plasma event

Guide in Hiun Gym

Arti dialogue in Hiun Gym

Westernmost Pier

Phone call with Bel

Route 4

Gate to Hiun City

Bel & Cheren battles

Phone call with Araragi

Araragi event in gate to Raimon City

Raimon City

Team Plasma event

Bel's father event

N event

Pokemon League

Most of overworld dialogue for Elite Four members

Battle text for Elite Four

Adeku overworld/battle text

Hall of Fame induction

Event with N in Champion's room

N's Castle

Event with Sages & Gym Leaders

Dark Trinity members

Healing Room with Goddesses

N's Room

N's Throne Room

◘ (Kaarosu) Most Ribbons

◘ (Rykin112) Out of line item names

◘ (Terravoltage) Bulletin Board message

◘ (Terravoltage) Selecting words for Mystery Gift and others

◘ (Terravoltage) Changed previous swapped attack name's. [1]

◘ (Various) Updated Move text.


◘ (vgperson) Complete Story...Thanks *NOT YET FULLY IMPLEMENTED*

◘ (Soneek) Monkey Trader in Dream Ruins

◘ (Soneek) Karakusa Town complete

◘ (Soneek) More of Sanyou City Signs, Pokemon Center & Gym

◘ (Ruinairas) More route 2. Running Shoes event

◘ (Ruinairas) Another house in Karakusa town

◘ (Ruinairas) Some "Trainer School" text



Mystery Sword -> Mystery Blade

Thunder Strike -> Lightning Edge


Project Manager: Kaarosu

Script Editing: NSSVelocity

Quality Control: Rykin122, NSSVelocity, Zenshi, Kaarosu

Story Translation: vgboy, ruinairas, Rykin122, Soneek, NSS, others

Story Grammar: Zenshi, Shadow-witch, Soneek, others

NARCS Changed:

◘ a/0/2/6 - Logo's

◘ a/0/8/3 - Status's

◘ a/0/0/2 - Main Text

◘ a/0/0/3 - Story Text

V3 Changelog:


◘ (Kaarosu) The Pokéshifter is working again.

◘ (Kaarosu) A few Pokémon names have been updated.

◘ (Kaarosu) New ability descriptions are now translated.

◘ (Kaarosu) The GTS now has English countries.

◘ (Kaar / Velo) Some in-battle dialogs are now in english.

◘ (Kaar/NSS/tin) Huge update for the 0016.txt file.

◘ (NSSVelocity) The bug in learning moves.

◘ (NSSVelocity) The Toxic Orb crash.

◘ (NSSVelocity) TM / HM descriptions are now all english.

◘ (NSSVelocity) The Hall of Fame PC has been translated.

◘ (NSSVelocity) Geonet has scripting fixed.

◘ (NSSVelocity) Huge formatting update on the move descriptions.

◘ (tincancrab) The Vs. Recorder GUI has been updated.

◘ (tincancrab) The Pokédex entries are now updated or fixed.

◘ (ruin / Rykin) Messages in-battle when you lose.

◘ (ruin / Rykin) The town descriptions have been updated.

◘ (terravoltage) Pokémon Forms are now (mostly) in english.

◘ (Rykin / terra) Even more bulletin boards are now in english.

(Rykin122) Out of line items have been fixed.

◘ (Rykin122) A "Bag" update has been done.

◘ (Rykin122) Out of line errors when making a word.

◘ (Rykin122) "Shikona" is now known as "Cynthia".

◘ (Rykin122) Changed "PKMN Trainer" into "Pokemon Trainer".

◘ (Rykin122) Some PC formatting and a term officialized.

◘ (Various) Several Moves have been renamed. [1]


◘ (NSSVelocity) The "Yen" sign is now "$".

◘ (NSSVelocity) Saving game messages.

◘ (ruinairas) The Team Plasma event in the second town.

◘ (Rykin122) The Pokémon Center Wi-Fi Options.

◘ (Rykin122) The double "Welcome!" message in Pokémon Mart.

◘ (Rykin122) Sazanami Town, Kagome Town & Village Bridge.

◘ (Rykin122) The battle with Cynthia is now in english.

◘ (Rykin122) Some dialogs from the Elite Four.

◘ (Rykin122) The in-game HM use dialogs have been updated.

◘ (Rykin122) "[Player] received [item]" messages.

(Rykin122) Elevator floors in Hiun City.

(Soneek) Different signs in Hiun City.

(Soneek) Parts of the Battle Subway (Raimon City).

(Soneek) Hall of fame induction.

(Soneek) Spirat tower translation.

(Soneek) Name rater text translation.

(Soneek) Many routes now have english signs.

(Soneek) Misc. Rest-houses (in between routes).

