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Everything posted by Jamuko

  1. Holy crap, it's been a while since I visited here but it's great to see progress on this Forgive me if you've addressed this already, but are you going to be supporting sprite edits? It would be pretty awesome to create a game like "Moemon" with that, or even just allowing people to add their own Pokemon species this way.
  2. Theoretically it could make use of the camera somehow I guess, but I highly, highly doubt they would make a feature like that so integral that it would be unplayable on previous DSs. Anyway, I'm really excited about this. *_* I think the movie poster with the G/S starters is the most solid piece of "evidence". If it's real (I haven't really looked into it), I don't see how there COULDN'T be G/S remakes coming.
  3. Interesting....
  4. Jamuko

    Mew Glitch

    Man, that was fun to look through. Memories (I misremembered a bit about the Cinnabar gym roof though, you don't actually get to be up there, you just see a guy up there) I vaguely remember one thing that I couldn't find any info about on that site. Wasn't there some way you could have a wild battle with Professor Oak? Something with him at least, I remember thinking it was hilarious. I have a feeling it had to do with the Elite 4, but may have been Missingno., or something totally different. Hmm. Anyone remember this?
  5. Jamuko

    Mew Glitch

    Erm.. the negative EXP is also a "stat calculation glitch" (since Mew isn't supposed to be lv 1), so I guess they really are similar. I'm curious exactly what the cause is, though. Also, the fact that one hit makes the bar go down so much is interesting. As for the invisible PC, hahaha, I almost forgot about that. It was awesome. Remember surfing through the Elite 4 statues? And getting on the roof of the Cinnabar gym? Ahh.. I loved old Pokemon glitches.
  6. Can't be. I hadn't touched my legit cart with anything when I discovered this problem. And now, all I've done is rip the sav, I haven't modified anything on it.
  7. Yay, thanks =) I'm still paranoid though OCD means "Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder", but I'm not really using it in the formal sense. I basically just mean I care excessively about pretty irrelevant details that no one else would care about (i.e., keeping my game EXACTLY "pure" and equal to a legit cart, even if any difference that might incur would be entirely inconsequential and there would be no reason for it to matter in any way).
  8. That's exactly my problem. Apparently, it wasn't supposed to be that way. Here's some information posted on a thread about this at Nintendo forums: So derrick, don't worry about doing it by accident. In order to do it you have to call up and harass Nintendo until they email you a shipping label and you mail off your game to them. Anyway, that's why I'm considering doing it. I want my Platinum GTS to NOT suck. Oh, and I can't really just use D/P for GTS instead.. that defeats my goal of collecting dots on my globe. Also, I wouldn't be able to use the "Search by Country" feature.
  9. I'd also like to know something. If you were to rip a sav off a legit cart, don't even touch it with Pokesav, and then later restore it to a fresh new legit cart, would there be any difference or trace at all compared to the way it was on the original cart? And I mean anything at all, I'm really OCD about this. I have the stupid bug that prevents me from trading on the GTS in Platinum, and apparently Nintendo will fix it for free, but your sav is lost. I am very distraught about the lack of GTS so I'm considering doing this, but I want to know everything about what might be different about my cart if I restore a sav to it, whether it breaks Nintendo's warranty and if they can tell in any way, and etc.
  10. Jamuko

    Mew Glitch

    I've got a bit of a moral question here. Would Pokemon obtained by glitchy means such as this be considered legit? (Not "legal", legit) It's technically not possible to obtain them within the course of the game as intended, but I was always kinda of the opinion that taking advantage of a programming error is legit because you are still within the limits of the game itself and not introducing any external devices. I cloned guilt-free because of this numerous times in RBY. But.. I can see why someone would argue that it's not legit. Also, with the classic Missingno. trick, I was able to get Rapidash and Articuno with "infinite" HP that stretched across the whole screen and back (however, one hit would make their bar go down many times over). Is the cause of this similar to the "negative EXP" Mew?
  11. They would, but we can't really stop people from making stupid assumptions.
  12. I was kinda wanting to get my name changed, actually. I asked about it the other day in the chat... I just haven't thought of another name yet. It's only because I use this name everywhere, and I realized I don't really want people to notice this site coming up in a search and presume me to be a cheater.
  13. For shiny Giratina, are you capable of improving the odds for a shiny without making it 100%? Even something like 5-10% might be cool, just to make it fun without being a guarantee.
  14. I've never run into one by chance in the wild, and I've been playing since before shinies existed. It would be so awesome. But.. in Crystal, I got even more lucky and my Eevee was shiny. No soft resetting or anything, just happened within the regular course of my game. ^-^ So, I guess that makes up for it, hahah. Shame I can't transfer it to this generation, though. At the time I didn't even think much of it, figuring it must have been another 100% shiny like Red Gyarados, or at least a high-chance shiny like the egg you get at some point in that game (I got a shiny Smoochum from that >_> ). Once I found out I was really just insanely lucky, I cloned it like mad. I don't think I ever gave it to anyone, though. No shinies in D/P or Platinum yet, aside from ones I chained with the Poke Radar.
  15. I wholeheartedly agree with SCV, although I may trade some legal hacked Pokemon over into my legit cart for my own fun. But if I ever decided to take part in a tournament, I would breed and train from the ground up just like everyone else has to do. Legal or not, it's simply cheating to generate your Pokemon without putting in the same amount of dedication and time that it takes to legitimately raise such a team, and it's just not fair to those who did it the way they were supposed to. I hope the previous winners of Pokemon tournaments have been legit. Wifi battles, maybe it's fair game, I'll have to think about that I guess as long as you don't brag about your record or lie about playing legit, I'd say it's fine (assuming your hacks are legal). Tournaments are the main point to stay very clear on here because they are a big deal and people gather and work hard for them, with prizes at stake. I wouldn't have a clear conscience if I won a tourney with any sort of hacked advantage over players that I beat, even if that advantage is simply the amount of time needed to create the team. The only advantage I consider "fair" is knowledge, and that's why I love Project Pokemon. =) I do think it would be fun to play with strategies this way, though. Just get a friend or two with you on it and have matches with your hacked Pokemon, just to learn about how to handle various strategies and figure out what Pokemon you like working with. Then you can make legit ones if you decide to play serious.
  16. To be honest I think Mew is my favorite, but I feel kind of cheap saying that... So I guess after that... hmm. Spoink is cute :3 and Espeon of course.. and Slowpoke! I have a hard time picking favorites.
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