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Everything posted by StarsMmd

  1. It's not a problem, it was intended. Everybody likes shinies after all. You couldn't get them in the original so I made them available again in XG.
  2. Yeah the shiny rate is around the same as in gen 6 using the masuda method with the shiny charm. It's still extremely lucky though! A lot of people will be really jealous.
  3. I get a lot of requests like this but I don't want to change too much because it makes the game harder to pick up. Even the few changes that are already in the game are hard enough to remember. Ampharos and Sceptile have dragon type megas which makes them more obvious. Hack tools will be released this summer though so feel free to modify the game as you please when they do
  4. I'll be compiling such a document when the game is more stable but for now things are still changing a lot. In general there aren't any important moves that you can miss on any evolution line. I would evolve it as soon as possible because in eevee's case in particular it can miss out on important moves by not evolving.
  5. Good luck! Good to hear! They have steel as a secondary typing and have their defensive and offensive stats reversed.
  6. The updates so far work fine with previous save files and most updates will be that way. The next one won't be compatible though. I think I've fixed the problem with the shadow monitor showing old pokemon, but you will still see the old ones if you started the save on a previous version. I'm in the process of adding more shadow pokemon too. If you have passed that pokemon's location in the story then you will never be able to catch it and that would also mean that Miror B won't appear at the end with the last shadow pokemon if you haven't already activated that event before updating. If you don't mind these 2 minor inconveniences then it's okay to use old save files. -Shadow-Pokemon-ideas'>https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?48839-Pokemon--Shadow-Pokemon-ideas
  7. Awesome! The next update will most likely be tomorrow and it will include new shadow Pokemon. The shadow monitor in the pda has also been fixed now. These changes will require a new save file so you should wait before your next playthrough bit you won't have to wait too long ? headbutt was just to mix things up. There are a lot of bs and de users in XG but you rarely see headbutt. The others are available from the move relearner or within 5 levels anyway.
  8. Thanks dude! I already know that opinion is split and even if the majority vote was to update the stats it's a time consuming process so it won't be happening right now either way. I'll just have two versions im the end but my main focus right now is fixing bugs and cleaning up the game. It's still on version 0.9 so don't worry there is lots to come. Just going to require a little time ✌?️
  9. I found the issue! Just a minor error on my part. Will be fixed in the next update.
  10. I try to reply as quickly as possible. I'm in London though so I'm sometimes asleep when those of you in America post.
  11. It's too hard keeping multiple threads up to date. I update this thread a lot. I did make a post on poke community to announce that XG is available on project Pokemon though.
  12. Just leave them in the folders they came in. When you click save it should all be updated automatically.
  13. A small handful of pokemon are modified but a lot of people find it hard to pick up a hack when they have to learn too many stat changes. Personally, I like the idea and was considering it but ultimately decided against it for now. When XG is done I'll probably make a separate version with some updates like that. I don't want to do it now though because it will just be hard to keep both versions up to date with bug fixes and stuff.
  14. I update the original post frequently. It was probably just after you checked
  15. Completely forgot I already posted what you're looking for in a new thread. -Shadow-Pokemon-ideas'>https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?48839-Pokemon--Shadow-Pokemon-ideas Not yet but it will be really quick to do. https://projectpokemon.org/forums/showthread.php?48804-Pokemon-XG-NeXt-Gen Take a look at the known bugs, changelog, notes and "other features" in the original post. It's been updated recently.
  16. Awesome, I'll be sure to check it out. Have fun!
  17. Alright I'll probably do it for version 1.0. Doing it now will most likely have consequences for nintendon't. Thanks
  18. Are you running an old version of dolphin? The latest versions around 4.0 or 5.0 tend to be pretty flawless. You could also use nintendon't if you have a wii or wii u.
  19. Glad you're enjoying it! Be sure to let me know what you think over all.
  20. You have to apply it to a clean ISO again. The save will still work though
  21. I can only assume that it was aiming for something like typhlosion or flareon but you knocked it out before it could land the flamethrower. Otherwise I don't know what happened and I can't really do much about it
  22. It's a strategy programmed into the original to get a flash fire boost on an ally.
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