(Soneek) Victory Road badge checkers update.

◘ (Various) Pokémon Gym signs.

◘ (Various) The first town (Kotono Town).

◘ (Various) Different parts of Shippou City.



Little by Little -> Bit by Bit

Sword of Mystery -> Mystery Sword

Lightning Strike -> Thunder Strike


Project Manager: Kaarosu

Script Editing: NSSVelocity

Quality Control: Rykin122, NSSVelocity, Zenshi, Kaarosu

Story Translation: ruinairas, Rykin122, Soneek, NSS, others

Story Grammar: Zenshi, Shadow-witch, Soneek, others

NARCS Changed:

◘ a/0/2/6 - Logo's

◘ a/0/8/3 - Status's

◘ a/0/0/2 - Main Text

◘ a/0/0/3 - Story Text

v2 Changelog

Main Git Changes:

  • Save Data Typo Fix (4.txt)
  • Store properly shows TMs and HMs (6.txt)
  • Save Message fixed (24.txt) -Check This Again for Accuracy
  • Display Text Kanji Typo Fixed (30.txt)
  • Hall of Fame Induction Translated (36.txt)
  • Bulletin Info (38.txt) -Rykin122
  • Liberty Garden Island Typo Fixed (53.txt)
  • Berries Typo Fixed (55.txt)
  • Fixed 'Hobomoe' to 'Hodomoe' / Liberty Garden Island(89.txt)
  • Learning new Move Fix / Banned and Not Entered fixed (158.txt)
  • Trainer Memo Fixes (159.txt)
  • Added some translations for Important Trainer Names (176.txt)
  • Power Notice Typo Fix (179.txt)
  • Fixed Trainer Card Money Format (187.txt)
  • Fixed Trainer Memo (188.txt)
  • School Girls now have the right tools again /No more Bakery either (191.txt)
  • Move Learning Fixes (202.txt)
  • Fixed Attack Descriptions-Complete (203.txt) -Shadow_Steve
  • GTS Translation Update (208.txt) -Shadow_Steve
  • Wi-Fi Errors (232.txt) -Rykin122
  • Fixed WFW to VFW in Most Files

Story Git Changes:

  • Received RunningShoes Fix (351.txt)
  • Pokemart Fixes (424.txt)
  • Intro Story Dialogue Fixes(428-435.txt)

There are other random updates but these are the only ones I got around to actually writing down.


Translation contributions in no particular order:

  • Kazo
  • Kaarosu
  • njt
  • Fishyfish
  • mattmagician
  • Guested
  • Alikhan
  • Glitch
  • Curisu
  • Rhea
  • Atoxic
  • jintrigger
  • Rykin122
  • WindSlayer
  • deishido
  • Danniello
  • Nigoli
  • Karire
  • SailorSpork
  • xxcoldh3artxx
  • shubshub
  • ryanz1
  • ReignOfComputer
  • lomejor18
  • SuzieJoeBob
  • jjangu
  • Spenstar
  • Shadow_Steve
  • Chase-san
  • digidog08
  • zenskii
  • Klaizyr
  • DeviKid
  • NSSVelocity
  • chiklit
  • ChaoticKitten
  • bache
  • DeadPool
  • Shade-witch
  • edawrdelric
  • ruinairas
  • MadMax11
  • tincancrab
  • terravoltage
  • vgperson (super big props)

...and growing I'll update this as we go let me know if I missed you

Non-Translation contributions:

  • Codr: insight as to the structure of the characters
  • Eevee: first decrypting text
  • Kazo: idea for encryption
  • SCV: program for inserting text to the narc files
  • Poryhack: menu graphics
  • Kosheh: status icon graphics
  • Kaphotics: save catalogue
  • Chase: title graphics

Patch Instructions:

  1. Obtain a clean ROM (Dump it yourself or find it elsewhere don't ask us or anyone in here for it)
  2. Obtain a copy of xDelta GUI (Decided to be nice and link the one I used to make the patches: http://www.mediafire.com/?b7em3n4sn7hhmtr
  3. Open xDelta Gui
  4. Click "Select Patch" and choose whichever patch you downloaded for your version
  5. Now choose 'Select ROM' and navigate to the clean ROM
  6. Now click on "Apply Patch" wait until it's done
  7. Try it out and give some feedback?

Known Issues:

  1. 16.txt still needs localizing but it's more bearable now


Please use http://kazowar.pbworks.com/Submit-Errors and http://kazowar.pbworks.com/Submit-Typos to better keep track of these thanks!




