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Posts posted by jojo12100

  1. 10 hours ago, BlackShark said:

    You don't have to create a python script from the source. It's just the bootstrap and the payload. The first 75 or 76 lines is the bootstrap,anything after is the payload. You would need a way to convert ASM into a Gen 1 Script.

    Or you could just take the bootstrap and the payload from the python script. There you search for the values that you have changed in the source and change them there as well.

    @BlackShark First try with the french .py and it's a huge fail. The save is erased. Can send you my work in private to check but I don't know where do the problem can come from.

    Ps: I can read the modded sav in PkHex, the checksum are okay.

  2. According to Serebii it will be lv60, got an Electric Seed, Electric Surge Ability, the moves Nature's Madness, Discharge, Agility and Electro Ball.

    The code will be available in 7-11, Pokemon Centers, Yodobashi Camera, Aeon Amazon and Rakuten from March 17th to April 9th and the code needs to be redeemed by May 31st.

  3. My bad, I got a lv17 Magnemite in lv1 Island >:(

    I have a new theory: what if the level of the wild Pokemon depends on how much wild Poke is there?

    I mean yesterday 1 alone lv12 Kadabra, today 1 lv17 Magnemite and 1 lv14 Carbink.

  4. Have done some progress today for the French adaptation of the virus thanks to Link but I encounter some problems too:

    -don't know how to transform my edited code source into a usefull .py like the creator did.


    Edit: I published the code source here. Tell me if you see any error, it'll help us.

  5. Yes,it's even easier than I thought.

    I don't have any interest for that but maybe people will have. Why not open a new thread where they can share the .pk7 ?


    I'm actually working on the Mew truck virus and o god that's hard !

  6. I have a new idea of project. Using NTR to dump the rental QR team. Someone with N3DS like @thaleskpl can easily do that.

    Also speaking about the 10ANNIV Rom Link from PokemonLegendary the guy who helps me for the adaptation of the Mew Truck virus told me that:



    So wait and see ^^

    • Like 1
  7. I noticed all offset locations changes done by the virus.

    from 2000 to 23FF; 261A to 261B; 2916 to 297C; 2CF4; 3010 to 303B; 3073 to 307D; 30B5 to 30BD; 30CF to 30D5; 33A1 to 3445; 347D to 3523; 4016 to 445D; 4474 to 4477; 470C to 48D9; 4B6F to 4D26; 4D35 to 4D3B; 505F to 50AB; 513B to 5187; 518B to 519C; 5430 to 550D; 5519 to 55E9; 68CE to 68D9; 6B8F to 6C4A; 6B8F to 6C4A; 6C6B to 6D3C; 6D7E to 6DDD; 6FE6 to 70AC; 70C2 to 719D; 7432 to 75E9; 75F9 to 75FF; 7902 to 796F; 79DE to 7A4B

    Hope it'll help.

  8. Speaking with MrCheeze the creator of this virus and unfortunately I'll not work on the adaptation of his virus for non-US rom so I count on you to do it PPorg members !

    I know it'll not be easy but let's do it to make this urban legend true for everyone.

    I'll work on the French versions and I asked yet help to french developpers I know.

  9. 9 minutes ago, Purin said:

    Just a quick question, but are you (or anyone else) able to disassemble Sun/Moon game code? I'm struggling with another project.

    Personnaly not, I'm pretty sure that most of the game code was decrypted but I ignore if the game was dissassembled.

    Ask to @Dio_Vento or @Holla! for your project maybe they can help you?

  10. 9 hours ago, Wanderer1391 said:

    I'm surprised this wasn't posted as you got your wish @jojo12100

    I wonder if it would be possible to do something similar with the Game Director in Celadon by having him do an in game trade for showing a complete Pokedex as a way to distribute the VC Mew to get around the wrong OT and ID problem.

    I've attached the .py file to this post in case the download limit is hit on the dropbox link.



    To answer you there is an unused trade Mew for Mew in the game (I obtained this mew earlier in this forum). What if you change the data of the Mew received to give him the OT/ID of  Gamefreak's event ?

  11. 52 minutes ago, Holla! said:

    In case anyone didn't see it in my post here I found the offsets for the Pokemon and was able to pull/modify them.

    Visiting Pokemon 1: 3C4AE

    Visiting Pokemon 2: 3C59A

    Visiting Pokemon 3: 3C686

    Great. How do I modify it to make appear 3 Kadabra ? Like that at least one should stay.


    Edit: My bad, it doesn't work like that. I still have to wait a wild Kadabra but I can 100% get it when it'll appear. Why didn't I dump my sav when it was there?

  12. On 25/02/2017 at 7:15 PM, suloku said:

    I've been collecting lots of pelago mons in my sun, I think I have one of each by now, but I only used the pelago after beating the elite 4, so all is 50+ level (including two kadabra). Maybe someone is interested in a collection of pelago pk7? I don't really think there's much to them besides the pelago being met location (the most interesting for me was trevenant, as that is a trade evolution).

    That cool be a good idea if people are not interested by underleved and just want for collection. Change your OT for PPOrg just.


    Still have the bonus of my Totem Quest for you if you help me to get this *** Kadabra! (and I'm pretty sure you'll like it)

  13. 45 minutes ago, BlackShark said:

    Well the 19-P002 card was dumped and is out there. The problem is it will not work on emulators. The mechanics of Emerald and FRLG e-Cards is different from those of Ruby/Sapphire and neither No$GBA nor VBA are handling this correctly.

    Arg. Do you have the file please?

    I have Dotcode print. Just need the file and I'll do it legally


    Edit: All I found is that  :(

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