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Everything posted by derrick

  1. ok thanks i got it by the way can some one trade me a 12th movie arceus i have no wy of makeing one right now with pokesav.
  2. yeah its july 18th in japan i was hopeing to get it today
  3. Hi i usely have my dslite but right now(of all times.) i dont have it it is in another state and i was wondering if some one can trade a legal movie 12th arceus to me? i offer most ds event some gba events and iam also the creater of the first in game curse or ???? type arceus that you can get with out rom editing i cn make one for you or send you one of the ones i already have in my game if i make you one it will be posted here .. as i can not but anything in my offical game card yet. i can only do this trade during this hour texas time 11:17
  4. iam importing it so i can be of some help if needed. you think there will be event ar codes like the darkrai shaymin arceus manaphy egg code for it? if they have those kind of events?
  5. anyway wouldent we see a pokesav out soon after this game comes out? so we should have are questions awnserd then
  6. no i mean its really slow and the graphics are kind of bad do i need another verson of directx or some thing?
  7. hi iam useing a windows xp laptop and when i play platinum on there with no$gba its slow really slow so i was wondering if some one can help me with this problem?
  8. well whats the point of that? i tought it might be for mewtwo like the orbs are for palkia and dialga and giratina.
  9. the burnout tower looks way better! but thats probly just because of graphics anyway the beast overworld sprites i so cool iam probly going to have entei follow me now
  10. theres a bunch of them in my thread missingno into ??? arceus look around there theres a bunch of deffent versons of them also if you read trough the pages in that thread theres info on how to make it.
  11. this would be so awsome!!! i hope it works i tryed the link to your interntet site and it just said gateway time out
  12. so it worked for you? which one did you use? like tell me its summery and stuff
  13. that would be neat for the us ! it looks cool i never expected them to use pokemon ranch graphics
  14. Heh can some one upload a hex editer for me possablely the one you use windslayer? because i lost mind due to my other computer being destroyed!!! also ive edited the first post with the updates check there for codes and files ive uploaded wind slayers non shiny curse arceus and my oringnal shiny one is there two for some reason it wont let me upload the hull of origin curse arceus* *(it looks like the one from the hull of origin) anyway since i cant post it two the first post it is on here some where in one of the post because it wont let me post it here ethier.
  15. Awsome mario pokewalker!! looking at that sheet of sprites i might have regigiges follow me or even giratina if they look like that in HgSs which they most likely will!!!!!
  16. lugia looks cool its better then dimond and pearls i got tired of those and iam deffently going to have those three beast follow me there over world sprites look so cool!!
  17. awsome i would like to see that iam suscribeing to this thread
  18. ok i currently cant test it because my little brother took my only dslite!!!! and hes in another state hes comeing back in two weeks trough....... iam going to kill him
  19. but its real the only reson it shows up hacked is it hasent been programed into the legality checker right?
  20. so wait a minute so most of the ones on here except NTR's is a hack? i know the pkm from that pgt is real two right?
  21. was this message also directed at me because i dont do anything else with the ones ive edited the only ones i use are the ones you made for me and thats only on here.
  22. that would stink if they didnt release it in the us iam geting it from japan by importe so anyway iam goinjg to have a level 1 dragon following me! but we all know there most likely going to release it here.
  23. my little brother has rubey and leafgreen they have codes to get them but not the real way what gba ar do you think is best for that?
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