  1. Apply Rudolph's Child's Play patch to your clean dump to remove the Anti-Piracy

[*]Choose one of the following patches that appeals to you the most:



your v5 white patches keep coming up unavailable

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Does anybody know where the yes/no option is located that corresponds with the prompt of whether or not you want to let Reshiram/Zekrom join your party before your battle with N?

I'm curious because they are reversed, when you click on "no" is prompts you to replace a pokemon and when you click "yes" it lets you continue on without adding the dragons to your party.

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Other than wireless/Wi-Fi stuff (since I have no way of testing it), it's certainly getting close. The biggest things left on my list of what's NOT translated are the Battle Subway/Trial House (partially completed), the sports domes (surely about half completed trainer-wise, I know I translated a million sports-oriented trainers), and the Survey HQ (which is easy but tedious). I could probably have those done in around a week, and from there it's mostly just mopping up stuff in the post-game.

I've translated practically everything up to the ending (excepting the three things I mentioned above, some other things like musicals and legendary events, and anything I simply might not have found while testing), so that should all be in V6.

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Reporting some bugs, (Somewhat spoiler free)

Watching tv at home displays Japanese texts

Karakusa town, Pokemon Center's shop's mails have wrong names in each mail.

Going down to the left building in this town, at the top floor, talking to the woman, in her last sentence, there is "...vgh.."(not sure about the exact letters) on it.

Approaching the scene after going out the Pokemon Center, the man announcing has a typo in his sentence, "...b ambassador..."(not sure, but there is a single b on it.

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Me and some friends were wondering if we could keep using the saves we have now if the game gets updated(all of us are playing V5) or if the patch could somehow mess with the savefile.

Also many <3 to the guys behind this project, an absolutely awesome job!

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My game was freezing after the professor's speech. I played on Desmume for a while, and converted my save. On the DS, it freezes after I choose to load the save. It seems the game freezes whenever it's supposed to display the season. I'm playing on an original DS, with the R4 SDHC from www.r4sdhc.com, running Wood R4 v1.14 and using a 4gb Sandisk micro-sd card. I'm considering buying a Sandisk 2gb, since I've read that card works. Is the sd card the reason the game is freezing?

Need help please.

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Me and some friends were wondering if we could keep using the saves we have now if the game gets updated(all of us are playing V5) or if the patch could somehow mess with the savefile.

Also many <3 to the guys behind this project, an absolutely awesome job!

yes you can use the same saved file, just remember to make the save file have the same name as the gamefile.

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Sorry for the lack of updates, been quite busy with RL lately so I haven't done much aside from updating the gits with all the stuff that has been submitted (vgperson is almost done with what's remaining as he said in the earlier post) I'll do a v6 sometime sunday. Anyways, thanks for the support as always and see you people around.

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So I've applied rudolphs AP patch & the v5 patch and just wanna give you a big thanks.

Just a few questions, I've heard there are problems connecting on the wifi Random battles, Is this true?

Anyone tried the wifi random battles with the v5 rom?

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Other than wireless/Wi-Fi stuff (since I have no way of testing it), it's certainly getting close. The biggest things left on my list of what's NOT translated are the Battle Subway/Trial House (partially completed), the sports domes (surely about half completed trainer-wise, I know I translated a million sports-oriented trainers), and the Survey HQ (which is easy but tedious). I could probably have those done in around a week, and from there it's mostly just mopping up stuff in the post-game.

I've translated practically everything up to the ending (excepting the three things I mentioned above, some other things like musicals and legendary events, and anything I simply might not have found while testing), so that should all be in V6.

Thanks for answering my question! That's really helpful. I appreciate all the work everyone here is doing. The translation has made so much progress since I last checked.

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Oh wow... Three threads already? Hmm, I really havn't been keeping up on translating,(Or playing my game for that matter D: ) but It seems there were a lot of helpers, so I wasnt much missed... Anyway, I'd like to say good job with what's been done so far and I wish the best As I obviously wont be able to simply hop back in.

Keep up the wonderful work,

best of luck,

ex-translator deishido

(that was so touching, it's like breaking up ;A; but yeah, see everyone when the next gen comes out, maybe I'll be of some real help then :P )

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My game was freezing after the professor's speech. I played on Desmume for a while, and converted my save. On the DS, it freezes after I choose to load the save. It seems the game freezes whenever it's supposed to display the season. I'm playing on an original DS, with the R4 SDHC from www.r4sdhc.com, running Wood R4 v1.14 and using a 4gb Sandisk micro-sd card. I'm considering buying a Sandisk 2gb, since I've read that card works. Is the sd card the reason the game is freezing?

nope you're freezing because r4sdhc kernel is only 1.34 now. and its not compatible with pokemon black/white.. you have to patch ur game and google for a method to play. the problemlies with the game and flashcart itself not the sandisk memory card.

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