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St. GIGA last won the day on March 11 2018

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  1. Mod edit: wall of text with no formatting incoming. It is interesting information, so give it a read if you have time. It’s hidden in the spoiler below, so as to not stretch the page. TL;DR: Emerald has a funny RNG, no cheats were involved.
  2. Here you go. You will need to migrate it from Gen3 to Gen7. It's the one that was RNG'd to mimic a PokePark Mew. Emejap_stgigamew.zip
  3. Thanks. Date of tourney would be either 2005-2006 summer, but that's not important.
  4. Maybe game freak would release this attached fan event to a lucky winner of a tourney if it wasn't already extant. It's a shiny guaranteed iv pokepark mew, the only difference to mine is that it is maxed by game freak and awarded a debug ribbon. Due to pid overlap, only one could be given out. Species Mew Nickname チ うぎて OT ポケパ-ク TID 60510 Distribution Serial Code Location a Link Trade Dates ? PID Shiny PID Games SM USUM Lv. 30 Nature Timid Ability Synchronize Item Lum Berry Moves (ITALIC means Relearnable) Psychic Aura Sphere Flamethrower Nasty Plot (no ribbons) Format Ver.1.0.7-0, Post Updated Date:20190107_0707 チ%E3%80%80うぎて-33205466c24fcf9c74748a64b07b45e4.pk7
  5. Version 1.0.0


    I liked the RNGed Faraway Island shiny Mew, made as a PokéPark Mew lookalike, that was posted here last year by St. GIGA, and I thought it might be fun to have something similar for Manaphy. This is possible because the World Hobby Fair Manaphy was given out in a regular Poké Ball and without any kind of event-only ribbons, meaning that a Pokémon Ranger Manaphy can be made to look like it at a first glance, especially once transferred to Gen. V and beyond. OT: みずのたみ ID: 12226 SID: 01337 IVs: 31/27/31/31/29/31 A flawless one could easily be obtained using a different SID, but I wanted the 01337 SID, as a nod to the aforementioned shiny Mew which has 31337 as its SID (31337 might be possible, but I don't personally see the advantage as the delay required would be much longer.) Note: I haven't actually RNGed this; I didn't really care, I just wanted it for my personal collection, but I figured that other people might like the idea and be interested in having a copy of it so I'm submitting it. It should still be legal, regardless. I have included the relevant information from RNGReporter if anybody wishes to verify legality, or if you care about complete legitimacy and would like to RNG your own.
  6. For one, I myself think these changes will legitimize me as a pokemon fan about as much as adding myself into a romhack would... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
  7. The Johto guard glitch might work with the normal method, but don't count on it...
  8. From a gen2 hacking discord: Only new sprites are colorized, gen1 plus older gen2 are from crystal
  9. @SwagKey got JP Blue to trade with 1997 Gold, so maybe the time capsule could make gen2 treat beta as gen1, and using the guard glitch to trade any demomon with gen1 moves in, normalizing it as a gen2 pokemon... @theSLAYER
  10. Try using the time capsule and Johto Guard Glitch between Spaceworld and JP Gold/Crystal to get gen2 mons dumped...
  11. Noticed that Pikachu's model has a half-heart, half-square tail, the male character has a female look to him, while Sugimori's art for the female character shows her as having a boyish face... This sounds to me like they are being gender-tolerant! Yay Nintendo for undoing the Trans Azumarill verdict!
  12. Here is the build of Nintendon't I use. It makes Pokemon Box RS work along with Meteor and maybe Negaiboshi. https://drive.google.com/open?id=1mEjN_cqIRoC2RIK_YVPFhUkPa_1oV7Gp I got it from Github. It is from 2015. No ExFat support. @InsaneNutter It plays legit discs too, so yeah... I also replied to you on your site with the location for the working disc.
  13. @InsaneNutter Dang! I HAVE managed to get Meteor's Disc to work on Nintendon't 3.23 under Native Control. It actually distributes to my GBA, but I already had Wishmaker set. Please do your file magic with the Meteor disc. It works on dolphin and HW.
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